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Open Door policy, statement of principles initiated by the United States in and for the protection of equal privileges among countries trading with China and in support of Chinese territorial and administrative integrity.​ The statement was issued in the form of circular.
Table of contents

Between and , China rose from 32nd to 13th in the world in export volume, roughly doubling its overall world trade.

The Open Door Policy: Doing Business in China

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What Was the Open Door Policy?

Updated August 29, Secretary of State John Hay. Though it was never formally ratified as a treaty, the Open Door Policy shaped U. All nations, including the United States, should be allowed reciprocal free access to any Chinese port or commercial market.

Only the Chinese government should be allowed to collect trade-related taxes and tariffs. None of the powers having a sphere of influence in China should be allowed to avoid paying harbor or railroad fees.

How to Make Your Open Door Policy a Success

Huang, Yanzhong. Department of State: Office of the Historian. Library of Congress. Rushton, Katherine.

HR Management & Compliance

Ding, Xuedong. ISBN Continue Reading. If a manager or HR professional does not take employee issues seriously, that will discourage employees—regardless of what any policy in the handbook says. This highlights the important point that a policy is only as good as the people who carry it out.

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Another concern with open-door policies is that they may encourage employees to skip intermediate steps in dispute resolution and go straight to higher management to resolve any issue. While this may occasionally be necessary, such as when the direct supervisor is part of the complaint, it can also be a bottleneck for dispute resolution if the wrong resources are being tied up for matters that could have been resolved more simply.

Open door policy (business) - Wikipedia

It can also mean the employees and managers alike do not get the opportunity to solve problems on their own. Once a pattern is established of going to the highest level first, this pattern can be tough to break. The key here is for all levels to know when it is and when it is not appropriate to redirect a concern back down the chain of command.

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  • Tips on How to Make Your Open Door Policy a Success.
  • What has been your experience with an open-door policy? Have you seen any of these risks come to light? Or, has it fostered better communication and dispute resolution for everyone? Bridget Miller is a business consultant with a specialized MBA in International Economics and Management, which provides a unique perspective on business challenges.