The Failing Logic of Money

The Failing Logic of Money [Duane Mullin] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. There is a viable alternate to our money based economy and.
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The Logic of Failure is a popular translation of what appears to be some pretty hefty scholarly literature I think-didn't bother to actually check 30 years of literature in German , that is hindered by becoming largely accepted wisdom. Dorner is a cognitive scientist who based this book on a series of studies of how people interacted with computer models: These studies, along with some examples drawn from recent events like Chernobyl and military history, are used to explain failure a consequence of a lack of understanding of complex systems.

Complex systems, interconnected networks with time-delays, buffering units, hidden keystone variables, and unclear indicators, are everywhere in the real world.

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Unfortunately, human minds tend to think linearly and concretely. Dorner documents several pathological thinking styles he encounters in his experiments. Some people over-correct, making dramatic changes while chasing a pointer that drowned out any data in induced oscillations. Some people get lost chasing irrelevant details, asking for more information rather than acting. And some people get trapped in methodism, following a predetermined course of action in complete disregard of the information coming in.

Against this, Dorner advocates for having a clear mental model of a system, discrete objectives, and a holistic sense of possible higher-order effects. Make small changes, seek steady states, and do not try and race a chaotic system. He points towards 'wisdom' with maddening vagueness. If there's a major problem with this book, it's that it's been overtaken by the zeitgeist.

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Dorner's methods are now children's toys rather than cutting edge science. We all 'get' networks and complexity, but we still lack the language to truly understand them. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Herr Dorner gives us an important book that provides insights into human shortcomings in recognizing and dealing with complex situations.

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Happily, Dorner provides some assistance in meeting the challenge of complex situations; so, this volume has both theoretical and practical applications. This work has important implications for military strategists, statesmen, and public policy practitioners. Dorner warns that youth and intelligence, well-intentioned though it may be, often come up woefully short when arrayed against complex systems. Despite the heavy subject matter, the writing is crisp and lucid; kudos to whomever translated it from German.

Napoleon said "On s'engage et puis on voit!

The Failing Logic of Money

This discussion page takes on the adaptability of thought and cautions decision makers about the risks of overplanning in a dynamic, multivariate system. I am a safety professional, and am especially interested in time-critical decision making skills. He makes the point that the entire accident was due to human failings, and points out the lack of risk analysis and managerial pressure and fundamental lack of appreciation for the reactivity instability at low power levels and more importantly how operators grossly underestimated the danger that changes in production levels made, page The discussion about operating techniques on pages 33 and 34 is insightful: While there is room for experiential decision making in complex systems, analysis of future potential problems is vital.

In most complex situations the nature of the problems are intransparent page He is especially critical of negative goal setting intention to avoid something and has chosen a perfect illustrative quote from Georg Christoph Lichtenberg on page This is extremely well formulated and should be required reading for every politician and engineer.

These concepts are discussed in conjunction with "reverse planning" page in which plans are contrived backwards from the goal. This sometimes relies on history and analogies what has happened in similar situations before but it may be required to stabilize a situation to enable further critical actions.

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This leads back to the quote that titles this review: Rigid operating procedures and historical problems may not always work: This ultimately argues for more oversight by technicians and less by politicians: This is a superb book; I recommend it highly to any safety professional as mandatory reading, and to the general public for an interesting discussion of decision making skills. See all 88 reviews. Most recent customer reviews. Published 1 month ago.


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Journey of life!: The Failing Logic of Money

Pages with related products. See and discover other items: There's a problem loading this menu right now. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations. It was Fuller that said paraphrased if we were a rocket hurtling through space would we only feed some of the crew. This is not said to disrespect the contribution of Jacques Fresco, but to put the vitriol into perspective.

The Failing Logic of Money (Electronic book text)

What is being forgotten is that everyone stands on the shoulders of those that predate them, otherwise we would need to reinvent the wheel every single day or pay homage to its inventor. Which individual is more important than the well being of all people? To re-visit the analogy of the wheel. Circles and spheres were there all along in nature occurring naturally. However, an observant person noticed it, adapted it and people used it happily for thousands of years until an individual comes along, labels it, then legally tries to stop people talking about it or improving it unless he is credited for something that was there before his birth.

I feel I have a contribution to make in achieving the needed result quickly and I should not be suppressed, silenced or forced to submit to an organisation that claims to have similar aims to my own. I really hope this settles the matter and the destructive behaviour stops and the slurs removed. I agree with TVP in broad overall terms, but I profoundly disagree with how they deal with the rights of the individual and what that indicates for the society they are working towards. I want to make change, not just talk about it and suppress others that can help make it happen in the real world.

Who let the crazy guy in? Are you just here to spam your book, because I'm not going to order it. Duane, why do you care about convincing us that TVP is in the wrong in this whole situation? We don't have anything to do with this other than sharing your disdain for them. And why don't you explain to us the thesis and supporting evidence of your book, rather than just plug it here.

This is a forum, you know, for discussion. Hi All, I hope you will welcome me to your forum. Apologies for the length of this blog, but it is worth your while to read it all through. Duane Mullin — EarthEconomist www. Buckminster Fuller was a worthless nutbar. After looking at your site, so are you. Also, way to lie to Eric in order to get forum access, ya cockbag.

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Matt, I wouldn't mind a little more crazy in here.