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Spring First coined by the philosopher Aristotle, this phrase aptly defines the modern concept of synergy. For anyone who has played.
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What should we teach our children to make sure they make good use of that newly acquired power?

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Fundamentally, we should start with developing qualities such as open-mindedness and fearless inquiry, critical thinking and big-picture perspective. From education to science to management, studies are suggesting that questions matter more than answers. The most frequent complaint of many college professors is that students undervalue questions and do not possess well-developed inquiry skills.

Astrobiology is a great source of open-ended problems for all ages, and can be used to model questioning techniques for students.

A Story of Stories

In our classes, children learn to be comfortable with unknowns and to revisit what they take for granted. The instructors serve as role models for asking questions, making mistakes, and getting stuck, building a growth mindset and mental resilience. System thinking through astrobiology. As a space science, astrobiology allows students to zoom out from their habitual perspective and see themselves on the cosmic scale.

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It helps a child get a holistic view of the world by bringing together scientific disciplines that are frequently taught in isolation. As a young science, astrobiology encourages a sense of wonder and provides inspiration to young explorers by presenting a world full of unanswered burning questions.

Complexity and emergence. Meanwhile, astrobiology, with its focus on the emergence of life, has tremendous potential for bringing the ideas of complexity and emergence into the STEM educational discourse, starting as early as upper elementary and middle school.

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Complexity - be it ecological, social, technological, biological or political - is everywhere around us. For instance, it might be a piece in a machine - a wheel is a part of the larger whole that we call an automobile. Or it might be an organ in an organism - a heart is a part of a body.

In most systems part-whole relationships exist in nested hierarchies. For instance, a hubcap is a part of the whole wheel which is in turn a part of the automobile which might in turn be considered part of a fleet of vehicles. Or, a cell is a part of the heart which is part of the body which is in turn part of a class or group of organisms. But the part-whole distinction is more than just a physical one.

Intro ~ duction

We can also talk about part-whole hierarchies in concepts. For instance, our idea of the concept of humanity consists of parts like nationalities and sub-parts like people from different states or towns. Or, we might divide the whole concept of humanity into the parts of those who were born in different years, subgroups who are male and female, and subgroups of those who have brown hair or are right-handed.

As these examples show, the part-whole concept is a universal one that can be applied to virtually anything.

Adventures In Symbiosis

When thinking of parts and wholes it is also important to keep in mind that in addition to the whole and the parts that it is made up of, we also can think about the relationships between these as something that is distinguishable and meaningful almost as if the relationships are separate "parts" of the part-whole distinction! For instance, in a car there is the whole of the car, its various parts e.

This idea of the importance of relationships is central to systems thinking. It gives rise to the famous saying that "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" that you have probably heard of. We have to be careful about this saying, however.