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Triplets Lila's family seems to be perfect. That's thanks to her mother. Her mother doesn't really understand the concept 'human'. The perfect image she strives to.
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The characters are great and so is the storyline. I love how different her family is, btw Poppy is awesome. The story moves fast and that was good though at the end I wish some things were expanded on more.

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I can't wait to read more! Sep 10, Cali Jewel rated it it was amazing. Action packed, emotionally thrilling, exciting adventure filled with danger around every corner, heart stopping twists, dark secrets and undeniable passion Could not put this journey down and can not wait for the next one to begin.

Dec 14, Danielle Danniegurl marked it as dnf Shelves: paranormal-academy-school-college , vampires-read , short-books , kindle-unlimited-read , magic-witches-etc-read , new-adult-read , wolves-shifters-read , paranormal-romance-read , telling-not-showing , reverse-harem. Sep 03, Julie Jackson rated it it was amazing. Reviewed for SNS I absolutely loved this book. With her heritage, who can blame them.

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When she finds her mates, things start to get weird. Excellent writing with a powerful storyline. Sep 13, Claire Cronin rated it liked it.

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This was my first book by Lia and Hell Fire appears to be the first book in a new series, but apparently is a spin off from another series I haven't read. This would answer why I felt a little lost when I first started this, there seemed to be something missing in the story line that I had missed, and this explains why, even though it can be read as a stand alone, I feel like I have missed out by not reading the previous series - but when I got into it and got my head around their paranormal This was my first book by Lia and Hell Fire appears to be the first book in a new series, but apparently is a spin off from another series I haven't read.

This would answer why I felt a little lost when I first started this, there seemed to be something missing in the story line that I had missed, and this explains why, even though it can be read as a stand alone, I feel like I have missed out by not reading the previous series - but when I got into it and got my head around their paranormal world I did enjoy it! Meda is the eldest of the triplets, the hybrid daughters of the High Alpha and her 3 mates, not to mention the grand daughters of Lucifer and his wife, aka Poppy and Lillipad!

A new college campus has been built for them to keep them safe rather than going to school in the human world, only a mile away from mum and dads! But the girls just want to feel normal and can't wait to do things for themselves, even though they are escorted everywhere by Sentinels. On top of just starting college, Meda meets her fated mates, all 3 of them, and things start to get complicated.

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She starts blacking out and losing time, and other students turn into walking if live zombies. Someone has a grudge somewhere, and their new room mate isn't all she's cracked up to be either. Good world building and introductions to Meda and her sisters, as well as her mates and all the rest of the other characters that appear in there, and there are a lot to keep track of!! But I did still enjoy it and look forward to reading more in this series. Jul 25, Jennifer G rated it really liked it.

However, their overprotective parents, not to mention their grandparents aren't going to risk their safety in the human world so they built a college campus for the paranormal youth of the world And they sent a small battalion of security guards to campus with them. Still, this is as much freedom as the triplets, Meda, Tala, and The hybrid triplet daughters of the High Alphas Jillian and Kane and their Beta mates Voss and Quin are ready for college. Still, this is as much freedom as the triplets, Meda, Tala, and Ami have ever known. Meda especially plans to take every advantage of this chance to feel "normal".

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Too bad as the future High Alpha, her life just isn't meant to be normal. First, she meets her mates, then she starts blacking out and losing time, then other students on campus are doing their best zombie impersonations. Meda knows that if she tells her parents what is going on, her college experience is over, so she wants to solve these mysteries on her own. Sometimes, however, you need a little help! This spin-off series featuring Jillian's daughters is fantastic. I love these triplet hybrids. This may have been Meda's story but it did introduce us to all the girls and set the stage for future books.

Peter, Dorian, and Sterling are good matches for Meda and will definitely have their hands full with this powerful firebug.

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I love how close the sisters are with one another and their parents and I absolutely adore their relationship with Poppy. I enjoyed every second of this book. It's one you will definitely not put down once you start. It's entertaining and as funny as can be.


Demon-drunk Meda is my favorite. She had me laughing out loud over her antics. I look forward to Tala's story with her security. Nov 04, Monica rated it liked it. This is a spin-off of Covens End which I have only read Kane. I honestly didnt realize it was a spin-off until the confusion on some of the things I've read in here.

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I mean you could read it as a stand alone I guess but its clear we're missing some information. It would be better to read all the others in Covens End and then this one. This is about their children. Their 3 daughters. Each book though is about each one of their daughters. Meda, Tala, and Ami. Fire, water, and air powers. This is Meda's story and its interesting. I did find at times it was kinda all over the place. Its definitely YA which technically they are in their early 20s but they do seem to act like teenagers sometimes.

That got annoying but honestly it was in the beginning.

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The beginning of this book was hard for me to get into because of it. It took some time and I did put it down a little bit for a break. I think I also had a hard time with Meda's character she's got some full of herself moments. I think she got knocked down a peg or 2 and was vulnerable when she couldnt control things. So, that was good. I think I wanted a little more story of her and her mates. We dont get a lot. I liked their characters though and they were all 3 different!

Vampire, witch, and wolf. It was obvious who the villain was so that really wasnt a secret So, its a cliffhanger but its not. Not a bad story though. Jul 31, Denise Van plew rated it it was amazing Shelves: arc-given-for-review. It was intriguing to enter into a spin off per say from another series where I had read about the parents now it is the kids turn. These three girls are going to prove to be quite interesting indeed with each coming into their own. Meda is the first one whom also is in tune with fire and takes us on the journey starting with going to college.

But then the university is its own but their are a collective of others that go there also. The heat begins first with followed by drama that picks the It was intriguing to enter into a spin off per say from another series where I had read about the parents now it is the kids turn.

Triplets Disappointed With News Mom Is Having More Triplets

The heat begins first with followed by drama that picks the curiosity factor. This will have a mix of things to keep a readers attention. Meda will face many challenges with also her hurdles and help will come from unexpected corners. When the story really heats up your head will be bopping and chuckles will ensue at some of the things that will pop out of her mouth. Also what started out as different for her parents will be make sense for these guys.

By the time you reach the end of this one you will not be ready to leave and let go. Aug 01, Terri rated it it was amazing.