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In the biblical book of Revelation, Jesus Christ foretold many more signs of the meaning of the seals in the Olivet Prophecy about the end time (Matthew 24,  Missing: Agenda.
Table of contents

It is also difficult to understand without grasping the complex belief systems underlying and driving it. While there are many divergent End-Time theologies and sects, the most politically influential are the dispensationalists and reconstructionists. Many mainstream theologians dispute that literality, arguing that Darby misinterprets and distorts biblical passages. On the heels of that Rapture, nonbelievers left behind on earth will endure seven years of unspeakable suffering called the Great Tribulation, which will culminate in the rise of the Antichrist and the final battle of Armageddon between God and Satan.

Upon winning that battle, Christ will send all unbelievers into the pits of hellfire, re-green the planet, and reign on earth in peace with His followers for a millennium. They believe that Christ will only make his Second Coming when the world has prepared a place for Him, and that the first step in readying His arrival is to Christianize America. Christian dominion will be achieved by ending the separation of church and state, replacing U. Reconstructionists also would abolish government regulatory agencies, such as the U. EPA, because they are a distraction from their goal of Christianizing America, and subsequently, the rest of the world.

And we must never settle for anything less. People under the spell of such potent prophecies cannot be expected to worry about the environment. Why care about the earth when the droughts, floods, and pestilence brought by ecological collapse are signs of the Apocalypse foretold in the Bible? Why care about global climate change when you and yours will be rescued in the Rapture? And why care about converting from oil to solar when the same God who performed the miracle of the loaves and fishes can whip up a few billion barrels of light crude with a Word?

The resources are waiting to be tapped. Natural-resource depletion and overpopulation, then, are not concerns for End-Timers — and nor are other ecological catastrophes, which are viewed by dispensationalists as presaging the Great Tribulation. A plethora of End-Time preachers, tracts, films, and websites hawk environmental cataclysm as Good News — a harbinger of the imminent Second Coming. At RaptureReady. Among its leading environmental indicators of Apocalypse are oil supply and price, famine, drought, plagues, wild weather, floods, and climate. If it was going to take a couple hundred years for things to get serious, I assumed the nearness of the End Times would overshadow this problem.

With the speed of climate change now seen as moving much faster, global warming could very well be a major factor in the plagues of the tribulation. According to a chart on the End-Time website ApocalypseSoon. They were chosen simply because they document literally what the Word of God prophesies for the End Days.

The utopian dreams of such movements are doomed, argues the majority leader, because they do not stem from God. After Hagee finished, DeLay rose to second the motion. With those words — broadcast to Christian TV and radio stations — DeLay placed himself squarely inside the End-Time camp, a faction willing to force the Apocalypse upon the rest of the world. In part, DeLay may embrace Hagee and others like him in a calculated attempt to win fundamentalist votes — but he was also raised a Southern Baptist, steeped in a literal interpretation of the Bible and End-Time dogma.

The Oklahoma senator makes major policy decisions based on heavy corporate and theological influences, flawed science, and probably an apocalyptic worldview — and he chairs the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. But the influence of theology, although less discussed, is no less significant. Inhofe, like DeLay, is a Christian Zionist.

While the senator has not overtly expressed his religious views in his environmental committee, he has when speaking on other issues.

The New Testament

In a Senate foreign-policy speech, Inhofe argued that the U. A good fundamentalist, Inhofe scored a perfect percent rating in from all three major Christian-right advocacy groups, while earning a 5 percent from the League of Conservation Voters and a string of zeroes from to Likewise, eight of the nine other Republicans on the Environment and Public Works Committee earned an average 94 percent approval rating in from the Christian right, while scoring a dismal 4 percent average environmental approval rating. The one exception proves the rule: Moderate Lincoln Chafee R. As committee chair, Inhofe has subtly chosen scripture over science.

The origins of his Senate speech attacking the science behind global climate change, for example, reveal his two masters: the speech is traceable to fossil fuel industry think tanks and petrochemical dollars — but also to the pseudo-science of Christian right websites. In that two-hour diatribe, Inhofe dismissed global warming by comparing it to a s scientific scare that suggested the planet was cooling — a hypothesis, he fails to note, held by only a minority of climatologists at the time.

Environmentalism, in short, is the last refuge of socialism. Have dominion over the fish of the seas, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on this earth. Such beliefs fly in the face of ecology, which shows humankind to be an equal and interdependent participant in the natural web.

Book of Revelation

Galileo was not mainstream. So weird have the attempts to hasten the End Time become that a group of ultra-Christian Texas ranchers recently helped fundamentalist Israeli Jews breed a pure red heifer, a genetically rare beast that must be sacrificed to fulfill an apocalyptic prophecy found in the biblical Book of Numbers. The beast will be ready for sacrifice by , according to The National Review. It can be difficult for environmentalists, many of whom cut their teeth on peer-reviewed science, to fathom how anyone could believe that a rust-colored calf could bring about the end of the world, or how anyone could make a coherent End-Time story let alone national policy out of the poetic symbolism of the Book of Revelation.

But there are millions of such people in America today — including U. This explains the disregard for environmental science so prevalent among Christian fundamentalist lawmakers: the denial of global warming, of the damaged ozone layer, and of the poisoning caused by industrial arsenic and mercury.

More important, End-Time beliefs make such problems inconsequential. Unfortunately, nearly every environmental issue, from the conservation of endangered species to the curbing of climate change, requires belief in and commitment to an enduring earth. And yet, no amount of scientific evidence will likely shake fundamentalists of their End-Time faith or bring them over to the cause of saving the environment.

But when those beliefs play a crucial role in shaping public policy, it becomes necessary for the people to know and understand them. It sounds startling, but the great unasked questions that need to be posed to the U. The Father gave the revelation to His Son, who gave it to His angel, who gave it to John who wrote it down for the bondservants. The Greek verb "to witness" is only used here and in Rev.

John identifies himself by the two messages he proclaimed. The word of God is either the name of Jesus Rev. The word of God is the direct prophetic communication from God. Thus, John is stating that what follows in the book of Revelation came straight from God the Father. The Greek language uses the word and with the meaning of "even.

John writes what God said and Jesus proclaimed through His angel. It appears in Italics because it does not appear in the Greek manuscripts. The translators, placing it as a commentary insert in the translation, help the reader understand that the phrase "to all that he saw" further explains "the testimony of Jesus.

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What John does in verse 2 is state for the record that what is recorded in the Revelation is exactly what God the Father wanted to the last word. John first indicates that the person who reads the book aloud is blessed. The seven churches would have used this format when they first received the letter from John.

Does God Still Give Revelation?

There would be one copy, which the synagogue leader would read. Scripture commands the public reading of the word of God 1 Tim The original Greek indicates that one must be both a hearer and a doer in order to be blessed. Because Jesus Christ comes as Judge of all the earth, those who hear and heed the message will be blessed.

But those who do not hear and heed will suffer.

The apocalyptic nature of the book must not over shadow the fact that this is a prophecy. The highly figurative nature of the book does not mean that the literal referent cannot be known. Neither are we free to guess the literal referent. Daniel 7 provides the hermeneutical example for how the book is to be interpreted. We will look at this matter later. The fact that eggus is used with kairos time , a technical eschatological term that refers to that time when the kingdom will come, means John is using eggus in a spatial sense.

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  8. John does not indicate that he has personal knowledge of the exact date of the arrival of the kingdom. Therefore, he could not state whether the kingdom was soon to come or not. Rather, the kingdom is the next event on the agenda of God for the faithful believer.

    How much time will elapse before the kingdom comes is not known? John uses the uncertainty to motivate his audience to hear and heed the prophecy.