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Excerpted from "Wisdom of the Carpenter" by Ron Miller, with permission from Ulysses Press. Jesus' wisdom teaching takes two classic forms: parables and.
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He is the Wisdom that we desire. He is the Wisdom that we must have.

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Now, metaphorically we could say we should seek that Wisdom who is Jesus, as a bride, as a beautiful beloved, as one that we would adore, as one that we would worship, the one that we would want to be together with, that we would want to be his home. We would want Wisdom to dwell in us. We would want to become wise. But that Wisdom in the human form is Jesus Christ the God-man. Here, St. Bulgakov in Russia picked this up, but he treated it in a very strange and idiosyncratic manner which we do not need to get into here on the radio at all.

You can read Fr. A lot of them are translated into English now. But Fr. Bulgakov saw in Wisdom a kind of very unique thing in the Godhead, almost to the point where you have Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and then Wisdom somehow as a special characteristic of God, somehow even identified with the very nature of God himself, because of that quality of Wisdom to bring everything together and put it proper order and to keep in harmony.

Bulgakov for this. You just need the Bible and the Church Fathers to tell us that the Wisdom of God is not a created thing. As St. The Logos is an element of the very, very being of God himself, and that element has its personification for human beings in Jesus Christ our Lord. But Athanasius says exactly the same thing about Wisdom. He said if you read the Bible, you read the Psalms, you read the Proverbs, you read Ecclesiastes, you read the Wisdom of Solomon, you see that Wisdom is always with God.

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And it is not a creature. Athanasius will argue against the Arians that God does not create Wisdom. There is divine Wisdom. And, of course, that Wisdom that God made at the beginning of the age, by whom he created all things, is Jesus Christ. If we just followed this type of argumentation: if, according to the Scripture, God does everything by his Wisdom—he creates in Wisdom, sanctifies in Wisdom; he acts in Wisdom; he is not a fool; God is not foolish.

God is not stupid. Paul, for example, would say very clearly that God creates everything by Christ—by Christ, through Christ, in Christ, for Christ—just exactly in the same way as the Old Testament would speak about the divine Wisdom. So St. And here St. If you contemplate the stars and the moon and the plants and the animals and the trees, that you have a revelation of the very Wisdom of God in all of these things, as well as his power, as well as his beauty, as well as his truth, as well as his glory and his splendor.

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That Wisdom is also there, revealed. And then, according to St. It was the first creative act of God: to create Wisdom, and then God uses his Wisdom as an instrument, as a kind of demi-urgos through which he does all of his activities. The very Wisdom by which God acts is divine. God is not wisdomless. Just like Jesus in the flesh is the expression of everything of God. And we should remember that Jesus is always the God-man. You can make a distinction between what is divine and what is human, but they are united inseparably, without division, in Jesus.

So you have Athanasius even saying that the same way that, it says in Scripture, God kind of redeemed the world in Christ before the foundation of the world, so you can say he also revealed his Wisdom in creation and had it in mind even before the foundation of the world; that that Wisdom that is revealed in Christ and as Christ was with God before the foundation of the world.

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And sometimes the New Testament speaks that way in a very striking manner. It would say, for example, that Jesus was the Lamb of God before the foundation of the world. He was the redeemer of the world before the world was even made, because that is an element of his very being as a person, as the Son of God, that God knew before he even created the world. At that time, then, the words had to be defined very, very carefully. So the Fathers would make a distinction [between] what exists just according to the very being of God and then what exists according to the will of God.

What does God bring into existence which before was not? And here, when this is applied to Jesus, you have this distinction very clearly made. He did not create for himself a word. He does not create for himself wisdom. Wisdom, word, power, spirit: these are realities that are divine. Nevertheless, certainly when it comes to Jesus Christ, who is a man, born and becoming man [by] the Virgin Mary, then you have all of these realities now being shown forth, depicted, and revealed in human form.

So you have Jesus as the Wisdom that God fashioned for humanity from before the foundation of the world, revealed in the world in human form, but that very Wisdom itself was before, as we heard in Proverbs, before the mountains had been shaped, before the hills, before he made the earth with its fields, or [before] there was any dust in the world.

When he established the heavens, that Wisdom was already there, and that Wisdom is the very Wisdom of God himself. And then it adds a very wonderful thing. You find this throughout the Bible so that you cannot think of God without his Spirit, and you cannot think of God without his Word or his Wisdom. But then the Spirit is the spirit of the Word. Here again we have that same teaching that we have all the time: there is no Word without Spirit.

There is no Wisdom without Spirit. There is no truth without Spirit.

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There is no life without Spirit. He pointed out with St. In Wisdom there is a Spirit that is intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, mobile, clear, unpolluted, distinct, invulnerable, loving the good, keen, irresistible, beneficent, humane, steadfast, sure, free from anxiety, all-powerful, overseeing all, penetrating through all spirits that are intelligent and pure and most subtle.

For Wisdom itself is more mobile than any motion.

Because of her pureness she pervades and penetrates all things. For she is a breath , a wind of the power of God, and a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty. Therefore nothing defiled gains entrance into her.

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For Wisdom is a reflection of eternal light, a spotless mirror of the working of God, an image of his goodness. And here we will see that logos word and chokhma wisdom, sophia [are] identified with eikona , with icon, with image. We will talk about that later. Though Wisdom is but one, she can do all things. And while remaining in herself, she renews all things.

In every generation, Wisdom passes into holy souls and makes them friends of God and prophets, for God loves nothing so much as the man who lives with Wisdom. For she is more beautiful than the sun and excels every constellation of the stars. Compared with the light, she is found to be superior, for it is succeeded by the night, but against Wisdom, evil does not prevail. She reaches mightily from one end of the earth to the other, and she orders all things well.

I loved her and sought her from my youth. I desired to take her for my bride. I became enamored of her beauty. She glorifies her noble birth by living with God, and the Lord of all loves her. She is an initiate in the knowledge of God, an associate in his works. And it goes on and on and on about these qualities of Wisdom and the Spirit that dwells within Wisdom, and in this book it even speaks about that spirit being the Holy Spirit.

So wisdom is saving. Wisdom is illumining. Wisdom is empowering. All these things of the Old Covenant about Wisdom, in the New Testament are clearly applied to Jesus the Christ, Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, and [this is] undoubtedly in the New Testament, where you have that most specifically stated. Besides [this], you have lines in the New Testament that say, for example, that in Christ there dwells all of the fullness of knowledge and wisdom; you have those kinds of expressions in the New Testament.

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Paul is writing in that very first chapter. So here in Corinthians, he continues:. Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has God not made foolish the wisdom of the world? Paul says that human beings gave up their wisdom.