Manual Interview Questions for IBM Mainframe Developers

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This book is targeted for job seeking individuals who aspire to ace the IBM mainframe developer technical interview. Over questions and answers dealing.
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The SPACE parameter of the image copy dataset can be increased based on the volume of the table and the job can be restarted from step2. But the job log is present in the spool under the submitter's userid only. It is a set of control statements which provides the specifications necessary to process a job. When the job reaches its highest priority, it is taken up for execution from the job queue.

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Specifies the information required for SPOOLing of the job such as job id, priority of execution, user-id to be notified upon completion of the job. JCL is terminated by a null statement which is optional. All the lines after this will not be executed. Based on the time duration and the number of resources required by the job, companies assign different job classes.

These can be visualized as individual schedulers used by the OS to receive the jobs.

What is JCL?

Placing the jobs in the right scheduler will aid in easy execution of the jobs. Some companies have different classes for jobs in test and production environment. The system sends the success or failure message Maximum Condition Code to the user specified in this parameter. The DSN parameter refers to the physical dataset name of a newly created or existing dataset.

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The DSN value can be made up of sub-names each of 1 to 8 characters length, separated by periods and of total length of 44 characters alphanumeric. The DISP parameter is used to describe the status of the dataset, disposition at the end of the job step on normal and abnormal completion. DISP is not required in a DD statement only when the dataset gets created and deleted in the same job step like the temporary datasets.

This parameter is required for datasets that are newly created in the job step.

LRECL is the length of each record held within the dataset. RECFM is the record format of the dataset. Because of its unique characteristics, mainframes require specialized personnel to oversee their proper operation. Commonly asked mainframe interview questions will ensure a prospective employee has a thorough understanding of both mainframe basics and, depending on the job, more advanced knowledge of the system. Jobs in this field include mainframe operators, mainframe systems analysts, mainframe software developers, mainframe testers, and quality assurance specialists. When preparing for a job interview in the field of mainframe operation, an applicant should first consider all aspects of the position.

An employer will want to see if the candidate possesses the necessary familiarity with the many complex facets of mainframe computers. The interviewer may also ask about and test an applicant's knowledge of the mainframe transaction server CICS, the IBM mainframe disk file storage access method, and the data server DB2.

In addition to defining these terms, the candidate will commonly be asked to explain how they work and how they fit in to the overall operation of the mainframe.

What are Common Mainframe Interview Questions?

The applicant's interview answers to these questions allow a job seeker to expound on his or her comprehension of the system and present his or her skill set to the employer. Another set of frequently asked mainframe interview questions will revolve around troubleshooting. The interviewee may be prompted to explain the remedies for such situations as an error, how to effectively eliminate duplicate files, or how to properly fix errors in a mainframe's Security Operation Center SOC. These types of IT job interview questions give a prospective employer an accurate picture of how well an applicant will be able to handle the many intricate problems that may arise from working with mainframe computers.

I work with mainframes and have been asked every one of those questions and more. Know common return codes of VSAM files, even the good ones. If you are going for a programming position, know language specifics, especially how to write bits of code. Know the difference between CICS programs and batch.

If you haven't done CICS programming, don't lie.

20 Mainframe Interview Questions you cannot ignore

Questions are normally asked for specifications of how to code them. Mainframe interviews can get very specific. If you don't know something, or haven't dealt with it before just say so. Then say something like you are a very fast learner and would be able to pick it up quickly.

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If you have the other skill levels, they will appreciate the honesty. The questions and test will truly tell them anyway if you do not know it.

After the interviewer went through the basic questions about my skills and experience, he handed me a piece of paper. It had about ten programming questions and I was supposed to write down the answers in code. I blanked out.

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I had never, in my life, written code on paper; I had used the development environment with its pop ups, wizards and various tools. Most of my work in the job market has been with servers and web based systems. The specifics of the language are usually covered in computer certification quizzes and courses, not in general job interviews.

However, there may be exceptions to the rule.