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Ghosts, Mythical Creatures & The Supernatural [Jeffrey Jeschke] on​. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This is a brief word guide to a few.
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Meldrum hypothesizes there is nothing paranormal about Bigfoot, rather it is an animal species that has not yet been documented scientifically enough to classify as a species. Others suggest Bigfoot is an interdimensional creature , planting it firmly in the realm of the paranormal.

Sightings of this fearsome creature are common in Texas, Mexico, and throughout Latin America. According to legend, the chupacabra is a blood sucking creature with an appearance similar to a dog or a lizard man depending on the report , but much scarier and more dangerous. Reported sightings of chupacabra continue to this day throughout North and South America.

2. Mauthe Doog, The Spirit Who Wanders Peel Castle

If you've ever watched the film The Mothman Prophecies starring Richard Gere, you are familiar with the mothman. Supposedly, a winged creature that seemed half human was sighted numerous times around West Virginia during This being was reportedly connected to the collapse of the Silver Bridge. There were those who swore the creature did exist while others believed it to be a hoax.

You decide! Sea monster sightings are common in many of the large, deep bodies of water around the world. One of the most well-known commonly reported sea monster sighting is Nessie, or the Loch Ness Monster. Nessie is said to reside in the waters of Loch Ness. People who've reported sightings of the creature have said it is 40 or 50 feet long, although only partial sightings have been reported, such as a long back, head, or tail. Researchers have explored the possibility it is a type of aquatic dinosaur called a plesiosaur. Elementals are mythic beings that many believe truly exist interdimensionally and interact with the physical world on Earth.

These are also often referred to as nature spirits or sprites, and the list encompasses a host of paranormal creatures. A Banshee is a type of fairy from Irish folklore. If you lived in Ireland, you'd be quite familiar with it, but Western culture may not understand exactly what this creature is. While many disagree as to the form the Banshee takes, everyone who believes in its existence seems to know its purpose as a harbinger of death. The term "screamed like a Banshee" is taken from the creature's shrieking wail that is said to be heard from one town to the next.

The Banshee's appearance usually comes in one of three forms: an ugly hag, a distinguished lady, or a young woman.

No matter which form, the Banshee typically wears the same attire: a gray, hooded cape. It is said whoever it appears to will soon die. Also known as the Fae, fairies are one of the most commonly recognized elementals. Storybook characters like Tinkerbell have captured the hearts of children for decades, and the love affair with fairies continues today. Are they real? They've existed for centuries through folklore, and writers like Shakespeare have featured them in plays and stories.

While most people think fondly of fairies, few know some fairies aren't so loveable. In fact, fairies have been blamed for inhabiting the souls of children. What do you believe? Even if you aren't Irish, you've probably heard the legend of the leprechaun.

Many people are surprised to learn leprechauns are a type of fairy, and they are well-known tricksters. If you catch this little guy, he is supposed to be compelled to tell you where his pot of gold is hidden. In some cases, people blame items that have become lost or unexplainable events in the house on the mischievous behavior of a leprechaun as well.

Many people believe as humanity evolves, it is moving in a more spiritual direction. This is especially true in the discussion of two types of children many believe are currently being born. Crystal children are human children with unique characteristics.

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Many believe crystal children started being born on Earth in the early s, and they have traits uncommon to humans that came before them. Some of the traits include having spiritual healing powers and psychic abilities. These children tend to be empathic and sensitive, as well, far more so than any previous generations. It is believed they are here to help bring about the next stage of human evolution.

Author Lee Carroll has written several books about Indigo children, a group of human babies being born starting in the mids with unique traits. Many people believe indigo children are a new stage in human evolution - coming before crystal children, which are the next stage. Characteristics of indigo children include a strong sense of self-worth, non-conformity with society, high levels of empathy and curiosity, and a large degree of intuition.

Television shows like Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures have created burgeoning interest in ghostly type creatures. What many people may not realize is that scientific research into these creatures has been ongoing since the 19th century, and scientifically minded associations like the Society for Psychical Research SPR and the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena ASSAP maintain large databases of evidence and research into ghosts, hauntings, poltergeists, psychic phenomena, and more.

American parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach points out what people report as "ghosts" take three forms: apparitions, hauntings, and poltergeists. Apparitions are those ghost sightings believed to be sentient beings. In other words, these, commonly believed to be the souls or spirits of the deceased, interact intelligently and deliberately with the living.

It is a common misconception a ghost may appear to be a translucent human being. In fact, Auerbach points out ghosts often appear just as solid as a living person, and the individual encountering them only realizes they've experienced something odd when the apparition disappears. Ghost stories are rampant across cultures. It seems virtually every society has ghost sightings wherein spirits of the dead interact with those still alive. In the Western world, apparition sightings are so common it has given birth to a cottage industry with groups of paranormal investigators trying to capture evidence of the phenomena.


Auerbach notes hauntings are more like recordings. While they may still involve ghostly activity, such as doors opening and closing, mysterious sounds, or the appearance of a "ghost," these are not interactive or sentient. Rather they are energetic events somehow recorded in a specific location that replay over and over in exactly the same manner. While many people believe poltergeists are "noisy spirits" the actual definition of the term , research suggests they are something different altogether. It is commonly accepted in scientific circles poltergeists are manifestations of psychokinetic energy caused by a human agent.

In other words, someone who is alive and well is--usually without their knowledge--causing spontaneous bursts of energy that cause objects to move, etc. These manifestations of psychokinetic energy often occur when the agent is under some type of emotional stress, and they frequently resolve when the agent either becomes aware they are causing the incidents or after they've found healthy tools for managing the stress. As Grendel came it seemed at first Beowulf's men would get the worst of it, because their swords did not have any effect upon the giant monster's thick skin.

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Than Beowulf grabbed Grendel's arm and would not let go. A long struggle followed, and eventually Beowulf managed to tear off the arm. Grendel returned to his mother, and bled to death.

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Next, Beowulf went to the underwater cave to kill the mother as well. He managed to do so with a sword present in the cave that had once belonged to Grendel. As his man stared into the water and saw blood flooding upwards, they thought their great leader had perished. But Beowulf swam up, greeted his men, and returned to Heorot a hero. Zeus was angry of the Greek people for their holistic beliefs, and he ended the Bronze Age with a Great Flood. He built and provisioned an arc and consequently he and his wife Pyrrha were the sole survivors.

As the flood ended they built an altar for Zeus and he changed rocks into children. The men were called Deucalions, and the women were called Pyrrhas. Daedalus and Icarus One Greek legend tells us the story of Daedalus and his son Icarus being locked up in the labyrinth of the Minotaur by king Minos. Daedalus had one day helped the queen to get together with a white bull she had fallen in love with, and thus the Minotaur was born.

A fierce creature, the Minotaur needed to be fed with at least fourteen Athens every nine years, so Daedalus and Icarus spend their time waiting until the Minotaur would find them, and eat them. One day Daedalus had formulated an escape plan; he decided to fabricate massive wings from the wings of birds his son shot from time to time. He tied together the bird wings with wax.

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Eventually, the massive wings were ready and the two set out to escape. Daedalus warned his son not to fly too close to the sun, because the wax would melt and the wings would no longer work. He flew too close to the sun, the wax melted and his wings fell apart. Unable to help him, Daedalus watched helplessly as his only son fell down with amazing speed and landed in the sea.

The blow as he hit the water was probably so fierce he died instantly. Lawrence In German mythology, Sir Lawrence was a very good-looking knight. One day water nymph Ondine came across him as he was on a quest, and she fell in love with him. As she pledged her love to him they were married. But as soon as a water nymph pledges herself to a human and bares his child, she will loose eternal life.

After Ondine bore Lawrence a son, she began to age. Her changing appearance made Lawrence loose interest in his wife, and he soon started to see other women.

Belief in supernatural beings is totally natural – and false

One day, Ondine caught her husband with another woman in the stables, and she cursed him in revenge. He was to breathe as long as he was wake, but if he ever fell asleep he would die because his breathing would stop. Lelawala In Native American legend, Lelawala was a beautiful maiden that was married off by her father to a king. However, she despised the king, and longed to be with her true love He-No. She decided she wanted to find He-No at all cost, and as she paddled a canoe onto the Niagara River she was swept off the Falls.

Fortunately He-No had been watching and caught Lelawala while she fell. It is said they stayed together after that and their spirits still live in the caves beneath Niagara Falls to this day. Manu In Hindu mythology, Manu was a man that survived a great flood. One day as he washed his hands in the river, a fish swam into his hands and begged him to save his life. It was Matsya , an avatar the bodily manifestation of a god. Manu put the fish in a jar, and as it grew bigger he subsequently placed in a tank, a river and than the ocean.