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Jackie Chan Adventures is a Chinese-American animated-live action comedy television series She is adventurous, and thus she frequently disobeys her uncle's advice to remain (he is called "sensei" by Tohru), is the uncle of Jackie and great-uncle of Jade. A number of books were released to accompany the series.
Table of contents

One popular alternative is the portapotti.

Equipment Parts and Accessories

They have larger capacities than they used to and are clean and sanitary enough to be kept in a sleeping tent, if desired. The sewer tote can then be taken to a dump station when full. These are also convenient when dry camping in an R. We have found that one full day, or even half of the second day, with everyone pitching in to set up camp was well worth it. An organized camp always makes our trips easier and more enjoyable for everyone. A comfortable, efficient camp provides many of the comforts of home, improves the efficiency of your mining operation, and can turn a possible disaster into a great trip.

There is no way to describe the warm, wonderful feelings we have all shared on those nights. The songfests that drew strangers to us, wanting to share and join in.

The Clymb - Stories to Inspire Adventures

The tales of adventures shared and the kinship felt with the first miners who came west to find gold and settle the country. These were the real rewards of our mining trips and were what lured us back each year. Last winter my partner and I devoted our two-week-long vacation to gold prospecting.

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Our objective on this trip was to locate promising stretches of river to gold dredge this next summer. The rivers and creeks were running fast and high, making it easy to identify the low pressure areas, like back eddies, that allow placer gold deposits to form. We quickly found more highly promising stretches of river to mine than we could ever hope to dredge in a hundred lifetimes!

The first couple of days we did some surface-sluicing behind a huge boulder on the west bank of the world famous Scott River. We averaged about 10 to 15 gold flakes in each pan. But, we wanted more gold! Moving upriver, we located a large bedrock outcropping with a two-foot ledge that extended into the bank at least six feet. This bedrock was smooth; it was old river channel!

A very good place for placer gold to deposit! So we set up our sluice there, and started following this bedrock across the surface of the streambed. My partner soon found a nice nugget in the header-box of our sluice.

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  • Panning the material from the sluice box averaged around ten thick golden flakes to the pan. This gold was a little more coarse i.

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    We worked on this ledge a couple more days, finding some really nice gold, before deciding to sample another area. It rained again the next day. So we decided to set up our sluice on a tributary of the South Fork of Indian Creek. After looking around a bit, we located their workplace a short distance from the road. Starting where they had left off, we soon encountered extremely hard-packed gravel. This made digging pretty slow and difficult. We used picks and six-foot steel bars to break up the gravel before running it through the sluice.

    We mined this site slightly more than a day, recovering a few nuggets and approximately five nice golden flakes to the pan while cleaning up. Cleaning up the sluice every hour told us if we were on the right track. After a while, we felt we should move to better ground. During the rest of the second day, we drove up the South Fork of Indian Creek, looking for access roads. We encountered snow towards the top of the mountains.

    About four inches fell the night before. We plan to get back up there this summer and really take a look! Rain fell pretty steadily the next few days. My partner pulled a clump of roots out of a crack in the bedrock. It easily produced the richest pan of gold either of us have ever seen! I thought, after seeing that pan: How much more can we find with a dredge or motorized sluice? We definitely plan to mine this particular spot in the future! Only one more day to play!

    We found a lot of good access roads and excellent camping locations along Elk Creek. A deep pool, just downstream from a high-pressure area, looked very good! Elk Creek has a very rich gold mining history, and I am looking forward to spending some quality time dredging here this summer. Winter is a good time to go prospecting; it is a sure cure for cabin fever. You have the whole country to yourself at this time of year, because there is hardly anyone around.

    We did not see a single person on the river or creeks that we visited. Water is high enough that it is possible to prospect pan or surface sluice locations that are normally dry.


    We did not see any! Perhaps most important of all, the high water allows you to see where the gold is being deposited, since you can actually see the water in flood conditions. Go prepared! A good rain suit, hat, gloves, and rubber boots are essential, if you plan to work in the rain.

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    • Now we have mining widows. Join in! BUT, I make the time to get to the river or at least the outback on weekends. Now if I can do it, so can you. I know what we gals can do if we just put our minds to it. Now, we know we learn faster than the men folks, and we are more flexible and willing to make a change for a better idea. You know how stubborn and set in their ways some of our old coots can be! Let me throw out a few mining terms for you to think about. How about overburden?

      Overburden is worthless junk, sand, rocks and anything else that covers bedrock. We all know what material is, right? Material in mining lingo is rocks, sand, gravel, mud, clay and silt that sits on top of bedrock, junk we have to work through to get to the bottom. Out of all of this, we end up with the concentrates.

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      We all know how to concentrate. We do it with a good book or our knitting and lots of other things. Ahhhhh, but Mother Nature,when she concentrates, she takes this sand, makes it heavy, turns it black, and hopefully throws in a little gold. So get out the oil can and get your bones moving, grab the kids, that dog and , of course, old hubby, and get moving.

      We expected an information-packed, tiring weekend. As weekend prospectors ourselves, we were nonetheless delighted to be able to visit Happy Camp , California this past summer. From its origins in Oregon, the Klamath runs some forty-odd miles south into California then turns west to meander its way to the Pacific Ocean.