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There are many congratulations and stories that could be told about that day. One of those stories was told to me by one of our life team leaders, Austin Aniebue.
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Because the Hesed Homes strive to holistically serve people, they jumped at the opportunity to continue serving East Austin. Cooper and Ana are living on mission and restoring hope in these families lives with the good news of Jesus. They are currently serving a mother of six children who fled for her life from an abusive situation. Join us in prayer for the Hesed Homes.

Your ongoing financial support allows us to break the cycle of poverty one life at a time, and offer the hope of Christ to people in desperate situations. Sarah Masen will discuss places of existential wonder for children in Church, using art as exploration and play with a creative God.

Bio : Sarah Masen has been writing and performing music for the last fifteen years. Most recently, she's developed at her church a Sunday School Curriculum for children which draws upon the seamless relationship between their creative possibilities and their lives in God.

The Story of Easter (Jesus' Sacrifice)

The program culminates in an annual arts show which publicizes this relationship. Art and Seminaries. Forming an Arts Ministry in the church. Joshua Banner and David Taylor. Description : With all of the best intentions and ideas about the arts and the church, what does it mean to foster an arts ministry? Two experienced arts pastors offer their own stories of how their churches have practically worked this out, with the good and the bad. Joshua is a song-writer, recording engineer, worship leader, teacher, aspiring essayist and husband to the poet, Susanna Childress.

Austin church is a 'voice of grace' for a rapidly changing city | Faith and Leadership

His artistic interests include playwriting, photography and film. Currently he is working on a book about art and the church and beginning the process of establishing an arts center in Austin. The church as Patron of the arts. Erik Lokkesome. A former political speechwriter, Erik is the co-author of The Revolutionary Communicator and the founder of Brewing Culture, an arts and media non-profit. He and his wife, Monica, have two children and live in LA.

Art and cross-culture Mission. What are new developments in art and missiology? What are practical ways artists and missionaries can join together to communicate the gospel across borders near and far? The church and Cultural Ideas. John Wilson. And for that very reason, you need to hear about them.

Sundays at 10:30am

The church and Non-Christian artists. Description : In this session non-Christian artists will have a chance to share their thoughts, impressions, and the possibilities of rapprochement with the church, Jesus, Christians, pastors, and so-called Christian artists. Art and Evangelism. Description : Three artists wrestle with the evangelistic uses and misuses of art, the attitudes that inform the discussion, and the possibility of a graciously bold and new way forward. Art and Social Justice. Description :. The Non-Traditional church and art.

Mosaic Austin and Vox Veniae Austin. Description : Three churches talk about their experiences of pastoring artists through non-conventional means and settings, the insights gained, mistakes made, and the hope of lives restored. Austen elaborates: "Their fear of separation, fear of being forgotten, fear of being kept out of God's family--all based on identities as unchosen as the place of their birth and as intrinsic as the shape of their body.

Their fears were my fears too. Yet here was God. This is an unequivocal refutation of Deuteronomy which expelled eunuchs not only from places of worship but from society.

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In Matthew, "Jesus singles out eunuchs, the gender-nonconforming people of the ancient world, as an example of people uniquely gifted for discipleship in the kingdom of heaven: 'Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can'" As Austen explains, "He [Jesus] may have been speaking about people who were born with diverse sex characteristics, in the case of intersex folks, about people who had been castrated against their will, as many eunuchs were in biblical times, and about people who had chosen a life outside of their assigned sex" Historically, it is a fact that it wasn't until that the Council of Nicaea made discriminatory rules about eunuchs becoming a clergyperson They also made other discriminatory rules of women as well—but that is another story.

One must ask by what authority did the Council act? David Hester points out, 'There is absolutely no suggestion that to be a eunuch is to be someone who is in any way in need of fixing, healing or reintegrating into society. Instead the eunuch is held up as the model to follow. He saw them as people with a variety of experiences and as people with something important to teach the world about God's kingdom. This complicates some Christians' belief that God wants all of us to be cisgender and male or female, and that the binary itself is required or natural" Isaiah's paring of eunuchs and foreigners is repeated in Acts chapter 8 when Phillip was specifically instructed to approach a eunuch from Ethiopia--keep in mind he was "outside the boundaries of gender, race, class, and religion" [an example we call today: intersectional] Justin Tanis notes that unusualness of the encounter as well—a liminal in-between space called the "wilderness"—suggests God works "outside of human boundaries and conventions" Austen explicates I Corinthians ,26 to mean that "no member of the body of Christ is dispensable, no member can deem any other person unnecessary, and just because someone does decide to say someone else is dispensable or unnecessary does not make it true" Austen throws some science in for good measure: Ann Fausto-Sterling "argues that sex is also socially constructed, because there's nothing in nature that decides whether XX or XY chromosomes or testicles and ovaries should be categorized as male or female or something else altogether" How should churches help transgender Christians?

The research of Anneliese Singh, a professor of counseling and human development provides some suggestions. Singh noted there are "five things that predicted high resilience: the ability to create and define your own sense of self; the recognition of your own self-worth; awareness of oppression, so that you can protect yourself [beware gaslighting!

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Finally, Austen also offers specific guidance focusing on education, conversation, consensus, connection, and follow through on pages Mar 16, Jdshankles rated it it was amazing. This book. This is one of the best books I have read in a long time. Austen does a remarkable job of speaking to all people about what it means to be transgender and Christian.

He teaches us about terminology and pronouns in a way that is both direct and compassionate to those who are new to supporting transgender people in their lives. He also teaches us the Bible in a way that is interesting and accessible. And finally, and perhaps most importantly, he shares the stories of transgender people This book. And finally, and perhaps most importantly, he shares the stories of transgender people and their stories and struggles with faith.

This book broke my heart in beautiful and terrible ways. This book is wonderful, accessible, and necessary. As a pastor, I will use this book regularly in my ministry. Apr 11, Laurie J. Encouraging, Hopeful, Challenging for all Christians I purchased this book after meeting the author on a college campus.

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Reading this book was like getting to continue the conversation. I wanted to hear what Austen had to say so I could share it with someone close to me. I was so touched by what I read. I will probably need to go read it again because this first time through was an emotional roller coaster.

  1. Connections.
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  4. Ultimately though I think it draws the reader in and makes you remember what it is to Encouraging, Hopeful, Challenging for all Christians I purchased this book after meeting the author on a college campus. Ultimately though I think it draws the reader in and makes you remember what it is to experience God's love and grace. I don't know if my loved one is ready to read this book yet, but I hope to share the encouraging perspective I gained from the book with him.

    Apr 26, Nikki Hastings rated it it was amazing Shelves: trans. ARC received via NetGalley. I read this with my wife, who is a trangender Christian herself. We were both deeply moved and oftentimes found that the author had spelled out feelings, thoughts and ideas we had experienced but had been unable to put into words. This book has since been recommended to our priest and church book club. We have also ordered a print copy for our personal bookshelf. Queer Christian voices are so rare- queer transgender voices are rarer still.

    We need more books like this.

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    Oct 19, Sarah Klaassen rated it really liked it. This short book is a rich read that draws from scripture, story and tradition to open wider Christian spaces for people who are trans.

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    Written in accessible, conversational style, this is a wonderful introductory text, a solid resource, and a life affirming call to inclusion. Jun 10, Michelle Tucker rated it it was amazing. Really enjoyed this. As someone who seeks to be an ally this is a great resource in regards to proper language and exploration of relevant biblical passages. Jan 01, Eric rated it really liked it. The understanding of Christian community has evolved throughout its history.