e-book Food Nerd: Simple, tasty and healthy food

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Food Nerd: Simple, tasty and healthy food - Kindle edition by Gel Gepsy. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.
Table of contents

Our goal is to create food that gives you the most bang for your buck. We do this by fitting in as many superfoods we can into our product, have it taste delicious , AND make it affordable and therefore accessible to as many people as possible.

Magic Mega-foods

Did we mention we are whole food plant based, mostly raw, organic, gluten free and filled with superfoods? So good, Johns Hopkins even tried to patent them! Broccoli sprouts have incredible cancer fighting compounds called, Sulforphane. Sulforaphane has been studied in clinical human trials with very promising results. We sprout our broccoli seeds in house and utilize their mega magic in every product!

Offical RFN Pack Formulation Sheet

A true magical mega food- high in copper, Iron, and various b vitamins. That cleaning up your diet can add years to your life, remove inches from your waistline, make you sleep better, feel better, look better, and live better.

Raw Food Nerd: About Raw Food Nerd

However, unless you have that desire, making the decision to eat healthy will be a constant uphill battle. So first and foremost: make a commitment to start eating better, and back it up with a damn good reason. You might even need to make an investment in…gasp…. How many cans of Mountain Dew do you go through in the afternoon?

How often do you visit the vending machine for a bag of Doritos because lunch is still two hours away? Do you bring your lunch or eat out every day? Your money is better spent elsewhere. Want to know the best part about healthy eating? This is the motherload.

Upstate Food Nerd

Sounds impossible, right? I enlisted the help of my friend, Staci, to show you how she eats super healthy on the cheap. A few key things: protein, vegetables or fruit, and some healthy fats. Earlier this year over on my Nerd Fitness blog, I provided an overview of a super quick and easy chicken stir-fry meal that I prepared.

Look at different flyers, but only go to one store.

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Spend about three minutes looking at the grocery ads when they come in each week , and check to see which meats are on sale. Buy your fruits and veggies that are on sale at that store. This will go against traditional diet advice which we tend to avoid around these parts anyway , but never go in with a list!

Food Nerd Menu’s

Get creative. What if a recipe calls for red peppers but yellow are on sale? What if you get home and realize you forgot to buy something? Oh wait, I mean McIntosh apples. Prepare in advance! Grab one of those and a bag of frozen veggies and bring them with you to work — BAM.

3 Delicious Quinoa Recipes

Need a funky snack? The kind that you can pick the amount you want — and only get the amount you need. Frozen vegetables are amazing — Especially the steam-fresh bags of veggies. Throwing away food is throwing away money. You just need to suck it up and learn to make ONE thing.