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the autumn of , went absolutely smoothly and all was set for a speedy of ICCROM in seeing the volume through the final stages with the printers. Impressive features in these plots are mosaics, always among the most exciting Pour l'utilisation de 'tours' de prises de vue, voir D. Rosencrantz, "Underwater pho-.
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Interior thermal insulation systems are an integral part of retrofitting works, especially when historical buildings are taken into account. In this paper, three different insulation materials mineral wool, calcium silicate, and sheep wool were investigated in order to assess their suitability for the application in historical buildings. First, the basic physical, hygric and thermal properties of those materials were measured in laboratory conditions and then a series of computational simulations was carried out.

Finally, based on the simulation results, the hygrothermal response was analyzed and several conclusions were drawn.

The presented results proved all materials suitable for application in interior thermal insulation systems but some differences in the hygrothermal response of individual materials were observed. The construction of artificial emissary of Lake Fucino's represents one of the most significant engineering challenges that took place in antiquity.

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Unfortunately, the imposing structure of the Roman emissary was almost completely erased from the building of the late nineteenth century, constructed for the final drying of the lake. This article presents its virtual reconstruction, to understand the technological issues met by Romans and to visually offer reconstruction theories starting from interpreting of the few Roman remains. So that, engineering resources are used to try to understand unresolved issues in archaeology.

The paper addresses the issue of virtual museums' space personalization. Personalization techniques are poorly integrated in virtual museums implementations and when applied little attention is given in the abilities, requirements and needs of their visitors. In this paper, the concept of adaptive exhibition topologies is introduced. Adaptive exhibition topologies are patterns of space structure that are specifically designed in order to provide unlimited exhibition space for personalized exhibitions based on users' interests and visiting preferences.

Adaptive exhibition topologies focus on the time that visitors are willing to spend for their visit. In contrast to conventional implementations, adaptive exhibition topologies instances are created according to their visitors' interests and their available time while taking into consideration certain curatorial guidelines. A number of topologies is introduced as well as appropriate metrics for their study and comparison reasons.

The effect of different exhibition topologies on users' navigation and interaction with the exhibits is studied through the conducted usability and evaluation tests. Modern life is changing ever more complex and technologically. The technology is utilized in many ways in the life of humans, and even in many of them, human is used as supportive devices inside and outside of the human body. The greatest change in our lives is that human beings can produce more humanoid robots that can learn, plan, reasoning, problem solve, comment, feel, have intelligence.

Because of this situation, many things will change in this life which is designed according to human beings. Cultural heritage and art will have an important place in these subjects.

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Nowadays, there is still discuss on the issues and limitations of cultural heritage and art subjects. Humanoid robots will add problems that await many solutions. When humanoid robots become so productive and become acceptable in society, there is no doubt that many complicated ethical issues will arise. These issues should be determined, discussed and solutions should be given as detailed as possible. The biggest problem of human being is that the solutions will not only be observed by human rights, but also the humanoid robots' rights to be taken into consideration at this time.

The Underwater Cultural Heritage represents a key aspect of our historical memory still little known due to a number of limitations imposed by the underwater environment. The aim of this paper is to explore the use of digital three-dimensional reconstructions to support the research about this immeasurable archaeological and historical resource. The whole virtual reconstruction process is described step by step, focusing on the iterative feedback allowing for reaching the best virtual reconstruction solutions, helping the archaeologists to better focus their reasoning through a detailed visual representation, and the technical experts to avoid misleading details in the final virtual reconstruction.

Ancient bronze statues mainly require material integrity assessment and restoration. Restoration may include also the update of the museum exhibition, defining new structural frames and fragment re-composition to preserve the statue and improve the interpretation of the original aspect. This paper proves how engineering methods such as Finite Element Analysis, Computer Aided Design modelling, Reverse Engineering may assist cultural heritage experts and restorers in these tasks.

This bronze was found in pieces body, left arm and right leg , at the end of 19 th century during an excavation made in Rome.

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No visual or reference sources can say its origin and its final posture was defined by restorers at the end of the 19 th century according to their hypothesis and studies. In the 20 th century, a further restoration was made on the critical areas of the surface, together with some structural improvement of the inner frame.

Nowadays, after a review of its position inside the Museum, new experimental and numerical analyses have been carried out to better understand surface weakness and correct left arm positioning. This paper describes a methodology for efficient massive 3D digitization of ancient sculptures under the scope of IU-Uffizi project.

The project is sponsored by Indiana University USA with the technical support of Politecnico di Milano and the advice of a scientific committee of experts in the fields of art history and archaeology. The project aims at digitizing ancient sculptures in the "Uffizi museum", Pitti Palace", "Boboli Gardens" and a storage facility inside Villa Corsini in Castello near Florence.

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The authors have experienced a variety of different issues in the museum, including working with different lighting conditions, the placements of sculptures at difficult places for shooting images, inaccessible height and different ways for posing camera on the scene in an environment where the use of drones is prohibited. To solve such issues, specific technical choices were needed to reduce the digitization time and costs while maintaining a high coherence between the physical artefact and its digital counterpart. These technical solutions are being discussed, in a context where the purpose is to massively digitize complex objects in their original setting by minimizing the impact on the museum.

Furthermore, several methodologies are being discussed to improve the efficiency of digitization regarding image capturing, 3D model creation, scaling and mesh editing. The Bronze Age crossbar wheel found in the XIX century in Mercurago Italy is an amazing example of the technical innovations stimulated by the diffusion of horse draught war chariots in Europe across the third and second millennium b.

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In this paper the tools of modern engineering were used to study the structural issues concerning the wheel and the chariot it should be attached to. In particular, the laser-scanner technology and finite element analysis were used for investigating the dimensional, shape and assembly issues of the wheel, as well as for assessing its structural integrity under operating conditions. The role of the inserted nave, which could be similar to modern bushings, was particularly emphasised, as it is a very innovative solution for that time.

The performance of a war chariot equipped by this wheel was studied by means of a vehicle dynamics simulation software, hypothesizing two different chariot structures on the basis of Armenian and Egyptian evidences respectively. The former is probably more similar to the chariot to whom the Mercurago wheel was attached; the latter is technically much more advanced. The results of the analysis allowed obtaining important information about the chariot stability, reliability and structural integrity.

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Barone, A. Paoli, P. Neri, A. Razionale, M. De Santis and F. The manual drafting of lithics artefacts could be a very time-consuming work, and it could be cumbersome on the archaeological site. In this case, a 3D digital model of the object could be very useful. Nowadays, several digitizing technologies are available to easily acquire information about the shape of an object.

Virtual models could be used to create a digital museum or to share information between researchers. On the other hand, the manual drafting of a lithic object contains information about the technologies used to realize it. Information about the core setup, types of chipping surfaces, detach sequence of supports, and much more. In this work a method to easily obtain a hand-made-like draft of lithic artefacts is proposed. The method is based on the 3D acquisition of the object with a structured-light based scanner and a sequence of digital processing of the acquired data.

This paper proposes the integration of photogrammetric reconstruction, 3D modelling and augmented reality application in order to achieve the complete visualization of a stone sculpture even if highly damaged or fragmentary. The first part of the research aims to the reconstruction of the original aspect of an incomplete sculpture, by using photogrammetry techniques based on standard resolution photos and free software in order to obtain a first model; then, we integrate this model with other 3D digital data from other sculptures of the same period or with 3D modelling based on historical sources and views from historians, aiming to achieve the original aspect of the sculpture.

The second part of the research consists of the embedding of the obtained model in a custom application able to render in real-time the 3D reconstruction of the lion. Then, the rendering is overlaid to the video stream of the real scene and, as a result, a complete 3D digital model of the sculpture is achieved and could be visualized through a VR viewer.

As a case study, we focus on a Roman stone sculpture of a male lion conserved in the Museo Estense of Modena Italy , which lacks of its head and its four legs. The original aspect of the lion may be achieved by integrating the damaged sculpture with other photogrammetric reconstructions of lions sculptures of the same period and with 3D model based on historical sources.

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Finally, the lion is visualized through an augmented reality application which digitally overlays the reconstructed models on the original one. In our study, we proposed a prototype of "Piazza dei Miracoli" Pisa, Italy as an intelligent 3D interface system aimed at improving the accessibility and usability of cultural sites for all, including people with vision impairment. We combine tactile information with audio tracks in order to enable potential users to explore the artifact autonomously. Low-cost and partially open-source technologies are two important features leading our approach, creating a system easily replicable.

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First, we designed some 3D source-based models to be printed with an additive manufacturing technology.