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Anxiety can cripple from realizing their travel dreams. I have social anxiety and depression and i've never travelled alone outside my town in my entire life.
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Is it about the plane? This is where being specific can help. Graham says borrowing yogic breathing techniques can be calming. You might want to find a quiet place to do this with your eyes closed, or looking down at your lap if that feels safer, to minimize distractions. It's normal for your attention to drift, but try to notice when that happens and bring your attention back to your breathing. For the flight itself, you and your sister might consider creating an anxiety first-aid kit, so to speak—that may include soothing music, a fidget toy, a coloring book, whatever she finds reassuring—and have a to-go plan for when anxiety hits.

In a recent interview with ASMR personality Emma Smith, the YouTube star told us that even having a piece of paper to crinkle can help her relieve stress, in addition to packing a soft neck pillow, or downloading a meditation app like Calm.

How To Deal With Social Anxiety During Travel

Got it. Is there any part of myself that would feel safe walking to that cafe on the corner? Usually you can find a part of yourself willing to do something. Maybe you stick around to people watch; maybe you walk to a second location; maybe that was enough for the day. And you can assert what you need in a really kind way.

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  • This is what it's like to solo travel with social anxiety.

Ask, Is there any way I can help you in this moment? For anyone dealing with anxiety on a solo trip, consider reaching out to a person back home for encouragement, or turning to communities, like the Facebook group. Is there anyway you can share stories of how you pulled yourself out of something like that on a trip? Or, Could you send me some love? Ultimately, for anxious and non-anxious travelers alike, confronting these challenges and continuing to travel can offer so many emotional benefits. Hearing that you and your sister are up for taking on travel with an instinct to support and uplift one another, and importantly, openly talk about anxiety, sounds like a positive place to start.

Do you work with people? Thanks x 7. Nov 9, Do it!!! This how we solve a lot of our issues.. Life's too short to not go out and see the world if you have the means. Safe travels!! Thanks x 5. Thanks x 1. Nov 10, What will be going on in your head when you are going through anxiety? I am genuinely asking cause I want to know if it's the fear that everyone has before say Or is it like you literally can't move even if you try. Or are you miserable doing the task? Thanks x 2.

What are social anxiety symptoms and how can we manage them?

Last edited: Nov 10, You'll also find so many threads on there from people with social anxiety. Yeah travel is fun, but it comes with unpredictable blunders. On my last trip, I missed my train back to Paris.

I had to be in Paris to catch an International flight back home. If I had extreme anxiety I would have spiraled into a huge meltdown.

How To Combat Social Anxiety While Travelling - Outlook Traveller

But I remained calm, quickly booked another train twice as expensive and stayed at a hostel for that last night and saw that as an opportunity to enjoy that city for one more night Moral of the story is, getting treatment will help you manage these little hiccups that happen when you travel If you dont want treatment just yet, go with an "easy" city like London.

Paris is also super easy despite the French. Do like 5 days max. Don't commit to a long stay.

Friendly Destinations for Shy Solo Travelers

Thanks x 2 Hugs! Nov 11, Girl - I am glad I found this thread.

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I am 38, would classify myself as an introvert and at times have anxiety in social situations but not crippling. I have spent the last decade traveling the world by myself. Next Spring, I am traveling to Paris again on a solo trip. Taking into consideration safety, cultural experiences and a wide variety of things to do, the best cities I have visited for solo travel are Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, Paris and London.

The part I have had the most anxiety over is how I will get from point A to point B or will I not understand the language or follow local customs. This has never been a problem though.

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I've actually found that people gravitate towards me and want to help me. I feel that solo female travel, while becoming more common, is still somewhat of a rarity. People are fascinated by it. Solo travel as a female has allowed me to grow in ways that traditional education could never support. I feel I have become a much more well-rounded, interesting person and I can honestly say I have no regrets in life. Don't wait for someone else to start living your life and doing things you've always wanted to do. The opportunity may pass. Test yourself. Take yourself on an adventure you will never forget.

Thanks x 5 Hugs! Instead when someone is suffering from social anxiety, you should completely avoid the topic all together.

13 Ways to Overcome Travel Anxiety

Talk about literally anything else, go get an ice cream, play an interactive game or sports activity to pre-occupy their mind and help them calm down. But raising your voice or snapping at someone will only make their anxiety worse. So be patient with them, be calm, and be there for them in any way you can. Laughter really is the best remedy. Being light hearted and having some giggles can really be the prefect cure! What are the symptoms of social anxiety? The condition is more than just shyness; people with social anxiety often have very low self-esteem and will avoid social situations.