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We have been able to celebrate behaviour which bring us life and energy and address, and name, behaviours which drain us and cause unhelpful stress.

Reach new heights | Ohio's Amish Country

Thank you. Joanne has been has been instrumental in helping us to roll out our employee coaching programme. She carried out a series of training workshops for each employee and we have now implemented a support network across the firm. Joanne tailor made the coach training programme according to our specific needs and through getting to know our firm. I would highly recommend working with Joanne.

Thank you so much for the last few days! You've helped build my confidence and have given me many tools to help me on my journey within my company and through life! You've been a very inspiring trainer and a great coach. Thank you! March You engage people really well and get the quiet ones to speak out The coaching session [after the training] allowed me to understand that the key to developing myself is within me. That is not only encouraging but also allows me to be more positive about how I will deal with the managerial challenges ahead.

Thank you for your brilliant input and support - you're doing a diamond job with our budding managers and making a huge difference. So glad you are part of the team. I really like the positive messaging you put to the group early on. It set the atmosphere up for growth and motivation. My coaching series with Joanne exceeded all my expectations. Joanne helped me re-evaluate my career goals having been lucky enough to have progressed through my organisation at a relative fast pace.

My time with Joanne has given me space to reflect and consider the future as well as focusing on making small changes to the way I think. As a result of my coaching sessions my professional profile has grown, both internally and externally, and I have been fortunate enough to be invited to speak and publish articles on a range of fascinating subjects. Of course I still experience the complexities of combining a career in a male-dominated industry with the joys and responsibility of family life, but Joanne helped me to reframe difficult issues and find flexibility and breakthrough.

I love how I feel about my job — I consider myself very lucky and I am enjoying the here and now. My coaching sessions with Joanne have really helped me navigate a challenging season of leadership at work.

When we first started out I felt really stuck, overwhelmed and frustrated with my inability to move forward. Our time together has not only helped me through my current situation, but has also given me key insights about myself that will help me navigate these times better in the future. I have been overwhelmed with the impact of my coaching sessions with Joanne. I have been able to recognise myself for who I really am, which has changed my thinking and approach to strategising. I have also seen a reduction in my business and home stresses and strains. August I am delighted with the results of Joanne's work with our leadership team.

Joanne has real skill in allowing leaders to self identify the key barriers to their progress. She is then able to work effectively with them to not just overcome those issues but, when appropriate, to turn them into strengths. Working with Joanne has given me space to think, reflect and do things differently, which has led me to new insights about myself and how I work. This new thinking has enabled me to manage stressful periods in a more constructive way, for me and my team. Joanne has helped me implement simple steps that have made a huge difference, both at home and at work.

The Performance Quadrant: Reaching New Heights of Success

I have been working with Joanne for the past 6 months and I can honestly say it is the best thing I have ever done for my business. Joanne has helped me to crystallise my long term and short term goals and helped me to really believe that these ambitious goals are achievable. I am at a pivotal point in my existing business and in the process of launching two new businesses and Joanne has really helped me to think through, plan out and implement all the issues that I am facing in achieving my business goals.

Every day new things are happening, and it is good to keep up with the trend in your industry. You have to research on what your customers want and what the competitors are offering. This will help you to develop better strategies to improve and expand your business. By knowing what your major competitor is doing to attract customers, you can do better on the same to retain and attract more customers. Train your employees on the latest skills in the market to help them execute their core skills to your customers.

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Remember that more businesses are taking their operations online. It thus means that you have to follow suit if you are to compete with your business rivals. You have to allocate more resources to the highly productive areas and to deploy better marketing strategies.

All this will be decided after you have carried out research on the best tools to deploy in attracting more customers. You have to expand your market if you want to expand your business. A viable marketing campaign will be result-oriented where you can increase your target audience to bring in new customers.

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Going into new markets means new strategies and tools. Everything has to be in place if you want to venture into new markets. Expanding a business in this form will require expertise and extensive research into the new markets. You have to hire new employees and prepare a new business plan on how you will execute the new plan. All these changes will require financing. You can apply a business loan to help you finance the new venture. We use cookies in order to personalize your experience, display relevant advertising, offer social media sharing capabilities and analyze our website's performance.

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Reach new heights

You have to scale through numerous obstacles and rejections before you can term your business as successful. Listen to the audio version Continue listening Pause Stop. To reach new heights by expanding your business, you have to focus on the following: Set New Goals Goals help you and your team to direct resources to areas which will result in the achievement of those goals.