PDF How To Discipline Your Toddler (Stop Your Childs Tantrums and Behavior Issues)

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But setting limits now helps prevent bigger problems down the road. your child is learning what behaviors are acceptable — will help prevent bigger problems Even the most well-behaved toddler can have a tantrum from time to time.
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Discipline for children: years | Raising Children Network

Temper tantrums can be frustrating for any parent. But instead of looking at them as disasters, treat tantrums as opportunities for education. Temper tantrums range from whining and crying to screaming, kicking, hitting, and breath holding. They're equally common in boys and girls and usually happen between the ages of 1 to 3.

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Some kids may have tantrums often, and others have them rarely. Tantrums are a normal part of child development.

How to Get Your Child to Stop Whining

They're how young children show that they're upset or frustrated. Tantrums may happen when kids are tired, hungry, or uncomfortable.

The Atlantic Crossword

They can have a meltdown because they can't get something like a toy or a parent to do what they want. Learning to deal with frustration is a skill that children gain over time. Tantrums are common during the second year of life, when language skills are starting to develop. Because toddlers can't yet say what they want, feel, or need, a frustrating experience may cause a tantrum.

As language skills improve, tantrums tend to decrease. Toddlers want independence and control over their environment — more than they can actually handle. This can lead to power struggles as a child thinks "I can do it myself" or "I want it, give it to me. Here are some ideas that may help:. Keep your cool when responding to a tantrum. Don't complicate the problem with your own frustration or anger. Remind yourself that your job is helping your child learn to calm down.

Disciplining Your Toddler

So you need to be calm too. Tantrums should be handled differently depending on why your child is upset. Sometimes, you may need to provide comfort. If your child is tired or hungry, it's time for a nap or a snack. Other times, its best to ignore an outburst or distract your child with a new activity. If a tantrum is happening to get attention from parents, one of the best ways to reduce this behavior is to ignore it. If a tantrum happens after your child is refused something, stay calm and don't give a lot of explanations for why your child can't have what he wants. Move on to another activity with your child.

Lopes adds. Steven Dickstein, who is both a pediatrician and child and adolescent psychiatrist.

Temper Tantrums

But sometimes we can change the way parents and other caregivers handle a situation — to defuse it. This could translate into giving kids more warning that a task is required of them, or structuring problematic activities in ways that reduce the likelihood of a tantrum. Join our list and be among the first to know when we publish new articles.

Get useful news and insights right in your inbox. Dickstein notes, for his age and his particular level of maturity. It means separating the unwanted tantrum response from other issues, such as compliance with parental requests. And second, by reducing the likelihood of a tantrum response, you are also taking away the opportunity for reinforcement of that response.

1. Don’t Be Inflexible

Fewer tantrums now means…fewer tantrums later. There are lots of very specific protocols to help parents respond consistently, in ways that will minimize tantrum behavior later.

They have in common the starting point that parents resist the temptation to end the tantrum by giving the child what he wants when he tantrums. Attention is withheld from behavior you want to discourage, and lavished instead on behaviors you want to encourage: when a child makes an effort to calm down or, instead of tantruming, complies or proposes a compromise. As Dr. You may need to teach techniques for working through problems, break them down step by step for kids who are immature or have deficits in this kind of thinking and communication.

And you need to model the kind of negotiation you want your child to learn. Being calm and clear about behavioral expectations is important because it helps you communicate more effectively with a child. Lopes says.

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Both you and your child need to build what Dr. Donate Now. Join them.