Guide Someone Elses Shoes (3rd Period Edition)

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Describing a situation - There are three 3 people A, B and C: A - the most rich; successful B - somewhat successful; ok C - Dirt poor Now A says to B, "you are poor because you didn't do the right things, make right decisions" B, like most middle class, feels a bit envious and, at the same time, guilty, as he knows there are lot of people like who are poor, like C. Hank 4, 1 1 gold badge 20 20 silver badges 38 38 bronze badges. But there are dozens of variations on this. Another common sentiment is "You should trade places with X".

Hank edited my query and added as you asked. Let's see -- you're asking for a cliche, but you don't want it to be cliched?? HotLicks confusedly I am. The thing is it doesn't need to be cliche, it needs to be something which is more straighter. Wish I could express myself better. I think you are looking for someone to feel empathy for the other person Empathy: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner Empathize: understand and share the feelings of another.

Via Merriam-Webster You should empathize with person C, he's a regular person just like you and me! I think that's the closest I would be able to get to it, thanx. Something also like, "don't judge a book by its cover" gives the same meaning. Can you expand upon why you t think this is the right answer?

Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Perspective taking, however, is a developmental skill and will emerge gradually over time, so you will need to provide young students K-5 lots of practice. Encouraging students to discuss their own feelings and those of others, as we have in previous lessons, helps build readiness for the skill of perspective-taking.

In everyday conflicts, make it a habit to ask students to identify and explore why another person might have a different perspective. Have students stand in a circle and begin to retell the story. One student begins and each student will add one sentence at a time until the story is told. Use the plot points below or the picture book you have chosen to interject if the story becomes too rambling.

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Encourage students to silently! Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the woods to deliver food to her sickly grandmother.

Don't Laugh at Me Program Walk in Another's Shoes

A Big Bad Wolf wants to eat the girl and the food in the basket. He follows her and approaches her, and she tells him where she is going. He locks the grandmother in the closet and waits for the girl, disguised as the grandma.

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  • When the girl arrives, she notices that her grandmother looks very strange. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother emerge unharmed. The wolf runs away and everyone lives happily ever after, except for the wolf. Ask yourself how you are feeling about each character and whether those feelings are different from before. Tip: This story also can be used for the Conflict Escalates activity to analyze what causes conflict to escalate. The forest was my home.

    I lived there and I cared about it. I tried to keep it neat and clean.

    1. Treat strong emotion as a puzzle, not a problem

    Then one day, while I was cleaning up some garbage someone had left behind, I heard some footsteps. I leaped behind a tree and saw a little girl coming down the trail carrying a basket. Naturally, I stopped to check her out. I asked who she was, where she was going, where she had come from, and all that. As she walked on down the path, she took a candy bar out of her basket and started to eat it, throwing the wrapper on the ground. Imagine that! Bad enough that she had come into my forest without permission and had been rude to me.

    Now she was littering my home.

    The Importance of Pretend Play

    I decided to teach her a lesson. When I saw the old woman, I realized that I knew her. Years before, I had helped her get rid of some rats in her house. When I explained what had happened, she agreed to help me teach her granddaughter a lesson.

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    She agreed to hide under the bed until I called her. When the girl arrived, I invited her into the bedroom where I was in the bed, dressed like her grandmother. The girl came in and the first thing she did was to say something nasty about my big ears. Then she made another nasty remark, this time about my bulging eyes.

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    Since I always try to stay cool, I ignored her insult and told her my big eyes help me see better. But her next insult really got to me. She said something about my big teeth. At that point, I lost it. No wolf would ever eat a little girl. She probably would have tasted bad anyway. All I wanted to do was scare her a bit. But the crazy kid started running around the house screaming. I started chasing her, thinking that if I could catch her I might be able to calm her down.

    All of a sudden the door came crashing open and a big lumberjack was standing there with an ax. I knew I was in trouble so I jumped out the window and got out of there as fast as I could. The grandmother never did tell my side of the story. Before long, word got around that I was mean and nasty. Now everyone avoids me.

    A person from the inner ring is paired with a person from the outer ring for one question. Both outer- and inner-ring students will answer each question. Signal after a minute when to switch who is answering in the pair and after each question when to shift partners by rotating to the left. According to the wolf, he was merely trying to teach her a lesson.

    Often we assume that one side usually our side has all the truth and goodness and that the other side is all wrong and bad. But it is not usually that simple. Before deciding who is right and who is wrong, it is important to understand both sides of a conflict. Break students into pairs and have students each trace and cut out two pairs of shoes on chart paper.