Wake Up and Win, America! Do It Now

Thursday Wake-Up Call: KFC really wants a baby named Harland, plus Trump doubles 9 will win $11, to put away for college tuition. Yes.
Table of contents

  1. Why China Will Win the Trade War!
  2. Sonata No. 7 in G Major (Flute Part)?
  3. Theory of Collective Behavior (Classics of the Social Sciences);
  4. ;
  5. The Best Damned Squirrel Dog (Ever).
  6. Thursday Wake-Up Call: KFC really wants a baby named Harland, plus Trump doubles down on Google.

You also hear it in BlacKkKlansman. To some, his repetition can feel heavy-handed. In BlacKkKlansman, he refuses to let the viewer miss the parallels between racism in the s and today; between law enforcement then and now; between the Klan and the so-called alt right; and between KKK grand wizard David Duke and President of the United States Donald Trump.

Lee is a student of history, and so he understands where these tricks are hiding and what form they might take in the future. And it explains so much of why Lee is the way he is.

Thursday Wake-Up Call: News on Trump, Google, Amazon | News - Ad Age

And many successful black people, as Lee sees it, forget who they are and who came before them. Lee knows this because of what history has shown him. He has seen how the U. What James Baldwin said in could apply to Lee in This feeling is exacerbated by a President who has moved from coded dog-whistling to what goes well beyond that, including consistent public attacks on prominent black Americans. The ugliness of this current climate is front and center in BlacKkKlansman.

The world is taking its revenge against elites. When will America's wake up?

Like so many things in the film, the parallels between the s and now are stinging. At this point, Lee is at his loudest. He laughs every time he brings up something obvious. A man steps off his boat and interrupts our conversation: This is the fourth person to stop Lee during this hour on the bench. The other two also wanted to talk about sports.

People love to talk to Lee about New York City sports, a state he brought on himself by being a very public fan of his home baseball and basketball teams. These are the moments when the wall Lee has built against the okey-doke shifts enough to be cordial. He entertains what must be a daily conversation with a stranger about the Knicks and the Yankees. Sticking to sports is one of the easy ways to sprint toward equality without dealing with our history. In this context, they refers to everyone from a white man talking about sports to members of the Republican Party to any group of powerful whites.

So we, as a people, as American people, have to really stop going for the okey-doke. We have to be smart and not go for these distractions. My mother was a tactician when it came to raising a black boy, but she saw how accepted I had become at my predominantly white, progressive Atlanta private school, and she was terrified of how that would shape my identity and erase my blackness.

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  • The magnetic force of perceived assimilation was growing stronger. My mother needed some assistance. Monday morning, I went to school angry. Bamboozled —a movie that draws a line from minstrelsy to Hollywood—is important, just as BlacKkKlansman is important, because Lee makes movies to reopen wounds that white America would like to pretend have healed. What you do with winners like these is you celebrate them. Winners need to win. Winners need to have their loan payments deferred, to have venture capital directed their way by a former president. And then, like a drumbeat of horror, came a series of police shootings of black men, followed quickly by the murder of five policemen in Dallas.

    The All-American Rejects - Gives You Hell (Full Narrative Version)

    Over it all hung the fear that these events might somehow propel this unthinkable man, Donald Trump, into the White House. On this they are utterly in denial and whatever the disaster, the answer they give is always … more of the same. More sharp young global Stanford entrepreneurs. I had to read that passage over again and again to understand it, so great was the cognitive dissonance.

    Applauding Bill Clinton for doing the same with his Rhodes Scholar and Yale Law friends was also once a standard journalistic trope. And now, here it comes again. New sorts of political leaders emerged. He pinned a video to the top of his Twitter feed that suggests Google didn't promote his State of the Union addresses, unlike for President Obama. BuzzFeed and other outlets discovered a good explanation for Trump's video: The screenshots in the video, says Buzzfeed, are inconsistent "with Google's logo and homepage doodle [and] uses a Google logo that went out of use the previous year.

    The year before, in , a video wasn't promoted on the homepage because Trump delivered a joint statement to Congress, not a State of the Union.

    Trump thinks he has a strong hand. In fact, Washington is far more vulnerable than Beijing.

    Amazon generally tries to stay out of political debates, but on Wednesday it responded to continuous attacks from Sanders. He recently issued a call for Amazon employees to share their experiences in a form that asks, 'Have you used public assistance, such as food stamps, Medicaid or subsidized housing, in order to make ends meet? Amazon responded in a blog post: Do you really have to use the word "upskilling"? Guess "training" isn't jargony enough for you? They call themselves "Amazon FC ambassadors" and they paint a flattering view of the company.

    What if he stepped in to buy its rival, the New York Daily News? Ken Doctor, media analyst at Harvard University's Nieman Lab, unspools a complicated scenario about what could happen to Tronc and the newspapers it owns, including the Daily News. Citing several unnamed sources, he writes that "it looks like Tronc is about to be chopped up and sold for parts.

    But the deal-making wouldn't end there, Doctor says, because Donerail would likely sell off Tronc papers to individual owners. Nothing's done yet, and this scenario involves conditionals and complex deals. Bloomberg News followed up on Doctor's piece and checked in with Tronc, which declined to talk about it, and with News Corp. But it's something to watch. Some rare happy news for the newspaper industry: After a surprise decision, the U. The tariffs had raised the price of newsprint and "squeezed margins at struggling newspapers.

    Snapchat Snapchat is finally coming to the NewFronts, where video publishers pitch ad buyers on their shows.