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Gajendra Thakur (born ) is an Indian author. He writes in the Maithili language, Videha:Sadeha Videha Maithili Natya Utsav (Videha Maithili Stage and Drama). Videha:Sadeha Videha Maithili Shishu Utsav (Videha Maithili Children.
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Indian academics

Sampradaya of Mahayogi Gorakshanatha is an ancient authentic Yoga tradition. Guru Gorakshanatha has founded this tradition. In India him regard as Shiva. Mahayogi Gorakshanatha has established and developed yoga which now are practised all over the world. Many scientists assigned of creation of tradition to th century A.

Gorakshanatha and other great Yogis are respected by Nathas as realized kaya-siddhi and attained immortality. It was Gorakshanatha that developed the Hatha-yoga which are known as well as kaya-sadhana, pinda-sadhana, etc. He also is known as great master of Tantra and miracle-worker. There are many legends about him. Practices of Nathas include the internal alchemy leading to immortality.

During many centuries Natha-cult transferred knowledge through lineage from Guru to disciple, therefore the tradition was kept to our time; during this period various spiritual systems of India borrowed methods of Hatha-yoga from Nathas. Gorakshanatha is justly considered as the founder of Hatha-yoga.


Yoga Spreading The wide spread influence of the Natha lineage presently can be traced all over India, but it is more strong in the North and Western parts of the country. Such states as Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Gujarat are the stronghold of Nathas and having the biggest number of their establishments and followers. The reasons for this are the language barrier and the poor density of places to stay.

According to David Gordon White, these panthas were not really a subdivision of a monolithic order, but rather an amalgamation of separate groups descended from either Matsyendranath, Gorakshanath or one of their students. However, there have always been many more Natha sects than will conveniently fit into the twelve formal panths. Thus less populous sannyasin sub-sects such as the Adinath Sampradaya or Nandinatha Sampradaya are typically either ignored or amalgamated into one or another of the formal panths.

Reference to the Adinath Sampradaya is pointed out by Rajmohan Nath in the following list of the twelve sub-lineages:.

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Each of these names has its own unique significance, reflecting some distinctive aspects assigned to it. Reasons about the origin of starting using this word, best of all explained in commentary of Brahmaananda on Hatha Yoga Pradipica called Jyotsna:. However, the word has much older original than the order itself, which can be traced as far as three millenniums ago. After writing the book by G.

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Normally this term does not used by Nathas themselves. Natha Sampradaya historical The name Siddha Sampradaya, illustrates that Nathas are descendants of the tradition of Mahasiddhas, which has reached its peak around 7th-9th centuries. Sansktit is much more for mantras and philosophical terms.

Although the Natha Sampradaya was formed on the base of the unorganized movements of its forerunners, it was designed to be much different from them. Not like its predecessors, the new order was well organized, disciplined and was having the simple and systematical teaching, which could be easily understood by people. It was emphasizing the practice of Hatha Yoga and the power of austerity tapa , and was almost totally denying the learning of scriptures as means of liberation.

Master Goraksha Natha put the end to the practiced by Kapalikas custom to carry female consort with them and condemned it as ridiculous and hypocritical. To avoid the further confusion, he discontinued the authority of all previously existed philosophical traditions not spiritual and Tantras, and instead started the practice of passing knowledge from Guru to disciple in the line of direct transmissions. The esoteric part of the teaching was put in the form of short couplets called Mantras, which were easy to remember and were learnt by heart.

Each of those couplets contained some elements of knowledge on particular topic, and was passed only from Guru to disciple. This Lord of karma and destiny, Shiva Goraksha Nagaraja sat upon his throne of nagas for 12 years to withhold the rain and create a drought to give the people of Nepal their Karmic retribution, thereby evolving their souls.

He described as flying in air, turning mountain into gold, creating alive people by his yogic powers and as doing many more supernatural miracles contradicting all laws of the modern science. Gorakh is another variation of spelling of his name, having the same origin and meaning. As historical personage, Goraksha Natha was widely famous all over India, as distinguished saint and Yoga teacher, who achieved remarkable heights in the practice of Yoga and has acquired the supernatural powers.

He traveled wide, in India and neighbor countries, and even today, many places there surrounded with the legends about his miracles. His powerful personality and the achievements in tantric Yoga became the reason of creating huge fellowship, and many of kings contemporary to him become his disciples. There exist numerous books attributed to the authorship of Shree Goraksha Natha, some of which became milestones for the further development of the Yoga tradition. Amongst them, few are in Sanskrit and few are in the medieval form of the different local dialects of India.

Not too much known about the place of his birth, and there exist lot of different opinions on this question by different scholars. In accordance with the opinions expressed by different researchers, he lived no earlier than 7th century and not later than 12th century A. Earliest date based on the accepting as fact that he lived at the same time with the king of Nepal Narendra Deva, who ascended to the throne in about A.

Pratibimb Kala Darpan

The Natha Yogis believe that Goraksha Natha was more then human Guru nad living Spiritual Master, and insist on his miraculous non-human birth and immortality. It is told that he lived even before the creation has taken place, and through all four Yugas like Shiva God or one of His close disciples, and presented here even now, being invisible. Various accounts are showing him as meeting with the different people, who lived at the periods so far remote from each other that makes it impossible for the ordinary human being.

He is described as unseen background and inspiriting power behind the manifestation of many saints at the different periods of history. In accordance with some legends about him, he was not bound to one physical body, and was able easily leave own body and enter into other bodies, or to create one or few of them by his will and as such, he is an immortal. Gorakshanatha has written about fifty texts on philosophy, metaphysical aspects of yoga and various methods of Yoga-sadhana.

He has founded the order of Kanphata Yogis. The Kanphata yogis' distinctive attribute is big ear-rings in the ears, that symbolizes solar and lunar energy. Natha Yogis have another characteristic feature, some of thise is Nadi ritual whistle , which yogis carry on a black woolen string Janeo. A few treatises about Yoga and Tantra which are traditionally attributed to Mahayogi Gorakhshanatha and his followers are given below:.

Hatha-yoga of Natha-sampradaya accentuates on the Kundalini-jagaran sadhana, which trace to Tantric doctrines as distinct from the Hatha-yoga of Maharishi Patanjali. Guru Gorakshanatha has founded 12 panthas or branches of Yoga-sampradaya. The spiritual culture of India is greatly rich and various, therefore different groups of Natha-sampradaya contain elements of various religious cults in their spiritual practice. Hence were formed 12 pathas which base on yoga- discipline.

Pratibimb Kala Darpan

They did not be drawn into confrontations with any doctrines and always to keep aside from socially-religious activity of its. The priority objective of Natha cult is mystical experience. When the Buddhism was superseded from India, many tantric Buddhists come over to Nathas' side. The first Guru, who has told the Natha doctrine for disciple Matsyendranatha was Shiva in the form of Adinatha.

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Then Matsyendranatha transferred doctrine to Gorakshanatha. Gorakshanatha is known throughout the India, that legends and traditions confirm about him. Glory of Gorakshanatha to exceed popularity of his Guru Matsyendranatha, who is known not only as Nath but also as the founder mystical tantric Kula current, therefore partly these doctrines are connected with each other. Gorakshanatha and his followers showed the Extract of these doctrines to the world, popularizing knowledge of Yoga.

People know him by many names, and yet he is called the Nameless One. He broods over the infant humanities from eternity to eternity. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but he shall be in the here now, eternally to stay. The limited vision of sages, siddhas, philosophers and yogis cannot pierce his transcendental star.

His spiritual stature is inconceivable. He is the great sacrifice who in a countless supernovae explosion infused every atom of creation with his spirit of livingness, wisdom and truth to redeem not only humankind but all life and matter to their pristine state of consciousness. He has bestowed upon humanity the practices to evolve human consciousness, in particular, the divine alchemy of Shiva Shakti Kundalini or Kriya Yoga , which exercises a double action to hasten the evolution of the self soul.

This expands the self consciousness and burns away past evil karma. He has revived the ancient science of Shiva God realization in modern times. His mission continues to manifest through the work of his disciples.

The Ramayana Revisited

Babaji Mahavatar is ever the same. He was never born and therefore can never die. They call him aja the unborn. But from time to time this compassionate Lord of irradiant splendor does manifest for humanity to do what needs to be done. Pulling the veil of Maya by his own will he takes a form of Lightless light to incarnate amongst the haunts of men.