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wake-up call meaning, definition, what is wake-up call: an experience or event that shocks you a: Learn more.
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Wake up call | English language | Preply

Translations of wake-up call in Chinese Traditional. Need a translator? Translator tool. What is the pronunciation of wake-up call? Browse wake up to something idiom. Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes. Image credits. Word of the Day theory.

Blog Give yourself a pat on the back! The language of praising January 01, Read More. New Words spite house.

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January 06, The battle cry of the mansplainer. See also: " to be fair " and "not all". Well actually , to be fair , not all men do that. Jan 9. From the phrase, 'It's the tail that wags the dog. Jan 8. If You Know You Know. Last nights party was crazy iykyk.

Your Wake Up Call.

Jan 7. Scomo unknown. A person in charge who leaves things to others when a difficult or emergency situation arises. Jan 6. Steve and I were both very aware of the research done by Dr. Dean Ornish and others about the importance of a plant-based diet, especially in preventing and reversing heart disease.

We sat there for a long time, waiting to be told we could visit Steve. Finally, the doctor returned—with a pained look on her face. He almost died. We had to bring him back. What happened? He was just fine. Steve did make it through the night. Nine weeks later, he died of heart- and hospital-related complications.

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  • Wake Up Before Your Wake-Up Call.
  • wake-up call (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

The sudden loss of my husband was a devastating blow—and a profound wake-up call. If he had paid attention to the signals his body had apparently been giving him for months.

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If I had demanded we go straight to the ER and not detour to his office. If the doctors had properly done their job and paid more attention to his situation. If I had taken steps right away to get him medical help. It is fragile and impermanent; if we want to live meaningfully and with joy, we have to accept that fact and be as present as we can be for ourselves and one another.

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  6. That said, sometimes just sitting with our stuck feelings is what we need to do—but to observe them without getting too entangled with them. We can also learn to bring compassion to ourselves when we realize we may be suffering with very difficult emotions.

    wake-up call

    Waking up takes practice. It involves the body, the mind, and the spirit. It involves paying attention to ourselves, attending to each other with care and focus, and reaching outside ourselves to connect with the wider world that needs our gifts and talents and that shifts our attention from our own suffering. We feel stuck and unexcited or anxious and depressed.

    Some of us have become ill and only realized after the fact that our bodies had been giving us clues that something was wrong but we ignored the warnings. Or pushing of the calls of those around us. But who wants to sleepwalk through life like that?

    Granted, the morning Steve was so insistent about our finances, I was depleted, physically and mentally.