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cause for all the crud you three just put me through -- I'm gonna make you all obsolete! |linkDeadpool: The Circle Chase Vol 1 2]] Deadpool (Wade Wilson).
Table of contents

This works well for Deadpool since it doesn't require him to be a good guy.

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In contrast to the Daredevil story, where it felt like everyone and his cousin was involved in the search, this is kept fairly under control and isn't as chaotic or zany which kind of ironic. A flaw of the book, in my opinion, is that it introduces a number of characters that feel throwaway and indeed don't turn out to have the level of importance that you'd expect of characters introduced in Deadpool's first solo series, but who overcomplicate this plot.

Some - mainly Commcast and Courier - do appear again but i think exclusively in stories written by Fabian Nicieza; they're not core to Deadpool's mythos. In this case, the dead criminal mastermind is Tolliver, and "Tolliver's Will" is rumored to be an immensely powerful weapon. Deadpool and other former associates of Tolliver, like Copycat, are targeted because it's thought that they have information on the will.

Deadpool's teleportation systems are "on the fritz", causing Deadpool to have to travel around by conventional methods. The story starts in Sarajevo during Yugoslavia's civil war. Deadpool is attacked by a group of mercenaries, and we see that Deadpool's 'asshole Spider-Man' scripting style continues. Deadpool is actually seeking out Weasel, Deadpool's information broker first seen in Cable 3.

Kane shows up, also looking for Vanessa, and calling Deadpool "Wade Wilson", i think for the first time he's definitely been called "Wade" before, but not sure about the last name. This results in a pointless fight between Kane and Deadpool Deadpool thinks, or claims to think, that Kane wants to kill Copycat, which isn't the case. Nice Joe Madureira art. I love the squinty eyes and exaggerated facial expressions.

A point about the script, though. I noted that Deadpool is scripted with his trademark insane banter.

Frikkymonztar (DeadPool) - 03 Raprospecto (The Circle Chase Ep)

But the truth is that everyone is scripted that way, so it's less that Fabian Nicieza was creating a unique voice for Deadpool than that he was just writing this way. It's still fun, though, and it definitely sticks as a character trait for Deadpool. During the fight, Kane mentions that he and Deadpool were part of the same Weapon X program along with the barely developed Sluggo who had been appearing in X-Force and a character named Terraerton who we'll learn has an alias of Slayback, although it's a bit confusing because Kane refers to both Terraerton and Slayback in this scene without indicating that they're the same character.

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Meanwhile, Juggernaut is at a genetic research facility in France, and he's become impatient about Black Tom's treatment. When we last saw Black Tom, he was nearly fatally shot by Cable, and Deadpool brought him to Tolliver note random character Banque also talking 'Deadpool style' with the Murder She Wrote quip. Black Tom's mutant power has always required him to touch wood namely his shillelagh in order to generate his "bio-blasts". The idea with this upgrade is that he's now always touching wood aaaand i'm realizing the retroactive appropriateness of introducing this in a Deadpool comic.

This is another example of what seemed like a trend of giving classic characters upgrades that made them more strange and aggressive, more extreme Toad's poison, Iceman's spikes. Black Tom's value was never really in his super powers - it's more about his relationship with Juggernaut - and there's really nothing you can or should do to bring him up to the Juggernaut's level a point made literal in Marvel Team-Up , so this seems unnecessary.

I probably harbor bitterness because it was this version of the character that was made into an action figure. This is an example of the overcomplication that is going on. Nyko is a twin brother to Pico, a minion of Tolliver's who was killed by Cable. But Nyko wants Deadpool killed it's later said that Deadpool, Cable, and Copycat are all suspects, but Nyko wants to start with Deadpool.

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And to do it, he's hiring one person to contact some other people. And none of this relates directly to Tolliver's Will, except that Nyko is using a disc with information about the Will as payment. It's also worth noting that yes, Nyko is said to be Pico's twin brother, but he looks identical to Pico right down to the clothing. I wonder if the original intention was for him to be Pico until someone remembered that Pico was already dead.

Not that it really matters either way. Pico wasn't a major character, and Nyko won't ever appear again. We see Gavin meeting with a Mr. Bashur, who we'll learn is Commcast out of costume note the line from Gavin about communicating. We'll see Commcast in costume with the rest of the Executive Elite in issue 3. For now, back to the Juggernaut and Black Tom. It seems a little out of character for Juggernaut and Black Tom to go after Tolliver's weapon, since as the Juggernaut himself points out the Juggernaut is already as powerful a weapon as most people can imagine.

But that's how they come into conflict with Deadpool. Both are chasing a guy who for reasons not all that clear or important has wound up with a briefcase containing a second disc with the other half of the information on Tolliver's Will. The fight between Deadpool and these villains is probably the highlight of the series. Aside from the fact that we're continuing from threads in the X-Force series, Juggernaut and Black Tom don't seem like natural villains for Deadpool.

I think of Deadpool as more of a street level character, same as how i think of Wolverine. But Weasel does say that it would basically take a nuke to stop Deadpool thanks to his healing factor, so i guess regular street level opponents are too weak to be a challenge but on the other hand Domino was able to stop Deadpool cold with a gun blast in X-Force, and the character has actually been beaten in that book regularly. The main thing is that it's not so much about how Deadpool physically defeats Juggernaut but how he manages to keep away from him and, ultimately, outmaneuver him by throwing Black Tom out of a plane, forcing Juggernaut to jump after him.

Deadpool then hijacks the plane. Meanwhile, Sluggo seeks out Vanessa and finds her at her mom's house.

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We see her true form for the first time. I'm stopping here due to some placement considerations see below.

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  7. As they are horrified by the sight, DP explains that they just discovered why the Department never released the cure, because the side effects are far worse than the disease. Weasel enters the transport and launches a magnetic scrambler device onto the machine DP is strapped to. Weasel warns DP to shut his eyes, and suddenly the entire transport is filled with sparks and smoke. Unable to see his comrades, Commcast struggles to make out the figure coming towards him. Geneva, Switzerland: Vanessa is escorted into a computer room by a portly gentleman, who states that he is surprised that Mr.

    Gavin would give her access to the files.

    Deadpool: The Circle Chase (1993)

    After being left alone, Vanessa starts working at the computer, using the information she had received from Jacob, and from Mr. Foley before she started working for Tolliver, she was able to narrow down the list of Tolliver Land holdings. However, upon accessing the system she discovers that someone else has opened the file four days before. Vanessa bursts out of the computer room and grabs the gentleman who has shown her into the computer room, demanding to know who he had let into the files.

    The man protests, saying that no one has been there for quite a while.

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    Vanessa argues that with Tolliver dead as well as Foley, only someone with exceptional hacking skills would be able to access the system, and now also knows where the Tolliver will treasure is located. Sarajevo: All hell has broken loose, as Deadpool continues his rampage, blowing away everything he comes across. Commcast, manages to slip away back to the Edsel, however Weasel has already beaten him to the punch.

    Now he is holding a gun to Commcast, and has his hands on the other disc. Weasel steps out from the Edsel and yells out to Deadpool that it is time to go; while DP answers that he needs to clean up first. When Rive attempts to attack DP from behind, she is eviscerated with his sword and then thrown at her partner Makeshift. Makeshift attempts to grab one of her fallen devices, but DP steps on her hand and grabs her by the throat. After the battle is finished, DP and Weasel go back to the safe house and with both discs in hand, they manage to discover the location of the Tolliver Will, a monastery in Nepal, as well as a schematic for something called a Zero Unit.

    Using a grappling line, Vanessa scales the side of the monastery and climbs through a darkened window. However, before she can get any further, she is grabbed from behind by Slayback. Though both of his colleagues are killed in this encounter with Deadpool, Commcast somehow survived and makes an appearance in X-Men Unlimited 1st series 3. The Zero Unit is none other than the Zero we all know as the silent servant of Stryfe.

    Issue Date:. October Story Title:. Brief Description:.