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It is important to emphasize that patience is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, but it is not discussed very often, but it should not be discontinued day by day. Especially in regard to the spiritual realm. Without it, the Christian can even fade away in his faith. Bishop Renato Cardoso recently explained that patience be exercised, even in times of temptation.

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He based his teachings on the passage from the book of James, chapter 1, verse 2. It is not something that comes naturally, automatically, but by the proof of faith. It is only patient who trusts a better result. Many singles, for example, begin with patience, determined not to get involved with anyone who is not of faith. Until there comes a time that the temptation is very great, and they surrender to anyone and they lose faith. The mind becomes more and more like a rock or hot desert where nothing grows. Kadampa Geshe Chengawa, the follower of Lama Atisha from India, the arya land of Nalanda, who was invited to Tibet to make Buddhism pure, sutra and tantra, taught to the general assembly:.

Generally, the whole entire Dharma is contained in two: avoiding giving harm to others and benefiting others. In this three basket teachings, the small and great vehicle, all are condensed into these two things. Therefore, in order to practice these two holy Dharmas, patience is so important. Without patience, when people give harm to you, then it becomes harm returned back.


When there is no change from harm, then there is no benefit. Therefore, to be able lead holy Dharma, you need patience. So there are four methods to meditate on patience:. Meditating on putting up the target in order to receive the arrow 2. Meditating on patience in the manner of loving-kindness and compassion 3. In the manner of guru-disciple 4. In the manner of ultimate reality. First, in order to receive the arrow, meditating on patience in the manner of putting up the target. The arrow struck because the mistake, the target, was put there.

Like that, having put up the target of past life karma, then the arrow of harm to this life has struck. Therefore, you cannot get angry with others. It is said in Bodhicaryavatara :. I in a former time towards sentient beings did harm like this. Therefore, I deserve to receive the harm-giver sentient beings.

  1. Ephesians 4:2?
  2. 2. Patience is waiting eagerly.
  3. New York (Midtown): Delaplaine’s 2014 Long Weekend Guide (Long Weekend Guides).
  4. Patience and Perseverance!
  5. The Broken Harmonica?
  6. One night.

Besides that, even in this life, having done harm to others in the early part of this life, one receives retaliation in the later part of life. Like that, it happens previous year and later year. Like that, it happens previous month and later month. Like that, even previous day and later day, it happens.

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Even right now, whatever hurtful words you speak that are unbearable to others , you put up the target of bad conduct and right away you receive the arrow of bad words and so forth. Therefore, everything should be understood as the target put up by yourself, when receiving the arrow of harm from others. Meditating on patience in the manner of loving-kindness and compassion. He is crazy only for a few years, few months, few days, so it is just a short time. Therefore, it is highly serious to have compassion for that. For the one who gives harm, one must meditate on loving-kindness and compassion.

Even if they think to live without harming, the person has no choice, being completely controlled by anger. Even the actions of killing and so forth are engaged in without freedom.

It is worthwhile to generate compassion for that. At least, even if compassion does not rise, anger is undeserved; there is no way to get angry. Sometimes we pray for things and we see something that seems similar to our prayer. Know that it is not always from God.

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For example, you pray for a spouse and you find someone who professes to be Christian, but is not truly Christian. We must be patient because Satan can give you what you prayed for, but it is always a perversion of what you prayed for. Many pray for things such as houses and cars at a good price. Satan sometimes puts what we have been praying for in front of us because we think they are from God. We must be still. Be still and wait on the Lord. Trust in Him. What is meant for you will be there for you. There is no need to rush.

I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. We must not start doing our own thing. Many people say God is taking too long and they rush into things. Then, they end up in a terrible situation and blame God. He never takes too long. Stop thinking that you are smarter than God. Many people are bitter and angry at God because really they are angry at themselves. I should have waited. I should have been patient.

God is patient towards man. Mankind commits the vilest sins before a Holy God every day and God allows them to live. Sin grieves God, but God waits for His people with kindness and patience.

11 Qur'an Verses for Patience, Perseverance, and Prayer

When we are patient that is a reflection of His great love. We are patient when we tell our kids something times over and over again. God is patient with you and He has had to tell you something times over and over again. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. We need patience in prayer. Not only do we need patience while we wait to receive what we have been praying for, but we need patience while waiting on the presence of God. God is looking for those who are going to seek Him until He comes.

Many people pray oh Lord come down, but before He comes they give up on their search for Him. We must not give up in prayer. We must endure in prayer. Perseverance shows how bad you want something.

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