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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Shizuka Oshitani is former Lecturer in Foreign Studies at and Britain: Interactions between institutions and issue characteristics (Issues in Environmental Politics) - Kindle edition by Shizuka Oshitani.
Table of contents

Establishing equivalency agreements with interested PTs can help limit regulatory duplication. An equivalency agreement allows the federal regulation to stand down in a province if conditions under CEPA are met, including that the jurisdiction has an enforceable regime in place that will result in equivalent or better environmental outcomes than the federal regulation. For example, an equivalency agreement with Nova Scotia with respect to the coal-fired electricity regulation was signed and published in June EC officials have also engaged in discussions with other provinces toward the development of equivalency agreements.

Officials have also done analysis to assess how equivalency would work with different types of regulatory systems. Canada has taken action domestically and internationally to reduce a group of emissions known as short-lived climate pollutants SLCPs such as black carbon, ozone, methane, and certain HFCs, which contribute to global warming and air pollution. Black carbon plays a particularly important role in Arctic warming, as its deposition on snow and ice accelerates melting.

Due to the short lifespans of SLCPs ranging from days to decades , reducing emissions has the potential to significantly mitigate warming in the short-term as a complement actions to reduce emissions of longer-lived GHGs such as CO 2. The United Nations Environment Programme estimates that up to 0. These include the regulations for on-road vehicle and engine GHG and air pollutant emissions; off-road diesel engine emission air pollutants and sulphur in gasoline and in diesel. Additional regulatory measures would further reduce these emissions; these measures include regulations to limit air pollution from marine shipping in Canadian coastal waters; regulations to reduce air pollutant emissions from the Canadian rail sector and GHG regulations for coal-fired electricity generation.

The new Air Quality Management System AQMS, see Tab 4 — c includes both new, more stringent ambient air quality objectives and emissions limits for various industry sectors and equipment types. The AQMS will also lead to co-benefits including reducing emissions of particulate matter, and therefore black carbon. It is anticipated that these emission limits will also reduce the formation of ground-level ozone.

This is an area of interest to the U. Canada has also been working through the International Maritime Organization to better understand the nature of black carbon as it relates to international shipping. Recognizing that the Arctic is warming considerably faster than other regions of the globe, and that emission reductions of black carbon and methane can lead to substantial near-term benefits both from a health and climate perspective, in , the Arctic Council an intergovernmental forum which promotes cooperation among Arctic States established the Task Force for Action on Black Carbon and Methane.

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

The U. Canada has been engaging in international climate change discussions under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC , as well as in other fora, to address the challenges posed by climate change. Achieving this goal, as well as building resilience to the impacts of climate change, requires urgent action by all countries.

Canada has been engaging in a range of collaborative initiatives with international partners, including the negotiation of a new global climate change agreement under the UNFCCC that will be applicable to all Parties, including all major emitters. A key concept in the UNFCCC is the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, meaning that all countries have a common responsibility to fight climate change, while recognizing that responsibilities differ, given the different capabilities of individual countries.

A categorization of countries on the basis of this principle under the Convention has resulted in different obligations for developed and developing countries. The protocol set out legally-binding emission reduction targets for 38 developed country Parties in a first commitment period from to A second commitment period from to , known as the Doha Amendment, was agreed to in , and requires signatures to enter into force.

Like the first commitment period, the amendment only applies to developed country Parties. To date 43 countries have ratified the amendment, but only three are developed countries Monaco, Norway, and Liechtenstein. Canada withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol in , noting that it only covered countries responsible for a small percentage of global emissions and did not include the United States U. This target is aligned with the target set by the U.

While non-binding, the Copenhagen Accord marked an important milestone in the global effort to address climate change by including emission reduction commitments from major emitters including the U.

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In the last few years, steps have been taken toward more ambitious global progress on climate change. The Ad hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action was established at the Durban climate conference in to support the development of a new climate change agreement for the post period.

As part of this commitment to global action under a new agreement, subsequent decisions at the Warsaw and Lima climate conferences invited all Parties to submit GHG emission reduction targets or Intended Nationally Determined Contributions INDCs for the period beyond The agreement is expected to have legal force and apply to all Parties.

Has the politics of climate change finally reached a tipping point?

COP 21 is expected to be the most significant climate change conference in many years. Over 40, delegates and observers are expected to attend. Outside the UNFCCC, the international community is engaging in a wide range of activities that also make an important contribution to addressing climate change. For example, the International Civil Aviation Organization and the International Maritime Organization are taking action to reduce emissions for these major global sectors.

Canada has been engaged in these and many other multilateral and bilateral efforts. The G7 and G20 have given considerable focus to climate change issues for many years and a number of important initiatives have emerged. At the June G7 Summit, for example, leaders reiterated their commitment to the 2 o C goal, and emphasized the need for deep cuts in GHG emissions to achieve decarbonisation of the global economy over the course of this century. G7 Leaders also committed to developing long-term national low-carbon strategies, as well as to developing and deploying innovative technologies to achieve a low-carbon global economy, and toward a significant transformation of the energy sector by Canada has been involved in the U.

The Forum is intended to facilitate dialogue among major developed and developing economies to achieve a successful outcome in the negotiation of a new international climate change regime and to advance the exploration of clean technology initiatives and promote joint concrete actions. This is an international voluntary initiative aimed at advancing efforts to reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants SLCPs , such as black carbon, methane, and hydrofluorocarbons, to protect the environment and public health, promote food and energy security, and address near-term climate change.

SLCPs have a relatively short lifespan in the atmosphere compared to carbon dioxide and other longer-lived GHG, but are potent global warmers.

The Arctic and other glaciated regions are highly vulnerable to warming and particularly affected by SLCPs. The benefits of reducing these emissions will be realized in the near-term and help improve air quality, as well as contribute to addressing the impacts of climate change. Presently, the CCAC has expanded to include over partners. The Arctic Council is a high-level intergovernmental forum which promotes cooperation among Arctic states on common Arctic issues, including environment and sustainable development.

Recognizing that the Arctic is warming considerably faster than other regions of the globe, and emissions reductions of black carbon and methane can lead to substantial near-term benefits both from a health and climate perspective, the Arctic Council established the Task Force for Action on Black Carbon and Methane in For example, EC has been involved in the CCAC at all levels; Ministers engage at high level assemblies and senior officials participate at the working group level to ensure that CCAC continues to be action-oriented and produce real emissions reductions.

Since February , the Department has led a senior-level structured consultation process with provincial and territorial governments on international climate change negotiations. This consultation process has covered relevant issues related to negotiations and activities in other multilateral partnerships. Environment Canada has also met and engaged with other stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations, national Aboriginal organizations and industry, in advance of international climate change negotiations.

Given the high level of interest in the negotiation of a new climate change agreement, provincial and territorial Environment Ministers have been invited to attend COP21 as part of the Canadian delegation and broad participation from provinces and territories is expected. As part of COP21, Environment Ministers from nearly all countries are expected to participate in a high-level segment. International climate change financing is a key component of these discussions and an important element in negotiations to secure a new global climate change agreement in Paris at COP Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC , Canada and other developed countries have committed to providing new and additional financing to developing countries in support of their efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

In December , Canada associated with the Copenhagen Accord and committed to:. Developing countries are increasingly linking further progress on the negotiations to a clear signal from developed countries on the delivery of the long-term finance commitment. In this respect, there is an emerging consensus among donors that providing further clarity on the joint mobilized financing flows will be required in order to build trust in advance of COP Germany, as the G7 Presidency, and France, as the upcoming COP Presidency, have stated that international climate funding will be decisive for the success of the Paris Conference.

See Annex 2 for post pledges by key donors. The GCF is intended to make a significant contribution to the global efforts towards attaining the goals set by the international community to address climate change. The GCF is also expected to deploy innovative financing instruments to mobilize significant private sector investment to address both mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

The Fund is currently reviewing its first set of funding proposals, and is expected to approve its first projects at a meeting in November In August , Canada became a member of the Board of the GCF, enabling it to play an oversight role over its contribution and participate in the governance process of the Fund. The statement notes that climate finance is already flowing, and emphasizes the crucial role of mobilizing private sector capital and overcoming barriers that prevent greater private investment in the climate space.

G7 Leaders also pledged to incorporate climate mitigation and resilience considerations into development assistance and investment decisions. The Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development has been looking at options to implement this pledge. The next G20 Leaders' Summit will be held in Turkey on November , and Turkey highlighted that it aims to conclude the summit with practical outcomes on such priority areas as development, climate change, and financing for climate change. Recognizing the need to better coordinate efforts among donor countries, the United States launched a process for donor nations to look at available public tools and mechanisms to lever significant additional private sector investment for climate purposes.

As part of this process, Climate Ministers and senior Finance ministry officials are scheduled to meet twice a year ahead of the climate change conference. The work under this process is divided into four streams of work: multilateral development banks, development finance institutions, export credit agencies, and a global public-private initiative to leverage private investment. Since February , the Department has led a senior-level structured consultation process with provincial and territorial governments on the international climate change negotiations.

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This consultation process has covered relevant issues—such as climate financing—related to negotiations and activities in other multilateral partnerships. Canada monitors the distribution of funds and the results achieved. In the report, developed countries are required to report on the financial resources they have provided over the last two years fiscal years to Specific key issues to be addressed at COP 21 with respect to climate finance include:. By using a mix of grant and non-grant financing the fast-start financing package focused on three broad priorities: i adaptation by the poorest and most vulnerable countries, ii clean energy, and iii forests and agriculture.

This type of finance can produce transformational projects at a very significant scale. Canada has shown support for a wide range of projects and demonstrated high standard of transparency in reporting on its commitment. Examples of projects supported include:.

Climate Change

The climate is changing, and will continue to change regardless of the effectiveness of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Averaged over Canada, annual precipitation amounts have increased since , with strong regional trends. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC states that global average temperature increase over the next few decades — time horizon will likely be in the range of 0. A wide range of impacts has been experienced across Canada as a result of these trends, including loss of sea ice, thawing permafrost, rising sea levels, and changes in extremes such as an increase in hot temperature extremes.

As the climate continues to change, it is likely that these conditions will be exacerbated with additional changes anticipated to the frequency and severity of extreme weather events such as floods and droughts , smog episodes, and disease outbreaks.