Guide Sympathetic Character

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A sympathetic character is a fictional character in a story whom the writer expects the reader to identify with and care about, if not necessarily admire.
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We could possess the same character flaw or do the same evil thing as someone else, and we hate them for doing it, but can justify it when it's us doing it. I was at dinner the other night and observed one of the most unlikeable characters I've ever heard.

Sympathetic character - Wikipedia

I snatched occasional glances at his table. He never looked up. And he never stopped whining. It was a rapid monologue conducted in a self pitying childlike voice. He seemed to be about 28 and the older man with him must have been his father. I know mental illness must have been part of the cause of his endless chronicle of terrible wrongs done him. All I wanted to do was shut out the sound of his voice and escape into my book. Just the thought of him is sending me back to my own post on chocolate. Great article and true.

To what extent is Medea a sympathetic character?

I think the reason my romance story is good is because though the MC is a skinhead, he obviously possess the charisma and intellect of someone more. Like you said on here. This post specifically brought to mind Jack Bauer from the 24 TV series. There was a point in the last season at which he began to become more and more comfortable with unnecessary horrible things, and it was disgusting.

I definitely lost interest in the show after that. I think you need to have your Heroes and Villains dip into situations or actions that are out of character. The bad guy who just got finished killing a family of 5 because he followed them home from the diner because they annoyed him by letting their kid run around. Yet as he leaves he helps an old lady by holding the door open for her even though it will make him late to the soup kitchen he volunteers at. This reminds me of Paradise Lost. Satan is basically the hero—he's so horrible, yet extremely charismatic.

And then he does something a little TOO horrible and you're shocking into realizing, wow, I've been on the side of Satan…Which was probably what Milton intended. Your email address will not be published.

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Submit Comment. I used to be a literary agent at Curtis Brown Ltd. Let me help you with your book! My blog has everything you need to know to write, edit, and publish a book. Reach out. What makes characters sympathetic and unsympathetic by Nathan Bransford Jul 11, Uncategorized 40 comments. Ashley Prince on July 11, at pm. Wonderful post! Ted Fox on July 11, at pm. Kim Wright on July 11, at pm.

But not if these changes seem too abrupt or too falsely dramatic Reply. Grier on July 11, at pm. Julie Nilson on July 11, at pm. Loree Huebner on July 11, at pm.

What’s “redeemability?”

I am nervous about losing the readers for such a strong beginning…but it does work. I'm querying this book soon. Laura Drake on July 11, at pm. This is such a timely post for me. Now I know how to fix that… thanks! Rick Daley on July 11, at pm. Posts like this are why I keep reading this blog, that was an excellent breakdown.

sympathetic figure/character

The automobile in my possession. Anonymous on July 11, at pm. Jaycee Adams on July 11, at pm. Loree: We must have some reason to like the character. Leo Godin on July 11, at pm. Nathan: Great post. It's nice to be able to define a concept we innately understand. Nancy Thompson on July 11, at pm. I only hope an agent out there sees that or I'm toast! Matt Heppe on July 11, at pm. Nasty and redeemable can make for a great character. Veronika Walker on July 11, at pm. Craig on July 11, at pm. Stella on July 11, at pm. Re: Breaking Bad Reply. Hudson on July 11, at pm.

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I remember when this post first appeared, Nathan, and it's still good advice. Christian on July 11, at pm. Another great post! Let's face it, in most cases baddies are just so damn interesting. Barbara Kloss on July 11, at pm. What a great post! I love your equation — never thought of it that way. D on July 11, at pm. Munk on July 11, at pm. Isabella Amaris on July 11, at pm. This is one of the problems I've always had with my protagonists — not so much my villains — somehow, my villains always end up redeeming themselves, even if by a thin thread; Ugh, back to the protagonist's redeemability drawing board for me… Reply.

Val on July 11, at pm.

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She begins coming up with plans to kill King Duncan and stops at nothing to make sure Macbeth goes with the plan. This includes questioning his strength and courage, which he takes great pride in. To alter favor ever is to fear. She is telling Macbeth to not worry about the deed that is to be done, that she has it all handled. He is disturbed by her sudden behavior, and she continued to manipulate him. Hath it slept since?

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How say you? If thou canst nod, speak too. Shakespeare 3. He saw the ghost of Banquo after the murderers came back from killing Banquo. Macbeth was hallucinating and was afraid to face what he had done. He was already drowning in guilt with the regular nightmares and hallucinations, yet continued killing to keep his undeserved throne.

He sees fully and painfully the wickedness of the course he has chosen, but not until after the deed, when the knocking has commenced, do we realize how terrifyingly alive his conscience is In conclusion, not all fictional characters who are seen as evil are actually evil. Macbeth was a sympathetic character because he was deceived, pressured, and fearful. Tragic heroes and villains do have differences. Booth, Wayne C. Kumaresan, P. Access through your institution. Buy or subscribe.