PDF Java Quick Syntax Reference (The Experts Voice)

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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Mikael Olsson is a professional web entrepreneur, programmer, and author. He works for an R&D company in Finland.
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To represent an array of primitive types, Kotlin provide separate array classes, one for each primitive type: IntArray , DoubleArray , BooleanArray and so on:. Unlike Java, Any is also the supertype of primitive types such as Int :. Under the hood, the Any type corresponds to java. The is operator checks if an expression is an instance of a type:.

The as operator tries to cast a value to a type:. The safe cast operator as? The safe cast operator pairs extremely well with the Elvis operator:. To iterate over numbers, instead, Kotlin supports the concept of range.

Java Quick Syntax Reference (The Expert's Voice)

A s the name implies, a range is just an interval between two values, usually numbers but not limited to:. In fact, the Working with arrays or collections, using the destructuring syntax along with the withIndex standard library function or the indices property, you can keep track of the index:. Iterating over a map is also easier thanks to the destructuring syntax:.

You can use the in operator to check whether a value is in a range, or the opposite:.

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The return type comes after the parameter list, separated by a colon:. Unlike Java, Kotlin supports default parameters and named arguments:. An extension function is a function that can be called as a member of a class, but is defined outside of it:. You must be aware that extension functions behavior is slightly different from member functions:.

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Functions marked with the infix keyword can also be called by omitting the dot and the parentheses:. In Kotlin, a lambda is always surrounded with curly braces and the arrow separates the argument list from the body. When passed as the last or only argument to a function, more concise constructs are possible:. Unlike Java, you can access non-final variables and even modify them:. Similar to how extension functions works, you can also declare the receiver of a lambda by prefixing its declaration with the type of the receiver:.

Functions declared with the inline modifier are directly substituted into places where the function is called instead of being invoked:. As a side effect, a bare return statement in a lambda called from an inline function will return from the enclosing function:.

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Instead, you can use returns with labels:. The when construct may look a lot like the switch statement, but it is more powerful:. Arbitrary expressions can be used as branch conditions:. The try.. A class in Kotlin can have a single primary constructor , and one or more secondary constructors.

The primary constructor goes after the class name:. Secondary constructors are declared in the class body using the constructor keyword:. To declare an explicit supertype, place the type after a colon in the class header:. As you may have noticed above, properties in Kotlin can be declared as mutable using the var keyword, or immutable using val , and can also be declared using the primary constructor:. Properties in Kotlin can have getters and setters, also known as custom accessors:. Using the by keyword, properties can be delegated to an instance through the setValue and getValue operator:.

As a convenience, Kotlin also provides the lateinit modifier to leave non-null properties un-initialized:. Kotlin also introduced the internal modifier, which restricts accesses to the current module only, while the private modifier is now allowed for top-level declarations:. Interfaces in Kotlin can contain abstract properties along with method declarations and implementations:. Similar to extension functions, extension properties provide a way to extend classes using the property syntax instead of the function syntax:.

Kotlin uses convention methods instead of relying on types to define implementations for a predefined set of operators. To implement an operator, you can provide a member function or an extension function. Functions that overload operators need to be marked as operator :. Kotlin provides autogenerated equals , hashCode , toString and copy methods implementations for free by adding the data modifier to your class:.

Publication [Berkeley, CA] : Apress, Series Expert's voice in Java.

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More options. Find it at other libraries via WorldCat Limited preview. Contents Machine generated contents note: ch. What Is an Identifier? Runtime final Variables What is a varargs Method? Summary Beginning Java 8 Fundamentals provides a comprehensive approach to learning the Java programming language, especially the object-oriented fundamentals necessary at all levels of Java development. Author Kishori Sharan provides over 90 diagrams and complete programs to help beginners and intermediate level programmers learn the topics faster.

Starting with basic programming concepts, the author walks you through writing your first Java program step-by-step. Armed with that practical experience, you'll be ready to learn the core of the Java language. The book continues with a series of foundation topics, including using data types, working with operators, and writing statements in Java. These basics lead onto the heart of the Java language: object-oriented programming. By learning topics such as classes, objects, interfaces, and inheritance you'll have a good understanding of Java's object-oriented model.

The final collection of topics takes what you've learned and turns you into a real Java programmer.

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