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Pérez, a lonely gaucho who, as a young boy, allegedly had an encounter with an anomalous aerial vehicle and the strange entities inside.
Table of contents

And not just that. The procedure, pioneered by Canadian neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield, is often the best way to find out the function of different brain regions, and much of what we have learned about the brain has come from courageous patients who have let themselves be stimulated while conscious. It was during such a procedure that Blanke found that he could cause the woman to report some rather weird sensations, by stimulating a single electrode, placed on the right angular gyrus, a small region towards the back of the skull. Epilepsy patients are often fitted with electrodes to record their brain's output Credit: Science Photo Library.

The next step was to try to produce OBEs in healthy participants. A camera filmed a subject from behind, and the images were sent to a 3D head-mounted display that the subject was wearing. The subject could see only what was being shown in the display, which was the back of his or her own body, seen in 3D and about seven feet in front.

The subjects would feel the stroking on their backs, but would also see themselves being stroked in the head-mounted display. The stroking was either synchronous or asynchronous to make it asynchronous, the video feed was delayed a smidgen, so the subject felt the touch first but saw the virtual body being stroked an instant later. In the synchronous condition, once the illusion set in, some subjects but not all reported feeling the touch in the location of the virtual body about seven feet in front of them and that the virtual body felt like their own.

They had experienced ownership of an illusory body — an aspect of the doppelganger experience. They rigged a setup that allowed them to conduct the same experiment inside a scanner. Meanwhile, the subject viewed through a head-mounted display a video of a person being stroked on the back. Again, in some subjects, their sense of location and sense of body ownership were shaken up. One of the most striking outcomes was when a subject reported looking at their own body from above, even though the subject was lying prone, face-up, in the scanner.

Common Sense says

Scientists can now create out-of-body experiences in the lab - experiments that help them probe the brain's self-consciousness Credit: Thinkstock. The subjects were scanned during their experiences, and the scans revealed that their sense of being out-of-body was correlated with activity in the temporoparietal junction TPJ , a site that integrates touch, vision, proprioception, and vestibular signals. Here was some objective evidence that the TPJ is involved in the sense of self-location — where you perceive yourself to be.

Together, they combine the different external sensations with sensations that tell the brain about the orientation of the body and the location of body parts, and signals from inside the body, such as the viscera which contain information about the beating heart, blood pressure, and the state of the gut, for example. In other words, it provided further evidence that it is the process of combining all these signals that together give us the feeling of inhabiting our bodies.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Could a similar process explain some particularly strong versions of the doppelganger effect experienced by some people? These powerful experiences often feel mystical — but the process may tell us a lot about the body, emotions and the subjective feeling of a bodily self. Chris may offer the most startling account. It was early in the morning. Chris got off the bed, stood up, and walked toward the end of the bed, where there was a dresser.

He stretched and turned around and got the fright of his life. I was just gasping. My head was spinning, trying to get a grip on things.

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And then the phone rang. What touched me the most was that he just assumed I would help him, no hesitation on his part. I was sitting outside of my apartment in Columbus, Ohio, when I saw a man running toward the apartment complex.

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It was weird — something just struck me as off about the run. Maybe that he had a hand in his hoodie pocket as he ran. Maybe that he was wearing regular, non-running clothes. Maybe the expression he had on his face. Maybe that he was black. Whatever it was, my adrenaline kicked in, and I was convinced that I was seeing something out of the ordinary.

A week after that, I was walking to work and I saw a bus go up one of the streets near where I lived, and it just clicked: This guy had been running to catch the bus. I felt immediately ashamed of myself. I was using an A. Several young Hispanic-looking men were socializing on the street.

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  7. One of the men started following me. I quickened my pace, only to have him catch up to me, waving something in his hand. It was the bank card that I had left in the A. He returned it with a big smile that seemed to acknowledge that I looked scared. Not sure if it was the situation, or their race that made me assume they were up to no good.

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    In retrospect, I probably should have given them the benefit of the doubt. I was attending a Montessori conference in Kansas City with teachers from my sons' school and kept noticing a small Filipina woman carrying a baby-changing tote around and wondered if she was part of the hotel cleaning staff. What a surprise to find she was the main speaker for the conference — a world expert on Montessori in public schools. We lose out from experiencing the full blessings life has to offer when we succumb to racial stereotyping.

    A note to readers who are not subscribers: This article from the Reader Center does not count toward your monthly free article limit. His portrayal of the aggressive year-old with an insatiable desire for wealth and recognition, growing up in Montreal's Jewish ghetto during the 90's, made many people quite uncomfortable. The controversy was a testimonial to a good performance. I learned more about myself doing that than any other part. There were many aspects to Duddy that are considered unpleasant, but an actor's job is to find the truth within himself that fits the character and bring it out.

    My obligation as an actor tell the truth.

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    4. Still, Dreyfuss didn't like his portrayal. He added a lot, too. He criticized Universal for treating minor players badly.

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      He complained about unnecessary delays. Universal just considered it unprofessional, and these days Dreyfuss agrees. The editing and construction of that film are amazing. Written and directed by John Byrum, it suffered from uneven performances and a wildly fluctuating tone, but its underlying concept was compelling: A brilliant silent filmmaker is reduced to making pornography in the early 30's, but he tries to make the most exquisite pornography possible because he's still an artist.

      Audiences stayed home. Dreyfuss is still bitter about the film. It's obvious that there's an intelligence behind that film, an attempt at something very grand. It's all variable anyway. But nobody knows how to make these decisions. I never defined myself as an actor because of the paycheck — in fact, I used to turn down work. Let's see what he does when we offer him a series. TV is bad, it's awful, terrible, never good, and you just don't do it. Well, I didn't say yes; I had a heart attack, fell to the floor, and woke up doing this piece of filth.

      What the hell, do it. Incredible money. What are you, crazy?

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      That's myth money. I had never done that before, taken material that was filth for money. Want come?