Guide Swayed

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verb (used without object) to move or swing to and fro, as something fixed at one end or resting on a support. to move or incline to one side or in a particular direction. to incline in opinion, sympathy, tendency, etc.: She swayed toward conservatism.
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The new king at Paris was a young boy, whose councils were swayed by a knot of quarrelsome and selfish uncles; the vigour of the attack on England began to slacken. But the leading men among the baronage were undoubtedly swayed by ambition and resentment, by family ties and family feuds, far more than by enlightened statesmanship or zeal for the king or the commonweal. His eyes ran rapidly over the wide space, but he only saw that the hitherto motionless masses of the French now swayed and that there really was a battery to their left.

But in spite of this he continued to struggle desperately forward, and from between the backs of those in front he caught glimpses of an open space with a strip of red cloth spread out on it; but just then the crowd swayed back--the police in front were pushing back those who had pressed too close to the procession: the Emperor was passing from the palace to the Cathedral of the Assumption--and Petya unexpectedly received such a blow on his side and ribs and was squeezed so hard that suddenly everything grew dim before his eyes and he lost consciousness.

His shoulders swayed gracefully, the open denim jacket swinging loosely in the breeze. Yet he affirms, as we said before, that his intention was never swayed by a bribe; and so far as any of these cases can be traced, his decisions, often given in conjunction with some other official, are to all appearance thoroughly just.

His justification has been set aside by modern critics, not on the ground that the evidence demonstrates its falsity, 6 but because it is inconceivable or unnatural that any man should receive a present from another, and not suffer his judgment to be swayed thereby. Kutuzov swayed his head, as much as to say: "How is one man to deal with it all? At the moment when Vereshchagin fell and the crowd closed in with savage yells and swayed about him, Rostopchin suddenly turned pale and, instead of going to the back entrance where his carriage awaited him, went with hurried steps and bent head, not knowing where and why, along the passage leading to the rooms on the ground floor.

To a man not swayed by passion that welfare is never certain, but he who commits such a crime always knows just where that welfare lies. They will imitate good eating habits they see practiced by their parents, but they can also be easily swayed by television commercials for junk food. Don't be swayed by some of the prices you see; they sometimes don't tell the whole story.


Their performance swayed him to stick with the job and keep leading the club. Despite Elrond's urging that he throw it into the fire, Isildor was quickly swayed by the ring's power and he escaped into the wilderness with the One Ring. When Dom Pedro left Brazil for the purpose of making a tour through Europe and the United States he appointed Princess Isabella to act as regent, and she showed herself so swayed in political questions by Church influence that Liberal feeling became more and more anti-dynastic.

Another incident which gave strength to the opposition was the sudden abolition of slavery without any compensation to slave-owners. The enthusiasm for a life of holiness and separation from the world no longer swayed all minds. While most of the "Broad Churchmen" were influenced by ethical and emotional considerations in their repudiation of the dogma of everlasting torment, he was swayed by purely intellectual and theological arguments, and in questions of a more general liberty he often opposed the proposed Liberal theologians, though he as often took their side if he saw them hard pressed.

It is true that he is sometimes swayed by prejudice, but this is the common lot of great historians; they cannot altogether avoid sharing in the feelings of the past, for they live in it, and Freeman did so to an extraordinary degree. Buddhism, which swayed Korea from the 10th to the 14th century, has been discredited for three centuries, and its priests are ignorant, immoral and despised.

His regular visits to Oxford kept him in intercourse with his old friends in Oriel common room, and made him familiar with the currents of feeling which swayed the university. While in opposition his mind was swayed to and fro with conflicting emotions of dislike to the head of the ministry and of desire to share in the spoils of office. Before this could be accomplished Chatham's mind became impaired, and Townshend, who was the most determined and influential of his colleagues, swayed the ministry as he liked, pledging himself to find a revenue in America with which to meet the deficiency caused by the reduction in the land tax.

The explanation seems to be that while on Christian grounds he repeatedly denounced pantheism as being in all its forms equivalent to atheism, he was latterly much swayed by the thought of Schelling in the pantheistic direction which was natural to him. Any tendency to listen to liberal counsels was denounced by them as weakness and met by demands for the restoration of the Inquisition and by the organization of absolutist demonstrations, and even revolts, such as that which broke out in Catalonia in , organized by the supreme junta set up at Manresa, with the object of freeing the king from the disguised Liberals who swayed him.

swayed - Wiktionary

Finally, he broke through the thatch of branches and leaves blocking most of the sun. The day was darkening. In the distance, he saw the massive fortress that was Death's, and he saw the Lake of Souls he'd seen in angel memories. He saw birds but couldn't see through the jungle to where Katie might be. The branch holding him swayed in a heavy wind that smelled of rain. His condo swayed in the harsh winds of the latest storm spawned from the massive depression in the Gulf.

She wondered what had swayed him to turn against Tiyan and how far he had already gone. He doesn't strike me or anyone as the sort of character who can be swayed by mere flattery. The breeze from the Bay of Bengal was bracing, the sun glistened off the azure ocean and the palm fronds swayed.

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      I was undermined. I was governed. I was persuaded. I was dominated. I was provoked. I was prompted. I was swayed , twice, to my lingering regret. I admit, I was swayed by a mate who works in cricket telly, who was adamant as to its unreliability. I was swayed by the hullabaloo surrounding The Unbearable Lightness of Being, which I was encouraged to believe every young actor was after. Choosing a school was very difficult and for the older two I was swayed by popular middle-class opinion about academies.

      As an untrained owner of a circular saw who has nearly severed a finger more than once, I was swayed by his advice to eschew circular saws in favor of jigsaws.