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Asserting Female AuthorityAsserting Female Authority A rational and achievable guide to putting your man in the palm of your hand. It is within your capabilities.
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Unfortunately, these are few and far between.

  • Asserting Female Authority!
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Most workplace conflicts are counterproductive and can lead to a toxic work environment. That means taking the time to hear both sides of the story and getting the facts straight. For example, you may ultimately decide that two of your sales reps can no longer sit next to each other.

By deescalating the immediate source of their conflict, you can give them the space they need to refocus on their work rather than on each other—and, ultimately, to get to the heart of the team dynamics that caused them to butt heads in the first place. While these situations illustrate when it makes sense to be assertive, the real challenge is how to put that assertiveness into action in order to achieve these collective benefits consistently.

Wanting to do it and actually carrying it off are two different things. Here are some good rules of thumb:. Keep your emotions under control.

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Pick the right battles. Not everything has to be addressed by you personally; some things can be resolved among team members or individuals. Only focus on those larger issues that impact the team or productivity. Use positive body language , like eye contact and postures that convey confidence and self-possession. You can use body language to make your point more subtly but just as effectively.

Asserting Female AuthorityAsserting Female Authority

Address issues clearly and directly. This directness can help get what you want more often and with a lot less effort. Learn how to say no. It takes practice to be assertive in ways that benefit others, not just yourself. Find that balance between coming off aggressively and not actively pursuing the things your team needs in order to thrive. When you do, others will respond positively, creating more effective working relationships, building deeper respect for your leadership, and accomplishing more of your goals.

John Rampton is the founder of Palo Alto, California-based Due , a free online invoicing company specializing in helping businesses bill their clients easily online.

Follow him on Twitter johnrampton. Gender shapes power inequalities based on other divisions, such as class and ethnicity, and vice versa.

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In Sri Lanka, for example, a power analysis revealed that almost all women parliamentarians were related to male politicians from powerful political families. The vast majority also came from the dominant Sinhalese ethnic group. Gender shapes institutions and how they affect the distribution of power.

Take political parties. The widely accepted definition of power is getting someone else to do what you want them to do.

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  5. Asserting Female AuthorityAsserting Female Authority?
  6. Women, particularly in their socially assigned roles of wife and mother, may more often understand themselves as being in continuity with the people around them rather than in opposition. They often aim to build capacity in others rather than to dominate. This would suggest an alternative idea of power : the capacity to transform and empower yourself and others. Amongst other things this alternative perspective highlights that women can sometimes have special forms of influence on decision-making because of their specific social status.

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    In Liberia, for example, women working for peace were able to achieve high levels of trust among opposing factions by emphasising their non-threatening roles as sisters, mothers and wives. So gender and power are intrinsically linked; understanding this can help us understand both concepts better and creates the opportunity that I hint at in the title of this piece — an opportunity for more politically smart development. It does this by offering two really practical pieces of advice:.

    A gender perspective shows that the PEA and TWP agendas are currently blind to key components of the workings of power: how power and politics in the family shape power relations at all levels of society; how wider economic, political and social structures rely on and reproduce gender power relations; and how feminised sources of power offer new opportunities for peace and prosperity. Addressing these blind spots can help us be more politically savvy.

    A power perspective shows that gender inequalities are tied to power relations at all levels of society.