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Congruent Spaces Magazine, Issue glossy black cover eBook: Jeffrey Park, Changming Yuan, Beth Gutierrez, R.M. DuChene, Jason Ford, Jacob St. Jean.
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But on the scale of the atoms in the universe, it looks absolutely paltry in comparison, said Scott Aaronson, a computer scientist at MIT. To try to understand huge numbers, most people rely on analogies of scale.

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For instance, Carl Sagan famously likened the age of the universe to a calendar year, with humans only showing up in the last few hours of New Year's Eve. The hypothesis, if true, has important implications for the distribution of prime numbers, which aren't divisible by anything other than themselves or one. To test the hypothesis, mathematicians look for extremely large primes — those bigger than about 10 raised to the power of 30, he said. That may sound abstract, but it has many real-world implications, Borwein said.

As far back as Archimedes, philosophers have wondered how many tiny particles could fit in the universe. Archimedes estimated that about 10 to the power of 63 grains of sand could fill the universe. He used a series of extremely rough estimates — the poppy seeds that make a grain of sand, the grains of sand that would cover the length of a stadium, and the stadia lengths between Earth and the sun, said Henry Mendell, a classical historian at California State University, Los Angeles.

Despite his crude measures, he wasn't too far off.

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  7. Congruent Spaces Magazine, Issue 10: glossy black cover.

Current estimates put the total number of atoms in the universe at about 10 to the When Einstein conceived of his equations of relativity, he included a small constant, called the cosmological constant , to account for the fact that the universe is stationary. Though he later scrapped the constant when he learned the universe is expanding, it turns out the genius may have been on to something: Scientists believe the cosmological constant, which amounts to just 10 raised to the minus power, reveals clues to the dark energy that is mysteriously accelerating the universe, Aaronson said.

Sometimes things have to get big before they get small. If he cuts off one head, the mythic monster simply grows back a certain number of heads governed by a few rules. That's cool. But I only am able to do that because I know that if I prove to them that I'm from out of the country, then they'll feel comfortable again, like they're not having-- like, it's something that they can feel cool about. Every time I see somebody, I try to talk and make witty jokes so that it's easier.

In the morning, the sound journey people were at it again. They sat cross-legged in a tight circle with their eyes closed. And when the man in the middle swirled his didgeridoo around the head of an entranced, red-haired woman, a steady stream of spit splattered onto her forehead and her eyelids. She didn't seem to notice. As we were driving out of Rustler's, someone approached the car and gave us a bulging sandwich bag full of marijuana and a bumper sticker.

It said, "Pot will save the world. Drugs are the fundamental thing. Drugs is the cause of all the other vile things that is happening in our country. They're a little like that group DARE that we have back in the States, except instead of soccer moms, these guys are Islamic fundamentalists. While hundreds of Muslims pray in a huge main hall, we're in a small classroom off to the side. Despite the degree weather, they're wearing heavy ski jackets. They each have their own cellular phones, which interrupt us constantly throughout the interview.

Their leader is As-Salaam [? He dabs his brow with a light blue terrycloth hanky. If you go to parties tonight, to nightclubs where you go, what is the reality of that is to get drunk, to get zonked out of your minds through some kind of drug.

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Is this what we want? Is this what God intended when he created us as human beings? God Almighty curses us for these things. So we will never have peace in our lives. PAGAD is famous for their method of getting people to just say no. They go to a drug dealer's house, pull him into the street, and set him on fire. There had been an incident like this six month earlier.

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A drug dealer had been burned to death in the street. A group of people went to ask this specific person, "Please, can you stop with your drug dealing? Because the people is suffering. So people was firing three meters into a crowd of about 5, As I sat there imagining what I would do if 5, people showed up at my doorstep, the legal adviser turned to us. As I fumbled for an answer, [? Whether that meant belonging to an alternative community or being an anti-drug crusader, killing Americans and burning drug dealers or smoking dope.

It was time to return to Johannesburg to say goodbye to Josh's family and then escape from South Africa. We had been getting along fine since we left the Seftels two weeks earlier. No fighting. But now, with only four hours of highway between us and them, the tension returned. I was driving.

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Josh and the microphone were facing me. They had me cornered. I get the sense that when you meet a white person here, you make the assumption that they're racist until proven innocent.

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I mean, that's what you said before. I'll play the tape for you a little bit later. But you did say that. Well, I'm sure that I did not say there are active or inactive racists and there are not two categories. And we can replay the tape as many times, Mr. Seftel, as we need to. This was one of those arguments where you just go over the same tiny points over and over again. I didn't catch on at first. They all seemed like reasonable questions.

But then I realized what he was looking for. Josh didn't want my opinion on racism or the innocence of whites. Josh wanted me, as a black person, to admit that his white South African family were the good guys. I love round shapes. And I built the plan of this house in the shape of a big breast with the fireplace being the nipple, three-dimensionality thrusting through double stories.

We can then have a look at this anthropomorphic, habitable woman! Back in Johannesburg, my cousin Louis took us on a tour of his latest masterpiece. Louis is an architect. It's a two-story house still under construction. It doesn't really look like a huge breast. It's just got lots of curved walls and curved ceilings and a lot of breasty ornamentation.

Well, let me ask you this. Why do you put so many breast shapes in your architecture? Well, I'll tell you why. People have an immediate response. I've taken people into my breasts, and they are so moved, and they are so stunned. They can't quite work out why they like these spaces. But they like these space because they feel hugged and encompassed by them. It was hard to dislike Louis.

He was such an entertainer, I don't even think he took himself seriously. In our time in Johannesburg, he took us out, offered to lend us his car, invited friends of his over so we'd have people to meet. The more I spent in South Africa, the harder and harder it was for me to tell the good guys from the bad guys.

But there were still times I didn't know what to make of people like Louis. For instance, camped out in the middle of a half-built house in the rain were at least a half dozen black men who had built a fire in the middle of the living room. By the fire, these are workers. Traditionally in South Africa, the workers live on site. These guys Yeah, they live on the cement floor, and they are the builders of the house. They're casuals, laborers, they're semi-skilled, they're bricklayers and blasters and stuff.

And they come to-- and what's great about it is they're using the house in the way the house is meant to be used. Except, I'd like them to put the fire inside there, in the fireplace where it was meant to be. But let's go into the lounge. This is the great lounge. Good evening, gentlemen. Good evening.