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She had read articles about youngsters going to heaven. Then some of That inspired the writing of BABIES ARE NEEDED IN HEAVEN, TOO. Linda thought.
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Some Church Fathers remained silent on the issue. Ambrose said unbaptized infants were not admitted to heaven, but have immunity from the pains of hell.


Augustine basically affirmed the damnation of all unbaptized infants, but taught they would receive the mildest punishment of all. Gregory of Nyssa offered that infants who die immediately mature and are given the opportunity to trust Christ. Calvin affirmed the certain election of some infants to salvation and was open to the possibility that all infants who die are saved.

Warfield and Charles Hodge all taught that God saves all who die in infancy. This perspective has basically become the dominant view of the Church in the 20th century. It is our conviction that there are good reasons biblically and theologically for believing that God saves all who die who do not reach a stage of moral understanding and accountability.

It is readily admitted that Scripture does not speak to this issue directly, yet there is evidence that can be gleaned that would lead us to affirm on biblical grounds that God receives into heaven all who have died in infancy. Some evidence is stronger than others, but cumulatively they marshall strong support for infant salvation.

We will note six of them. First, the grace, goodness and mercy of God would support the position that God saves all infants who die. This is the strongest argument and perhaps the decisive one. God is love 1 John and desires that all be saved 1 Timothy Children are incapable of this kind of conscious rejection of God. Where such rebellion and willful disobedience is absent, God is gracious to receive.

Second, when the baby boy who was born to David and Bathsheba died 2 Samuel , David did two significant things: 1 He confessed his confidence that he would see the child again and, 2 he comforted his wife Bathsheba vs. David could have done those two things only if he was confident that his little son was with God. Any other explanation does not do justice to the text.

This is what is called the doctrine of original sin. However, the Scriptures make a distinction between original sin and actual sins. While all are guilty of original sin, moral responsibility and understanding is necessary for our being accountable for actual sins Deuteronomy ; Isaiah It is to the one who knows to do right and does not do it that sin is reckoned. Infants are incapable of such decisions. Fourth, Jesus affirmed that the kingdom of God belonged to little children Luke In the passage he is stating that saving faith is a childlike faith, but He also seems to be affirming the reality of children populating heaven.

Fifth, Scripture affirms that the number of saved souls is very great Revelation Since most of the world has been and is still non-Christian, might it be the untold multitude who have died prematurely or in infancy comprise a majority of those in heaven? Such a possibility ought not to be dismissed too quickly. Think what a multitude there is of them. Sixth, some in Scripture are said to be chosen or sanctified from the womb 1 Samuel ; Jeremiah ; Luke This certainly affirms the salvation of some infants and repudiates the view that only baptized babies are assured of heaven.

Neither Samuel, Jeremiah or John the Baptist was baptized. After surveying these arguments, it is important for us to remember that anyone who is saved is saved because of the grace of God, the saving work of Jesus Christ and the undeserved and unmerited regenerating work of the Holy Spirit. The Bible also indicates that children are regarded as being innocent because of their lack of ability to discern between good and evil:. Moreover, your little ones who you said would become a prey, and your sons, who this day have no knowledge of good or evil , shall enter there, and I will give it to them and they shall possess it.

Deuteronomy Other verses also indicate that young children are not fully capable of making moral choices. So, since babies and children are considered innocent, one would assume that they would be excluded from judgment and get a pass to heaven. However, does the Bible explicitly state what happens to them?

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A verse from Job says that they enter into rest:. There the wicked cease from raging, And there the weary are at rest. Job Likewise, another verse suggests that a person who is not satisfied with their life is worse off than one who is miscarried. Both the Old and New Testaments indicate that God has a special relationship with children. In the book of Ezekiel, God was very upset with His people as they were sacrificing their children to idols.

However, God calls them "My children":. Were your harlotries so small a matter? You slaughtered My children and offered them up to idols by causing them to pass through the fire. Jesus indicated that people who enter heaven are like children, implying that children go to heaven. So, the Bible indicates quite clearly that children who die go to heaven.

However, the question remains at what age an individual ceases to be a child. So, we know that babies and children go to heaven when they die. However, we don't know what the cutoff is for those who die young. Is it 5, or 8,or 12 years old? The Bible makes no mention of any kind of "age of accountability. Our three sons all accepted Jesus as their Savior around five years old.

However, they had been exposed to the gospel message since birth, and had gone to Sunday School, Bible studies, vacation Bible schools, and Awana in their early years. We never asked them if they wanted to be Christians, but allowed them to ask the question on their own. Five years old is probably not the average age at which children are capable of understanding the gospel and responding to it. Having taught vacation Bible school and Sunday school for many years, I recognize that the average first grader is not taking in the information and processing it for how it applies to him.

However, when the time comes, one can see the light come on. In one of the vacation Bible school assemblies, I recall a group of boys probably around 10 years old who were in attendance as a gospel presentation was being made. One of the boys suddenly said to the others, "Did you hear what she said? An alter call had been made, and he dashed up to the front. His friends were left sitting in the pew. So, I have seen many children at many different levels of spiritual and physical development, which must be the basis by which God determines if they are accountable.

For those with mental disabilities, it is possible that they never become morally accountable.

I’ll Hold You in Heaven

However, we can be assured that God judges all people, including children, fairly. Some denominations baptize their infants in the belief that such baptism prevents them from going to hell should they die before coming to faith in Christ. However, what about babies who are miscarried or die during childbirth? Are they condemned to hell? That is what the doctrine of infant baptism would imply. So, the doctrine of infant baptism changes salvation from one of grace to one of works, since infant baptism is a work of the parent, and not a work of God.

As such, the practice of infant baptism displays a lack in trust of God as the bearer of salvation, so must be rejected as being an efficacious act. So, being baptized as an infant saves neither an infant nor an adult.

Salvation is still a gift 13 of God based upon the grace of God. Babies and young children who die go the heaven through the grace and righteous judgment of God. The Bible is clear that those who are not fully capable of making moral choices are declared to be innocent, and, therefore, worthy of heaven. The Bible does not mention any kind of "age of accountability," but bases accountability on the basis of the ability to make moral choices.

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Infant baptism, although it shows a commitment from the parent, is neither required nor efficacious in obtaining salvation for little ones. The salvation of babies and children is a gift of God, based upon His grace, and cannot be purchased through a work of a parent.

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If you have lost an infant or child, we pray that the Lord would comfort you with His grace, and that you would desire to join your child in heaven through a confession of faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. May God bless you. Reflections We are what we think. Science News Flash. Page Links. Evidence for God from Science: Christian Apologetics. What happens to Infants and Children Who Die?

Do Babies Go To Heaven?

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Judgment for all First we must note that the Bible says God will judge all people, 1 so this must include babies and young children. Babies are sinners Making matters worse, is the fact that the Bible says all people are sinners. Babies are innocent The Bible makes it clear that people are condemned to hell on the basis of their sins 8 and their rejection of Jesus Christ 9 as the remedy for their sinful condition.

Deuteronomy Other verses also indicate that young children are not fully capable of making moral choices. Do babies go to heaven? A verse from Job says that they enter into rest: "Or like a miscarriage which is discarded, I would not be, As infants that never saw light.