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After two and a half years of neutrality, the United States entered World War I on April 6, A massive propaganda campaign ensued.
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The most gigantic nation in the world, which is the United States, the largest by far economy is based on building a wall.

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That cannot be a presidential campaign. Fox warned of the economic impact "of this nonsense of building a wall," remarking that "Mexico contributes at least with 10 million U. So if we have to quit our relationship because he is proposing that, the first loser is the same United States. And of course, Mexico [has to decide], where to go, to work to rebuild, we can go to many places in the world and many economies that are successful," Fox said. You have everything to lose and nothing to win with this false prophet.

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Asked who would pay for Trump's proposed wall, Fox bowdlerized his repeated claim that Mexico will not pay for his "fing" wall, suggesting that American companies would be forced to lay off workers. I don't know why we discuss it so long and so frequently," Fox said. And Trump, Fox remarked, is "showing himself as he is, a liar. He is a liar. He's lying to U. He [reminds] me of President Hoover," he said. Europe has always been engaged in wars, and it will not cease to be a cesspool of bloody ventures until it has spent its hatreds, its passions, its greeds, and until it has learned the principles of the Prince of Peace, that those who live by the sword shall perish by the sword.

History has proven that America cannot ally herself with any nation in war with any assurance that her decision of the moment is a wise one.

Wake Up America! The Hour is Late

Our boys died on the battlefields to defeat the Kaiser, but after the war Woodrow Wilson went to Europe to arrange the peace and came back a disillusioned man. Only a short time ago, we were helping Finland against Russia. Today, we are sending munitions to Russia which will be used to bomb Finland. Today we would ally ourselves with Russia in her war with Germany, but it is possible that ten years from now we might ally ourselves with Germany to halt the menace of Communism sweeping Europe. Why spend the lives of our richest blood on the battle-fields of Europe on such uncertain and impermanent ventures.

Why not take a lesson from history and from our experiences and fallow the wisdom of the father of our nation, in his advice against entangling alliances?

"Wake Up America!"

But there are those who say: But what are we going to do to stop Hitler? These people are divided into two groups. One is the group of those who use this fear propaganda because they have selfish motives for getting us into the war, and are willing to use any pretext to get us in. Take for example the group in the motion picture industry which has control of one of the greatest instruments of propaganda in the country. It has been advised that the motion picture industry has millions of dollars owed to it by British motion picture interests. It is obvious that they have a reason for wanting us to get into the war.

Million-dollar investments must be protected. There are those in another group, however, who have a sincere and honest apprehension that Hitler can conquer the world. My answer to that is that Hitler has built up so many hates in Europe, that he will never be able to untangle the potential Fifth Column against him, which exists throughout the continent, should he live a thousand years.

Each new conquest—each new country he invades only weakens him and hastens his downfall.

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He cannot turn his back on the people of Europe and Russia and seriously threaten the United States either militarily or economically. No less an authority than Bernard Baruch has testified that even though Hitler should win a technical military victory in Europe, Germany, and not the United States, would be the loser of the economic campaign for world trade. Let those who sincerely fear invasion by Hitler listen to the considered judgment of Lt. Thomas R. And this still would be true if our navy were inferior to that of an invading power.

And yet, despite this, there are those who are bent on getting us into the war, even by the twisting of the true meaning of freedom of the seas. Let me tell you something about that. As a matter of fact, Great Britain will not allow American vessels to carry food to the stricken peoples of Europe. Let a group in this country try to ship food to the starving Greeks or to ship medicine to our friends in Fin-land, and see what happens.

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Let those who urge us to go to war to uphold the doctrine of freedom of the seas, be honest in discussing this subject. The American people are not children. They know what contraband is, and they know that so long as Britain refuses to allow the United States to ship food to the starving peoples of Europe, there is no such thing as freedom of the seas.

We have one dear duty, to build up our army and our navy and our military production with unceasing de-termination, and thereby demonstrate to Hitler that any attempted invasion of the Western Hemisphere is out of the question. Bear in mind that after the war is over Europe will be filled with depraved minds and starving bodies, and the seeds of Communism will find fertile soil and insure its growth. The Russian doctrines will over-ride Europe and the pressure of that propaganda upon our own nation will be tremendous.

By building up our economic strength, by building up our productive capacity and by making the four freedoms a reality in our home country we will be better able to withstand this menace, both militarily and politically, than we would if we were to throw our all into the death struggle of Europe. There is a deadly conspiracy to get us into the war, but it is not too late to make that conspiracy an unsuccessful one. Two well-known columnists, Mr. Alsop and Mr. Kintner, have received appointments in the United States Navy. One of them is a cousin of Franklin Roosevelt.

On June 4th they frankly stated in their syndicated column that the President and the men around him hoped that the Atlantic patrol would result in an incident which could be used as an excuse for taking this country into war. That was ex-pert testimony but the sinkings have not been fast enough, and now orders have been issued which are expected to produce more incidents. Congress is being by-passed, Congress, which has the sole power to declare war, has been eliminated in the matter.

Congress will come back and exercise its prerogatives only if the people demand of the individual members the courage that is so greatly lacking today. If those who are seeking an incident to involve our nation as a shooting participant in the European War are successful what lies ahead of us? What price war?

A debt unprecedented, so staggering in its magnitude as to make inevitable inflation, the impairment of savings, life insurance, and annuities; the crippling of trust funds, educational and charitable institutions, and the repudiation of a large part of our national debt; a depression in industry and finance which will make the depression of and seem mild in comparison; the sacrifice of millions of lives of young American manhood and, what is even worse, a tragic harvest of mentally incapacitated men, broken-hearted mothers and fathers and families.

We will lose our democratic way of life, the liberties and freedoms vouchsafed us in this Constitution we pay tribute to tonight, while in their place there will arise same fascist or communistic form of government. What a heritage for our children!

Wake Up America

And, in the long years of aftermath of the hell of it all, those of us still living will turn back in retrospection to these days, and the youth of that day will turn and ask us why we permtted the warmongers of to push this nation into the maelstrom of European intrigue and selfishness. Article I Section 8 of our Constitution has not been repealed. Add to Favorites. Charles W. Tobey September 17, The Hour is Late. Are we, like the European nations, to have a government of men and not of laws?

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