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Indeed, the fast is only virtuous due to two significant concepts. Firstly, it is a secret and hidden action thus, no one from the creation is able to.
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The secret to healthy ageing: Diet, exercise, and a crash course in cell biology

This is exactly what the majority of Christians do when it comes to their prayer life. What is this tool? As we come to the end of our 40 days of prayer, I want to introduce you to the practice of fasting, as it is taught in the Bible, and challenge you to begin using this discipline to hop up your communication with God. In Matthew 6 , Jesus gives some foundational teaching about some activities that he assumes will be a part of the life of his followers.

No problem, we know this. No problem, this is normal. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Fasting is for everyone who follows Christ. It is a tool God has given us to increase our spiritual power and help us communicate more intimately with God. But what good does it really do? James Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. There are many ways we can demonstrate our humility before God, but choosing to go without food for the sake of spiritual things is one of the more practical ways. Will you do what your flesh is urging you to do, or will you rely upon God for his strength?

Sermon Topics: Prayer Adoration. Free Worship Song Lyrics. Weekly Sermon Collections. Online Sermon Editor. Home Sermons 7. View all Sermons. Key scripture: Matthew Why should we fast? James , 1Cor 3. Jonah , Daniel 9 , Nehemiah 1 4. Acts , 5. We fast to receive deliverance in times of crisis.

  1. The Hidden Secret to Health, Wellness and Aging.;
  2. The Intermittent Fasting Secret that No One is Talking About?
  3. Psyche Diver: The Demons Cry (The Psyche Diver Series Book 3).
  4. The Autumn House (The Seasonal House Series).
  5. Reshaping the Prince: A Twisted Fairy Tale.

INTRO: Having the right tool, and knowing when to use it, is critical to the success of a building project. Why should we fast? I've talked to a couple of people, patients actually, who've come here as well who've told me about www.

Discover the Secrets of Intermittent Fasting

It's my honor. Cyrus Khambatta, PhD: Great! Well, Dr. Tell us what got you into wanting to learn about the benefits of fasting in the first place. Nathan Gershfeld, DC: The story actually starts when I was a lot younger, where my mom and dad would feed me good healthy food, but I really had a taste for the unhealthy food.

So, they would feed normal food and I'd go take bike rides and stop at the donut shop, or stop at the local convenience store and get junk food, and this continued all the way through high school and college. I mean, in high school, I would eat the food that my mom would pack me, but I was connoisseur of vending machines and had a lot of foods in there that weren't very good for me. This continued into college and this all kind of culminated to where, one day my mom noticed that I had a tumor in my neck, and went to the doctor.

I had a tumor, they found out it was… That I also had Hashimoto thyroiditis, and hypothyroidism, and I learned later all that was result of my poor diet and lifestyle. At the same time, my grandmother, who was a chiropractor as well, had always been talking about diet and lifestyle, diet and lifestyle, diet and lifestyle. And she talked a lot about it in her practice. And I remember growing up and she would come and visit us, and we would have to hide all the candies and cookies because if she found them, she would throw them away.

How is it that I got unhealthy? So I asked her some advice, she pointed me in certain directions of reading about. And then I read some raw food cookbook by Victoria Boutenko and all kinds of different books. And kind of went down…. Robby Barbaro: Was that Green for Life?

Robby Barbaro: Classic.

Spiritual Fasting - A Secret Source of Power

Nathan Gershfeld, DC: Yeah. And it was interesting, that was like the first window into the health world, that was outside of the normal medical mainstream. If that's true of a machine that was designed by humans, why isn't it also true of humans that were designed by nature? You have to put in good fuel, and you have to put in the fuel that you were designed for, so that made some sense.

And at the same time, what I was finding was trying to eat the healthy food, was actually really difficult. Now I was dealing with cravings, I'm going through withdrawals: Coffee withdrawals, fast food withdrawals. Now I eat really healthy food and then, few days later, I'd be on a good kick and then I'd be craving all kinds of salty, oily, you know, fast food. That was really interesting. She also pointed me in the direction of some crazy water clinic, she called it a juice fasting water clinic, in San Francisco.

So I looked it up, found out it was TrueNorth, the original TrueNorth Health Center, which was called the Center for Conservative Therapy, and read some more information about it, touched base with my dad and mom who were kind of interested in this, they were of course, as parents, they were very worried about me because none of us knew anything about what this meant.

And talked to Dr. Goldhamer, scheduled a fast and went up there, and did I was supposed to do a 30 day fast and that was supposed to get rid of the tumor, get rid of everything and I'll be back to normal. But turns out I wasn't as tough as I thought I was, because five days in I was sneaking into their kitchen and eating one of the apples in the kitchen because I felt so miserable. I felt so miserable. That was eye opening and humbling.

Prayer and Fasting The Secret of Power

That was an interesting turning point because I re-fed… They keep you there for a couple of days after a short fast. Swiss chard tasted salty to me, potatoes were like incredible, carrots were candy, that was like… It was a big turning point because I stopped craving these junk foods.

Every once in a while, I'd have little pull, but it was nowhere near what it was when I was struggling at first. So six months, I think a couple of months go by, and I kept eating the food, and I had kept the blood order the Dr. Peter Sultana, the medical doctor in TrueNorth, had given me to retest this once I'm kind of back on track. Cyrus Khambatta, PhD: Wow. Nathan Gershfeld, DC: My antibodies actually went back to normal. And my hypothyroidism, my TSH level went back to normal.

So I was like, if you can say sold when it comes to healthcare, like I was sold. Robby Barbaro: That's incredible. Nathan Gershfeld, DC: And that was just five days. I've been trying really hard for the six months before, the nine months before, then eating healthy, so I'm sure that had something to do with it, but that was incredible. And I remember thinking to myself, this was like my… I had done the fast a month after I graduated from engineering school.

So went to visit a chiropractic school, applied, got in, of course they wanted an engineer there and I was starting in September, and I remember getting there and just from that point on, it was like, I knew that, what I had changed my careers to. That's what I love, that was my path. So, I called Dr. Robby Barbaro: What year was that you did the fast? Nathan Gershfeld, DC: It was about 14 years ago, 13 years ago or so. And I asked him if he could let me come in and just follow him around, things like that and I promised him that keep my mouth shut, my eyes and ears open, shiny shoes, washes dishes clean, as long as he kept me, as long as he let me come.

I did that before school and learned, I mean, here's the cool thing, is everything that was written in that book, The Pleasure Trap, and everything that he had written in his articles and everything that I've heard from him. I saw… Patients were actually getting better, people with lupus, people with type 2 diabetes, people with high blood pressure.

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Even type 1 diabetics, who can't fast on water only; they were improving their blood sugar control just on doing a good healthy diet. I was sold immediately. I spent three weeks there at first, and then that set up a relationship where I could go back during my school breaks and I kept doing that throughout my entire schooling, but before I graduated, we had an option in school to do our final semester at a doctor's office, so I put in the paperwork and I did my last four months, I think, of my last semester at TrueNorth where I was there full time, and invited me to be on staff, one of the staff doctors.

I got licensed and was on staff there for about 3 years, and then moved down here, a couple years after that, and now I'm starting my own little fasting escape center. Robby Barbaro: This is fantastic and I'm excited to talk more about fasting, but I'm just curious: So, your tumor went away? Nathan Gershfeld, DC: The tumor did not go away. Robby Barbaro: We got it, we got it. Cyrus Khambatta, PhD: And that's with five days of fasting, right?

Nathan Gershfeld, DC: Right, right. So, what had happened was, in the 9 months or so, between when I found out about it and did a fast, it went through ups and downs. So I had been trying these herbs, or some cleanses and stuff, and not really doing very well and doubled in size. So, it's still there, but it's like a tiny, tiny thing, and I really haven't done many fasts since then. Robby Barbaro: Okay, so tell us: What exactly is water fasting, and who is a good candidate for water fasting? Nathan Gershfeld, DC: Fasting is defined as the complete abstinence of all food and drink, except for pure water in an environment of complete rest.

So, if you're doing a fast, but you going to work and you're exercising, that's not a fast. If you're doing what you think is a fast and you're doing juice and broth, and cayenne pepper, and lemonade, maple syrup, and all that stuff, that's not a fast. A fast is a complete restful period, where your body can rest, and relax, and go through certain changes that can reverse certain diseases.