The Story of Moses

An illustrated story of Moses and the Exodus of Hebrews from Egypt.
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Exodus 1 Exodus 3. Enrich your faith and grow in spiritual maturity with the incredible Bible study and devotional books listed below. Try it for 30 days FREE. Cancel at any time. You must be logged in to view your newly purchased content. Please log in below or if you don't have an account, creating one is easy and only takes a few moments. After you log in your content will be available in your library. More on the NIV. Print Twitter Facebook Email. Click the button below to continue. In this next plague, God causes locusts to swarm the face of the earth so that no man can see the earth. Again, God pulls back the plague after Pharaoh says that he will let His people go.

But then once again he changes his mind after this plague is pulled off. In this next judgment, God tells Moses to stretch out his hand toward heaven. When he does, this then causes complete darkness to cover the entire land of Egypt.

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This thick darkness lasts for 3 days. It was so pitch dark, that people could not even see one another, nor could anyone rise from their place because they could not see even one inch in front of their faces. Again, just imagine complete and total pitch darkness where no one could see anything — even to the point that you could not even get up and walk because you could not even see one inch in front of your face! Again, the Pharaoh only partially gives in.

So this now sets the stage for the last and final judgment. In this last judgment, God will have all of the firstborn stricken dead by an angel of death. However, God tells His people to sprinkle the blood of a blemish free lamb on their door posts in order to keep this angel of death from killing their firstborn. At midnight, this angel strikes, killing all of the firstborn of the Pharaoh, his servants, all of his people, and all of his livestock.

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This last and final judgment finally breaks the Pharaoh and he agrees to let the Israelites go. The Bible says that the Israelites had been kept under Egyptian rule for years. The Israelites then start to leave — but there is now one more big event that must happen before they are finally set free for good! This next miracle by God has to be one of the most dramatic and spectacular in all of Scripture. The children of Israel have now left Egypt.

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The Pharaoh, after allowing them to leave, once more changes his mind and decides to pursue them with all of his army in order to try and get them back. When the children of Israel see this, they start complaining to Moses. They end up getting stuck before the Red Sea. They have no where else to go. They are literally at the end of their rope. If they try and move forward, they will drown in the Red Sea.

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If they try to move backwards, they will be caught by the Egyptian army that is moving in on them. The only thing that can save them now is a powerful miracle from God Himself. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.

The Red Sea is literally parted by dry ground! The Israelites then proceed to cross over the Red Sea onto this dry ground mass that God has now miraculously provided for them in order for them to escape from the Egyptians. Moses then proceeds to stretch out his hand over the sea and then the sea returns to its full depth while the Egyptians were fleeing into it. The Bible says that the Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea! The waters then returned and covered the chariots, the horsemen, and all of the army of the Pharaoh and not one of them was left standing!

After the Israelites had crossed over and saw this miracle take place right before their very eyes, they then saw all of the Egyptians lying dead on the shore. The Bible says that all of the children of Israel now believed in Moses and the Lord after having witnessed all of these incredible supernatural events. During the time of testing in this wilderness experience, the first thing God wanted to see was whether or not His people would keep His laws and commandments.

So God then proceeds to lay out all of the laws that He wants the Israelites to abide by. In the third month after being delivered from Egypt, God tells Moses that He will literally come down Himself onto Mount Sinai in the presence of all of His people. When God comes down, the Bible says that Mount Sinai is completely enveloped in smoke.

Just imagine such an event — that God the Father Himself is descending from His throne in heaven to visit these people with His manifest presence! God only calls Moses to come to the top of the mountain to meet and talk with Him. No one else was allowed to go up. God then proceeds to tell Moses what the basic 10 commandments are going to be. In addition to the 10 commandments were other specific laws and ways that He wanted the children of Israel to abide by.

Moses then comes back down to deliver all of this to the Israelites. Shortly after this first event, God then calls Moses back to the mountaintop once again. Moses stays on the top of the mountaintop this time with God for forty days and forty nights. It was during this second meeting that God gives Moses the 10 commandments written on a stone tablet! He was given two tablets and the tablets had writings on both sides. All of the writing on the tablets was literally the handwriting of God Himself — literally engraved right on these stone tablets. Again, just imagine this entire scene.

While all of this is going on between God and Moses for the 40 days, the most unbelievable thing starts to happen at the bottom of this mountain. The Israelites then start to get impatient when they see Moses is delayed in coming back down from the mountaintop. They start murmuring and complaining, saying they do not know what has become of Moses. At this point, they start to make a golden calf in which to worship.

God, seeing this from the mountaintop, becomes furious! God then calls these people a stiff-necked people and threatens to consume them.

From Birth To Death – The Story of Moses

God then tells Moses that He will make him a great nation, but that He is going to kill the rest of the Israelites who are worshiping this false idol. At this point, Moses then proceeds to stand in the gap for his people and argues with God not to kill and consume them. After Moses convinces God not to consume His own people, he then comes back down from the mountain to see what they have been up to. When he sees the golden calf they had made to worship and they were all singing and dancing around it, he becomes furious! At this point, Moses takes the two tablets of stone that God had just given him, and throws them down at the foot of the mountain breaking both of these tablets into pieces!

He then proceeds to take the calf which they had just made, burns it, grinds it down into a powder, scatters it into the water and then makes the Israelites drink it! Talk about the full wrath of God in manifestation! After each man takes the side they wanted to be on, Moses then gives the orders to have all the people who did not choose God to be killed right there on the spot.

The Bible says that men were killed that day due to their rebellion against God Almighty Himself. Moses then goes back up to Mount Sinai, and God once more gives him 2 more tablets of stone to replace the ones that he had just broken. However, in this meeting with God, something really awesome happens! However, God tells Moses:. God then tells Moses to stand in the cleft of a rock.

He will then proceed to pass by Moses, but only showing Moses His back, not His face. Here are the exact words from God Himself:. So it shall be, while My glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with My hand while I pass by.

Then I will take away My hand, and you shall see My back; but My face shall not be seen. This has to be the topper experience for Moses. With everything that he has just witnessed — with God releasing His people from Egypt with incredible displays of supernatural power, being able to talk direct with God through a burning bush, being able to talk direct to God through fire and smoke up on Mount Sinai, and then to top it all off, God actually allows Moses to see His manifest presence from His backside.

And this one man experiences all of this in one lifetime! The Bible then gives Moses what I feel may be the highest compliment that God could ever give to anyone.

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The 1 thing that God wants from each of us is a close, intimate, personal relationship. Moses obviously accomplished all of this in his lifetime. After Moses has this incredible direct encounter with God Himself, the Bible says that when he came back down off the mountain — that the skin of his face shone. The people were afraid to come near him due to the bright glow that was coming off his face after being in the manifest presence of the Lord!

Moses then had to wear a veil over his face for a while to help hide the glow so as not to overwhelm the rest of his people. The other amazing thing that occurred during the Israelites 40 year journey in the wilderness was the building of a tabernacle that would hold the manifest presence of God Himself in it.

God gave Moses specific instructions as to how He wanted this tabernacle built. After the tabernacle was built, the Bible says that a cloud covered the tabernacle during the day and the appearance of fire covered it at night! Whenever the cloud would lift up off the tabernacle, the Israelites would follow it to wherever it would settle.

As long as the cloud stayed on the tabernacle, the Israelites would stay right where they were camped. Once the cloud would lift off the tabernacle, they would then once again follow it to wherever it would settle. Near the beginning of the year journey through the wilderness at about the two and half year mark, God brings the children of Israel up to the borders of the Promised Land — the land of Canaan.

Ten of the twelve spies come back with a bad report. They tell the rest of the Israelites that the people who dwell in this land are strong, the cities are well fortified and large, and that they will not be able to overcome these people because they are stronger and larger in stature than the Israelites were themselves.

Giants and strongholds thus kept the Israelites from believing that God could overcome these human obstacles for them. After hearing this bad and negative report, Caleb speaks out and says:. During their journey through the wilderness, the Israelites were constantly complaining about anything and everything. Not enough food, not enough water, too long of a time in the wilderness, etc. Finally, when God was just about ready to reward them, they make their last and final mistake of not believing in Him and that He could overcome the giants and strongholds they had seen in this land.

When God hears this bad report from the 10 spies, He says that is going to be it. Here is the direct word from God Himself:. But My servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his descendants shall inherit it.

Joshua and Caleb were thus the ones to lead this younger generation under 20 years old into the Promised Land, and they were successful in conquering and overcoming all of the giants and strongholds that the older generation initially saw. The rest of the Israelites 20 years and older all died out in the wilderness over the next 40 years due to their lack of faith and belief in God! Imagine these people saw God deliver them from the Egyptians by throwing 10 powerful plagues against the Pharaoh.

They then see God literally part the Red Sea. They see God give Moses 10 commandments miraculously manifested on two stone tablets. And yet, they still could not believe that God could overcome and conquer the giants and strongholds they saw in the Promised Land. No wonder God blew His cork and washed His hands of them and left them to die and rot out in the desert. The most amazing thing about all of this is that not one man over 20 years old passed this test with the Lord.

I guess that is why Jesus says blessed are those who have not seen and yet still believe. The saddest part about this Moses story is that he was not allowed to go into the Promised Land with the rest of the younger generation. Moses died on Mount Nebo and was years old when he died. What happened in this incident is that God told Moses to speak out to a rock in the presence of the Israelites and that the rock would then bring forth water for the people and their animals.

However, for some strange reason, Moses strikes the rock twice with his rod instead of just speaking out to the rock as God had told him to specifically do. He was thus in direct violation of a direct command by God Himself. This is obviously something that we can all learn from.

When God tells you to do something specific — do not ever question His command.