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Heaven's Gate was an American UFO religious millenarian cult based near San Diego, California. It was founded in and led by Marshall Applewhite.
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This meant all members had to give up all human-like characteristics, such as their family, friends, sexuality, individuality, jobs, money, and possessions. Members of Heaven's Gate believed that evil space aliens—called Luciferians—falsely represented themselves to Earthlings as "God" and conspired to keep humans from developing.

Although these basic beliefs of the group stayed generally consistent over the years, "the details of their ideology were flexible enough to undergo modification over time.

One of these concepts was the belief of extraterrestrial walk-ins ; when the group began, "Applewhite and Nettles taught their followers that they were extraterrestrial beings. However, after the notion of walk-ins became popular within the New Age subculture, the Two changed their tune and began describing themselves as extraterrestrial walk-ins. A walk-in can be defined as "an entity who occupies a body that has been vacated by its original soul".

Heaven's Gate came to believe an extraterrestrial walk-in is "a walk-in that is supposedly from another planet. The concept of walk-ins aided Applewhite and Nettles in personally starting from what they considered to be clean slates. In this so-called clean slate, they were no longer considered by members of this Heaven's Gate group to be the people they had been prior to the start of the group, but had taken on a new life; this concept gave them a way to "erase their human personal histories as the histories of souls who formerly occupied the bodies of Applewhite and Nettles.

Similar to Nestorianism this belief stated that the personage of Jesus and the spirit of Jesus were separable. This meant that Jesus was simply the name of the body of an ordinary man that held no sacred properties that was taken over by an incorporeal sacred entity to deliver "next level" information. Another New Age belief Applewhite and Nettles adopted was the ancient astronaut hypothesis. The term "ancient astronauts" is used to refer to various forms of the concept that extraterrestrials visited Earth in the distant past.

Only a select few members of humanity will be chosen to advance to this transhuman state. The rest will be left to wallow in the spiritually poisoned atmosphere of a corrupt world. According to Heaven's Gate, once the individual has perfected himself through the "process", there were four methods to enter or "graduate" to the next level: [75].

Open only to adults over the age of 18, [80] group members gave up their possessions and lived a highly ascetic life devoid of many indulgences. The group was tightly knit and everything was communally shared. In public, each member of the group always carried only a five-dollar bill and one roll of quarters. This initial failed castration caused at least one member to leave Heaven's Gate. Every castration that followed this initial one was done in a hospital [83].

The group earned revenues by offering professional website development for paying clients under the business name Higher Source. The cultural theorist Paul Virilio has described the group as a cybersect , due to its heavy reliance on computer mediated communication as a mode of communication prior to its collective suicide. In its first live episode following the mass suicide, Saturday Night Live aired a sketch where the cult members really did end up in space. It was followed by a commercial parody, featuring footage of the Nike -clad corpses.

The ad was for Keds , marketed "for level headed Christians. The sect is briefly and indirectly mentioned in the movie Contact , [86] directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Jodie Foster , when after the receiving of a message from outer space located in the star Vega , CNN 's journalist Natalie Allen playing herself in a cameo talks about its religious implications by "recent cult deaths near San Diego".

In the April 11, Family Guy episode "Chitty Chitty Death Bang", [87] Meg Griffin is recruited into a cult similar to Heaven's Gate where the members wore matching tracksuits and shoes, lived together in a large house, and planned to die by mass suicide. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. American UFO religion, whose members committed mass suicide in PST [47]. Christian Century. Retrieved Drummond, Jr. March 29, New York Times. According to material the group posted on its Internet site, the timing of the suicides were probably related to the arrival of the Hale—Bopp comet, which members seemed to regard as a cosmic emissary beckoning them to another world.

LA Weekly. Archived from the original on Los Angeles Times.

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Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. Retrieved 3 September The Los Angeles Times. Retrieved — via Newspapers. Ostling and Noah Robischon New York. Monday, April 7, All about Heaven's Gate cult.

CourtTV Crime Library. Retrieved September 20, On Saturday The first team of Sunday, the next team of fifteen followed. Finally there were seven on Monday, and then only two. Retrieved June 3, March The first group of 15 swallow applesauce March Fifteen more die Simon and Schuster. On March 22, , thirty-nine members March 23—Fifteen of the group commit suicide March 24—Fifteen more commit suicide Escondido Grapevine.

March Fifteen members died that night. Fifteen more died the next day, followed by nine on March March 28, San Diego Union-Tribune. Copley News Service. The Signal. Retrieved 11 September Retrieved 18 September Skeptical Inquirer. The Independent.

Humanity’s Next Step and Heaven’s Gate | The Psychology of Extraordinary Beliefs

Retrieved 23 June In an earlier suicide bid, on 1 April, a year-old recluse was found dead in his home in a remote mountain canyon in northern California after dying by suicide. He had left a note indicating he believed that he would also join the dead Heaven's Gate cult members. North County Times. May 7, The New York Times. A former member of the Heaven's Gate cult was found dead today in a copycat suicide in a motel room near the scene of the group's mass suicide in San Diego County, and another former member was found unconscious in the same room, the authorities said.


One of those replacements was Stephen Bach. But who could play the madam? Bach and his fellow UA executive, David Field, were dismayed, but they struck a deal with their director. They would fly to Paris and meet Huppert, and if she impressed them, she could have the role. She was simply wrong. Worse still, as far as the studio was concerned, was that the film was to be shot far from Hollywood, on location in Wyoming, and the only producer there to keep an eye on Cimino was his close friend, Joann Carelli. And so, Cimino set about making what is still the most gloriously scenic and meticulously detailed Western ever seen.

This is bigger than lunch! Something had to be done. He is not to enter the editing room. He is not to speak to me at all. In a making-of documentary, Jeff Bridges, who played a local entrepreneur, recalls that when it was time to film the climactic battle scenes, the actors would be woken at am, and driven for three hours along dirt roads to the site.

Once there, it was mostly actors, rather than stunt-riders, who had to race their horses full-pelt through clouds of dust, guns blazing. Bridges was terrified by the lack of safety precautions. It was like, oh, this guy really cares. Kristofferson says the same thing. Intelligent and handsome, he devoured books on philosophy and spirituality.

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Moore was angry, often emotional year-old with a shock of dark, wavy hair when in he stumbled on a cult meeting in a park near his home in Los Gatos, Calif. He disappeared soon afterward, and for 21 years his mother, Nancie Brown, tried to track him down and organized parent support groups. Finally, after seeing him twice over the years, she accepted his choice and even became proud that he had become a certified computer network engineer. Raised by a foster family, LaMontagne spent much of her childhood studying and eventually got her nursing degree from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, graduating cum laude in Shortly afterward she saw her best friend drown and her birth father, Jules, with whom she had remained close, die of cancer.

America's UFO Religion

But he appeared to have found a new home as guitar player and lyricist for the Utah-based rock band Dharma Combat. Two days later he was gone. He always felt bad about that. Though he told relatives he had considered leaving the cult in recent years, he never acted on the impulse. Even as a child in Modesto, Calif. Louis was asking the tough questions.

A Suicide Cult’s Surviving Members Still Maintain Its 90s Website

Like: What am I doing here? Are there spaceships? And why does Mom drink? Handsome and bright, he earned straight As at Downey High School in Modesto, where he was junior class president and devoured books on astrophysics and extraterrestrial life. His family had great expectations when he entered the University of California at Berkeley on scholarship in , but he dropped out within a year, disillusioned by the impersonality of the place. Back in Modesto he worked as an engineer and married receptionist Carol Schaeffer.

And Gary was ready to take off. His wife had filed for divorce soon after he left. For the next three years he lived outside the cult, struggling with the issue of celibacy, his family believes. At the same time he drew close to his half sister Dana, who had moved in with him while working as a paralegal. And he became deeply involved with two different women. In the friendly but private Newberg, Ore. You never would have imagined that it could have gone this far. After graduating from high school in Madison, Wis. By , having trouble finding work as a masseur, he made a decision to join the UFO cult.