Because He Loves Me: How Christ Transforms Our Daily Life

Editorial Reviews. Review. "Elyse Fitzpatrick has given us a helpful, encouraging, and stimulating book that explores the practical impact of God's great love for.
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Highly recommended for all christians!!! Beautiful book on faith! Elyse does a great job of reminding us how much Jesus does love us. Mar 03, Katrina Warner rated it it was amazing. Should be required reading for every Christian. I thoroughly enjoyed this book! It delves into the topic of how the gospel can It's applicable to each and every situation we encounter.

Because He Loves Me: How Christ Transforms Our Daily Life by Elyse M. Fitzpatrick

Too many Christians seem to think that the gospel is simply a set of facts you must believe in order to be saved. Fitzpatrick sets out to shatter that misconception and show how gospel truth applies to our daily circumstances. If I asked you, 'Where did the ongoing incar I thoroughly enjoyed this book! If I asked you, 'Where did the ongoing incarnation of Jesus Christ intersect with your life yesterday?

We all know that the crucifixion is important for our initial salvation, but what did it mean to you this morning? Does Calvary inform and warm your heart when you're waiting in line at the grocery store or hearing bad news from your doctor? Does his sinless life comfort you when you realize that you've just sinned in that same way again?

In other words, is he significantly relevant to you in your daily walk with him? The first section of the book clearly lays out the "identity transformation" that we undergo and the inheritance that's ours when we accept Christ. The second section shows how this reality plays out in every part of our lives Fitzpatrick lays the foundation. She contends that many Christians have "spiritual amnesia", that "even though we believe the gospel, the occasions in which the gospel the incarnation, sinless life, death, bodily resurrection, and ascension of the Son of God actually intersect and powerfully affect our daily life are infrequent.

Yet in Christ, we've been given a whole new identity We stand justified and are no longer under condemnation. Our inheritance includes not only eternal life in His presence Jn. In the second section, she exhorts us to "be who we are" in light of these truths, explaining that laying the proper foundation first is critical because " Outward obedience can be and frequently is generated by other motives, such as the fear of failure or desire for approval, but this kind of obedience which isn't obedience at all only results in pride, despair, or self-indulgence and, because it is done out of love for self, more sin.

For example, consider Ephesians 4: We tend to two extremes They are unavoidably tied together and must never be severed. Our transformation into Christlikeness is simply the process of growing to be in practice what we've already been made in Christ. Fitzpatrick develops this concept in detail throughout the rest of the book, discussing both our "positive" and "negative" gospel obligations what we're exhorted to do and not do and the absolute necessity for our motivation to be grounded in gospel declarations I'm barely skimming the surface of the rich application contained here.

Each chapter ends with a section of questions for reflection or discussion, making the book perfect for personal use or a group. I could continue at length but this short review will never do the book justice. I'll just end by saying that I highly recommend it. Thank you to Angie at Crossway for providing a review copy for me. Oct 04, Jennifer rated it it was ok. I don't remember why, but I hated this book when I read it. Planning on reading it again soon so I can write a better review.

Feb 13, Mandy J. Hoffman rated it it was amazing Shelves: If anyone - anyone! There are not enough words to describe this book! Elyse is a great communicator, but beyond that is what she shares. In this book she takes you back to the basics that we so easily and quickly gloss over, and in some cases, we never pay attention to in the first place.

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In twelve chapters you are either are reminded or discover for the first time how the gospel applies to your daily life not just to a one-time decision. Reading this book is like putting together a puzzle and while you may first be confused, by the time you reach the end you will be very encouraged and on some things be quite convicted. I personally love this book because for it was the first book I had read that really explained how what I knew should actually change my moment by moment life.

It is deep enough to make you re-read some portions as you allow the meaning to really sink in, but easy enough for any person to read who is willing to give it their attention. For me, this has been the one book that has helped my dig into the Bible with excitement and passion as I understand more and more how it really applies to my life on a daily basis. While the cover of this fabulous book showcases some pretty flowers and a butterfly, it's intended audience is for anyone, including men. I would highly recommend this book to anyone and quickly encourage you to put it at the top of your list to read.

If you are a guy, then cut up a brown paper bag to make a book cover It will change your thinking! Feb 11, Selina Gonzalez rated it really liked it.

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The premise of this book is that we tend to get buried in being good Christians, theologians, and people and neglect the foundations truths of the Gospel. The Gospel doesn't affect our day-to-day lives. We struggle, and brush aside the Gospel, thinking "yeah, yeah, I know, I get that, I want practical answers," but the reason we're not experiencing growth is we've forgotten that the basis of our faith and our life is simply "Christ, and him crucified.

Fitzpatrick takes an in-depth look at the Gospel truths, and what it really means to say that God loves and accepts us as children and coheirs with Christ. It seems painfully simple on the surface, but I found in my case at least, she was right--I knew these truths but didn't think about them or care about them or really even believe them. Through this book, Fitzpatrick helps you realize that simple Christ crucified IS enough. She takes the time to make sure basic truths are comprehended and embraced, and then showed how those basic truths in fact are the practical help we need for our daily life.

She talks about our failure to love is usually become of a failure to accept God's love, and that sin is just a failure to love properly. At times I felt she was a little wordy and repetitive, and sometimes it was easy to want to gloss over because it seems so painfully simple--but I think she has a valid point that the Gospel is supposed to be simple and we fall when we try to complicate the Gospel.

Because He Loves Me: How Christ Transforms Our Daily Life

My biggest issue and kinda only one was with the chapter where she made up people with various issues and attempted to show some remembering the Gospel would help these fictional people with their sins. However, one of the examples was a woman who "hadn't gotten out of bed" in a week and was "talking about suicide. The Gospel is important and a good starting place, yes, but it's ideas like this that simply "remembering that Jesus loves you" will cure severe depression or other mental illnesses which tend to be chemically based is what causes people to lie about mental illness in the church.

But other than that, I'd generally recommend this book. Elyse Fitzpatrick speaks the gospel to my soul! Her use of imagery and word pictures provide clarity and connectedness for me to the truths of Christ completed work: His incarnation, sinless life, death, resurrection and ascension are better engraved in my heart because of the way she communicates in her writing.

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I must admit, I initially thought "I know this stuff" and my tendency was to skim I thought I was almost finished on arriving at chapter 11, entitled, Gospel-Centered Relationships. The Tourist-Driven Church resonated true to me! I had to linger awhile. I read and mulled over her analogies. I asked my husband to read it with me. It spoke such truth to us! We are called to live in tightly knit family relationships, not simply to enjoy the amenities, good preaching and worship style of our church. But how easily we are satisfied with shallow impersonal conversations with our brothers and sisters.

The kind of fellowship Fitzpatrick refers to in this chapter, flies right in the face of the American idolatry of individualism and desire for privacy. She uses the image of the bride being prepared for her Groom, "Jesus uses sinful human beings to prepare his bride This kind of relating to one another requires honesty and transparency. It requires living life together and sticking with one another How easy it is to just "move on" when church gets painful and difficult because of our sin or maybe simply our preferences! Our tendency is to not want to really know others and certainly not to be known in the depth of our personal depravity.

I am left with Fitzpatrick's Calvin quote that reminds us to talk of the Gospel, speak of Christ in every conversation, "Every discussion where his name is not heard is pointless. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Elyse's ministry is summed up in these simple words: No fluff, No bricks, just the good news of a crucified and risen Christ. In she married her sweetheart Phil and together they raised three children and are enjoying six really adorable grandchildren.

Books by Elyse M. Trivia About Because He Loves No trivia or quizzes yet. Quotes from Because He Loves How frequently we forget that everything is for him and about him. We forget that he is to be first, in our honor and in our worship. Whenever the gospel slips from our conscious thought, our religion becomes all about our performance, and then we think everything that happens or will ever happen isa bout us. When I forget the incarnation, sinless life, death, resurrection, and ascension, I quickly believe that I'm supposed to be the unrivaled supreme, and matchless one.

The second section shows how this reality plays out in every part of our lives Fitzpatrick lays the foundation. She contends that many Christians have "spiritual amnesia", that "even though we believe the gospel, the occasions in which the gospel the incarnation, sinless life, death, bodily resurrection, and ascension of the Son of God actually intersect and powerfully affect our daily life are infrequent. Yet in Christ, we've been given a whole new identity We stand justified and are no longer under condemnation.

Our inheritance includes not only eternal life in His presence Jn. In the second section, she exhorts us to "be who we are" in light of these truths, explaining that laying the proper foundation first is critical because " Outward obedience can be and frequently is generated by other motives, such as the fear of failure or desire for approval, but this kind of obedience which isn't obedience at all only results in pride, despair, or self-indulgence and, because it is done out of love for self, more sin.

For example, consider Ephesians 4: We tend to two extremes They are unavoidably tied together and must never be severed. Our transformation into Christlikeness is simply the process of growing to be in practice what we've already been made in Christ. Fitzpatrick develops this concept in detail throughout the rest of the book, discussing both our "positive" and "negative" gospel obligations what we're exhorted to do and not do and the absolute necessity for our motivation to be grounded in gospel declarations I'm barely skimming the surface of the rich application contained here.

Each chapter ends with a section of questions for reflection or discussion, making the book perfect for personal use or a group. I could continue at length but this short review will never do the book justice. I'll just end by saying that I highly recommend it. Thank you to Angie at Crossway for providing a review copy for me. This is a wonderful book My bible study group read it and it was the perfect book for the Lenten season. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations. View or edit your browsing history. Get to Know Us.

Delivery and Returns see our delivery rates and policies thinking of returning an item? Hear his words of invitation and see those hands pierced with spikes. Contemplate the blood-soaked mud. View the empty tomb and the folded grave clothes. See him rise physically to return to his Father, clothed in human flesh.

Anticipate his return on the clouds and your eternal union and reign with him. Don't turn away from the hope of the gospel: Christ is utterly and eternally preeminent. You need this hope to face your day; don't look away to yourself or any other person. This isn't because he is needy and wishes someone would tell him how special he is. No, it's because he is perfect and the worship of his perfection is holiness in action.

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In point of fact, our Father is intent that we recognize that he has ordered his universe so that it revolves around his beloved One-not around ourselves, our desires, or even our good works done in his name. So, let me ask you: Is he the supremely honored center of your being? Is he the incomparable, unparalleled, unrivaled sun around whom your life orbits? It is the incarnation, sinless life, substitutionary death, burial, bodily resurrection, ascension, and eternal reign of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. When they fail, which of course they will-after all they're born in my likeness-I can comfort and instruct them because I'm a failure who's been comforted and instructed.

Responding in kindness to their failures is not a simple matter of bootstrap obedience; it's a recognition of what the cross has declared about me and my identity. I've got a faithful heavenly Father who has adopted me, so I don't need to use my children to prove that I'm really okay. He has made me his own; that's all that matters.