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Ready to feel more thankful? Check out amazing thanksgiving quotes that will have you counting your blessings all year.
Table of contents

William Jennings Bryan. Joyce Giraud. Sam Lefkowitz. Craig D. William Blake. Gilbert K.

Alphonse Karr. Victoria Osteen. Catherine Pulsifer. Meister Eckhart. Bil Keane. John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Amelia Barr. Gerald Good. We are consistently reminded to give thanks for all that we have, especially friends and family. Maybe you are lacking close relationships or recently have gone through a major breakup or loss of a loved one. Maybe you do have others in your life, but your relationships are conflictual or disappointing. Perhaps you have lost your job or have serious or chronic health problems, which make it difficult to feel thankful.

Or you might struggle with depression or other mental health problems that make getting through every day a challenge. For some people, reminders to be thankful can bring joy. When you are struggling, being prompted to be thankful may seem insensitive. You may feel misunderstood, alone, or isolated. You might feel like everyone around you is thankful and full of joy, and you are alone in your thanklessness. You may feel annoyed or even angry if it seems that others want you to be thankful to fit their schema for the holiday.

If this is how you feel, getting through the holiday can be challenging. Here are some ideas for making it a bit easier. Accept your feelings and be compassionate with yourself. You may think that you are supposed to feel thankful on Thanksgiving. This is especially true if there are some aspects of your life that are positive, such as good health or a steady job. However, sometimes our struggles weigh heavily on us, making it difficult to appreciate our blessings. If this is happening to you, that is alright. It happens to the best of us.

Either way, please see yourself and treat yourself with the compassion and understanding that you deserve. Accepting your feelings is important because it can bring you more peace than trying to fight them. In addition, accepting your feelings is important because denying feelings can lead to other problems.

Make a plan for challenging interactions.

How to Be Thankful on Thanksgiving

Many holidays have fallen apart as a result of quibbling throughout the day or full-blown arguments. Thanksgiving dinner is probably not the best time for proving that you are right or making a case for something controversial that is important to you, especially if you are not feeling your best. Instead of trying to win those arguments, try embracing the goal of getting through the day with as much grace and peace as possible.

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To do this, you need to think about what you will do when someone sets you off or gets under your skin that will deescalate the tension. Doing any of these things will probably mean that you are being the bigger person. Make a plan if you are going to spend the day alone. For any number of reasons, many people find themselves alone on Thanksgiving when they rather would spend the day with others.

2. A Roof Over Your Head and the Floor Beneath Your Feet

Certainly, there can be ways to get around this, such as inviting others to your home, asking a friend if you can join them even if doing so is a little awkward , or volunteering at a homeless shelter or other location serving Thanksgiving dinner. If none of these ideas appeal to you or are possible, you can still make peace with the holiday on your own. The irony here is that many of us would typically be thrilled to have a day to ourselves with no expectations for productivity.

Now is the time to start re-framing how you think about this day on your own. So, how can you make the best of it? What would you do if the day were not a holiday? But a good plan for filling the time with things you enjoy should help the hours roll by faster and with more pleasant moments. End the day with something to look forward to.

Things To Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving

What do you most enjoy doing in the hour or two before going to sleep? Download and sing one or all of these kid-friendly songs about Thanksgiving that include old favorites as well as songs sung by contemporary artists for children. Play a Thanksgiving Memory Game. Go around the table and ask each person to name something that makes them feel thankful, but with a catch.

Each individual must repeat the thanks of all the people who preceded them before adding their thanks to the list. Thanks All Around. Assuming your Thanksgiving table is filled with close friends and family, and not guests who are meeting one another for the first time, go around the table and invite each person to say why they're thankful for the person sitting next to them.

9 Reasons to Be Thankful This Thanksgiving

It can be the person on their right, left, or even both sides. Make a Thanksgiving Scrapbook. Create a holiday scrapbook that will be more cherished as the years pass. Take a blank scrapbook and each year put in photos of the family and friends gathered that year; photos of all of the food served; add notes about special things that happened that day; recipes for the dishes and notes about who created each dish. Ask each person to write in the book what they are thankful for that year. Thanks for the Memories.

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Take out the Thanksgiving scrapbook and leave it within easy reach for everyone to enjoy reading and discussing favorite memories from past years. A Picture Says a Thousand Words. Give the children paper and crayons and invite them to draw pictures of the things that they feel most grateful for this year. Create a Thankful Mural.