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Table of contents

Shotcut Tutorial: Adding Pictures, Transparent Images, and Videos within Your Video

Transparency is the term used to describe a surface's ability to block or allow the passage of light. For example, a brick would be an object that has no Transparency while stained glass would be an object that has Transparency. The image above demonstrates how Transparency works in UE4 using a Texture to help define which areas should have Transparency and how transparent these areas should be.

The Texture is a gradient that goes from Black at the top, or full Transparency, to White at the bottom, or no Transparency. The areas in the middle have a varying degree of Transparency based on how close to Black or White the pixel in the Texture is.

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When dealing with Transparency in UE4 you will also hear terms like Opacity being used. Opacity refers to how see through a surface is while Transparency is used to describe that a surface can be see through. In the image below, we can see this in action. Starting on the left and moving to the right, the Opacity of the Material is increased from 0 to 1.

This makes the Material go from completely transparent, or see-through, to completely opaque, or non see-through.

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  • However this is only happening because the Material was setup so that it uses Transparency. Changing the Opacity on a Material that is not setup for Transparency will have no effect on how see-through that Material is. This tutorial will make use of content that can be found if you included the Starter Content with your project. If you have not included the Starter Content in your project you can look into the Migrating content page for information about how to move content between projects. This way you can add the Starter Content to your project and not have to make a new one. Now that the Blend Mode has been correctly set, look for the following Material Expression nodes.

    Using Transparency

    You can find the nodes by using the following names to search for them in the Material Pallet. With the correct Material Expression nodes added it is now time to hook everything together. For this example, a color of white was input as the default color. Next, connect the output of the Vector Parameter node into the Base Color input. Make sure to press both the Apply and Save buttons and the closed down the Material Editor. Now we need to find an object to place the Material Instance on so we can see the Material in action. Once in a location you like, release the Left Mouse Button to place the mesh in the level.

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    Objects that make use of Transparency can display scene reflections if the following options are set. However keep in mind that having a lot of translucent Materials that have reflections enabled could cause performance issues. When completed, your Material Graph should look something like this. Rename the two Material Expression nodes to Metallic and Roughness.

    Note: In the Blend Mode pop-up menu, scroll over different options to see how they look on your image. Photoshop displays a live preview of blend modes on the canvas.

    Unity - Manual: Albedo Color and Transparency

    For descriptions and examples of each mode, see Blending modes. By default, layers in a clipping mask are blended with the underlying layers using the blending mode of the bottommost layer in the group. However, you can choose to have the blending mode of the bottommost layer apply only to that layer, allowing you to preserve the original blending appearance of the clipped layers. You can also apply the blending mode of a layer to layer effects that modify opaque pixels, such as Inner Glow or Color Overlay, without changing layer effects that modify only transparent pixels, such as Outer Glow or Drop Shadow.

    Select Blend Clipped Layers As Group to apply the blending mode of the base layer to all layers in the clipping mask. Deselecting this option, which is always selected by default, maintains the original blending mode and appearance of each layer in the group. Select Transparency Shapes Layers to restrict layer effects and knockouts to opaque areas of the layer. Deselecting this option, which is always selected by default, applies these effects throughout the layer.

    Select Vector Mask Hides Effects to restrict layer effects to the area defined by the vector mask. You can restrict blending effects to a specified channel when you blend a layer or group. By default, all channels are included. When using an RGB image, for example, you can choose to exclude the red channel from blending; in the composite image, only the information in the green and blue channels is affected.

    The sliders in the Blending Options dialog box control which pixels from the active layer and the underlying visible layers appear in the final image.

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    • For example, you can drop dark pixels out of the active layer or force bright pixels from the underlying layers to show through. You can also define a range of partially blended pixels to produce a smooth transition between blended and unblended areas. Select an individual color channel for example, red, green, or blue in an RGB image to specify blending in that channel.

      Use the Underlying Layer sliders to specify the range of pixels in the underlying visible layers that will blend in the final image. Blended pixels are combined with pixels in the active layer to produce composite pixels, whereas unblended pixels show through overlying areas of the active layer. Selecting Fill With Mode -Neutral Color in the New Layer dialog box resolves this problem by first filling the layer with a preset, neutral color. Any change in a computing system, such as a new feature or new component, is transparent if the system after change adheres to previous external interface as much as possible while changing its internal behaviour.

      The Esri Community

      The purpose is to shield from change all systems or human users on the other end of the interface. Confusingly, the term refers to overall invisibility of the component, it does not refer to visibility of component's internals as in white box or open system. The term transparent is widely used in computing marketing in substitution of the term invisible , since the term invisible has a bad connotation usually seen as something that the user can't see and has no control over while the term transparent has a good connotation usually associated with not hiding anything. The vast majority of the times, the term transparent is used in a misleading way to refer to the actual invisibility of a computing process.

      The term is used particularly often with regard to an abstraction layer that is invisible either from its upper or lower neighbouring layer. Also temporarily used later around in IBM and Honeywell programming manuals [ citation needed ] the term referred to a certain computer programming technique. An application code was transparent when it was clear of the low-level detail such as device-specific management and contained only the logic solving a main problem.

      It was achieved through encapsulation — putting the code into modules that hid internal details, making them invisible for the main application. For example, the Network File System is transparent, because it introduces the access to files stored remotely on the network in a way uniform with previous local access to a file system , so the user might even not notice it while using the folder hierarchy.