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Will both the believer and the unbeliever hear the sound of the trumpet at the last trumpet; for THE TRUMPET WILL SOUND, and we shall be.
Table of contents

It was a trumpet sound.


Their safety, protection and future depended on their ability to hear and recognize the sound and tone of the trumpet! That was vital! They ignored it to their own peril and loss!

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God wants to speak through us to impact others for His purposes! But unless we are discerning in our recognizing the voices we hear, we will not convey a very clear or convincing message. This little Scripture represents so much of what is happening in church life in many places today. That should seriously concern every born-again believer in Jesus Christ.

God has placed the message in our hearts and mouth Romans 10 , and commanded us to take the Message to the ends of the earth Acts ; Mark E very Holy Spirit-filled Christian has a ministry! We must be occupied in the fulfilling of that for which Jesus Christ laid a hold of us in the first place! To fulfil a ministry we must take heed to what that ministry is. We must know the calling, direction, instructions of what it entails see Acts Otherwise we will wander aimlessly through life, not really recognizing the trumpet call when it comes to us.

That trumpet call can often be giving us the keys for the next season of our life. If we fail to recognize it we will fail to heed it. And if we fail to heed it, then the guidance of God will be lost. These instructions are so important. My experience has been that when I recognize the voice of God coming to me in whatever way He chooses to speak to me, either personally or through the prophetic , then I need to respond to it.

I have to demonstrate a commitment to God by my actions that I believe it is Him Who is talking to me.

My Lord What a Morning lyrics.

Often that can happen when I am in a very busy time schedule. The result of this kind of obedience has enabled me to be a trumpet to thousands of lives around the world. Often I am amazed at how quickly God can open the doors for me to minister to thousands once I have obeyed that trumpet call. It is a principle and we can all learn it. If we have a heart to see the lost won for Jesus Christ, then it is going to have to be by the supernatural revelation of the Holy Spirit speaking into our lives; then our recognizing that it is indeed Him speaking, and for us to respond accordingly.

That then releases the hand of God to fulfil whatever He promised through the word He spoke to us. It works! It produces much fruit!

The Seventh Trumpet: The Return of Jesus Christ

They must be discerned clearly, and revealed simply in such a way that the people the receivers hear the voice and heartbeat of God ministering through us to them. If we do not minister to them distinctly, who will gain the real benefits of them? Who will prepare themselves for battle?

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  • The Seventh Trumpet: The Return of Jesus Christ | United Church of God.
  • My Lord, What a Morning.
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  • - Your Voice ~ A Prophetic Trumpet - The Gospel Faith Messenger.
  • My Lord, What a Morning |

Christians are called of God to clearly reveal the heart, voice, mind and will of God, so we can be effectively prepared to respond to His bidding, whatever the call. This only happens when we recognize the source of the voice. When, at a certain time in the session he asked the Holy Spirit what He wanted Kerry to do, the Holy Spirit told him to play just one note on his soprano saxophone.

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Just one note! Kerry obeyed and played only one note. In the next instant the Holy Spirit broke through in the lives of 3, people. That one note on the saxophone was like a trumpet blast that caused a major break through in the spirit realm. Those who were present that day will not forget that in a long time.

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    Hear the Sound of the Trumpet

    View all Denis Wick Artists. The Denis Wick Ambassador roster is comprised of world-class professional performers, educators, and clinicians, showcasing some of the very best talents from all across the United States. Ambassadors proudly use a wide variety of Denis Wick Products in their daily performance teaching. View all Denis Wick Ambassadors.

    Arnetta Johnson has had quite a career so far, and quite a future to look forward to. Her music screams confidence and power, where her personality is quiet, humble and appreciative. Over the past few years we have become accustomed to updates on her new music, and her shoutouttoGodtho has been a regular update when it comes to all the successes she has had along the way. One of the things I love about her music is she takes music that would usually showcase a vocalist or rap artist, but instead makes trumpet the main event.

    The first single released in and then I put out two more singles in Towards the Fall of I released I was ready to drop an album. I have atteneded church a few timea but i get a bad feeling when i go. I am worried now.

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    I have heard the sound of a trumpet for the second time in two months. The first time was last month in midday, the second time tonight after midnight. I got up and ran to the window and looked up at the sky. I didn't see anything so I asked my family if they heard the sound and they said no. The times are nearing. I know what I heard and know I am not hearing things. Blessings to all. Repent and change your life in the name of Jesus. I heard the trumpets last year around 9am I was deep in pray and the trumpets were loud.

    I ran outside to see where the loud beautiful noise came from and apparently I was the only person in the street that heard the trumpets. Last night I had a dream that the stars fell out of the sky and the earth turned to ashes The trumpet sounds, along with booming noises and other mysterious sounds are still being heard around the world. Just do a search on YouTube or Google. God bless you. Is there a specific verse that says that non or unbelievers will NOT hear the trumpets on Jesus' return?

    I do read that His sheep hear his voice John You can reach me though the contact button on the bottom right corner of our About Us page at www. I would like to share with you three VERY important messages. One from Choo Thomas, another from a sister who got a prophetic word from the Lord in February , another from brother Park, Yong Gyu, and the last one from brother Wilfred Lai of Kenya.

    Labels: Christ , coming , days , end , Jesus , last , rapture , ready , repent , return , second , tribulation , wrath.