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Most of them were foreigners, former soldiers and pilgrims from Santiago de Compostela in Galicia. The royal court attracted many Spanish and foreign artists and the city became the artistic and literary hub in Spain.

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The most impressive buildings of Madrid de los Austrias the name used for the old city centre , include the Plaza Mayor , the Town Hall, certain churches and the court jail. During the eighteenth century, Madrid took part in the War of the Spanish Succession , caused by the death of Charles II, who died without an heir. As a way of thanking Madrid for its support, Philip V commissioned new palaces and buildings , including the Bridge of Toledo , and the Royal Palace of Madrid , which was built to replace the Royal Alcazar, burnt down in Charles IV continued with these reforms, but on a smaller scale.

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Nevertheless, the lower classes were still exposed to periodic famines and their discontent led to political turmoil, like the Esquilache Riots March and the Mutiny of Aranjuez The efforts made by the Bourbons to transform Madrid into a modern and developed city were interrupted by the Napoleonic Wars. However, Madrid was practically the same size it had been during the Habsburg period.

After World War II, Madrid, besides being a key consumer market, went through a period of modernisation in which large companies were set up and certain industries like the chemical-pharmaceutical, metallurgical and electromechanical began to develop. Currently, six million people live in Madrid's metropolitan area and it is one of the most important cities in Europe. Toledo's past is a complex mix of these three great religions.

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Today Toledo is filled with tourists day-tripping from Madrid, a quick minute train ride to the north. And its main sights were beautifully renovated just a few years ago when the town marked the th anniversary of El Greco's death.

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The two biggies are the magnificent cathedral, with a jaw-dropping interior and a sacristy swathed in El Greco's work, and the Santa Cruz Museum, with its own world-class collection of El Greco paintings. The cathedral is shoehorned into the old center, where its exterior rises brilliantly above the town's medieval clutter.

A Walk Around Toledo, Spain

The interior is laden with elaborate wrought-iron work, lavish wood carvings, and window after colorful window of year-old stained glass. It's so lofty, rich, and vast that visitors wander around like Pez dispensers stuck open, whispering "Wow.

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The cathedral's spectacular altar — real gold on wood, by Flemish, French, and local artists — is one of the country's best pieces of Gothic art. The complex composition shows the story of Jesus' life, conveying the Christian message of salvation.

He found employment in Toledo, where he developed his unique painting style, mixing icon-like faces from his Greek homeland, bold color, and twisting poses from his time in Italy, and almost mystical spirituality from Catholic Spain. Finished one year before El Greco's death, it's the culmination of his inimitable style, combining all his signature elements to express an other-worldly event.

Catalog Record: Toledo, the story of an old Spanish capital | HathiTrust Digital Library

No painter before or since has captured the supernatural world better than El Greco. It's worth a stop if only to see El Greco's panoramic map of the city as it appeared in commissioned to promote Toledo after the king moved to Madrid and the city was no longer Spain's capital. A day full of El Greco and the romance of Toledo after dark puts me in the mood for game and other traditional cuisine.