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Above The Everyday. Above The Everyday Sea memory Guidance rich in grace. Universal E-Books versions are available, they can be used on any divice.
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So why are they there?

One wonders if it is merely a coincidence that on this almost impossibly detailed panel the artist could not resist the opportunity of inscribing his quietly boastful personal motto, itself partially hidden through transliteration into Byzantine Greek letters. The inscription would be redundant unless there is something more than picture-making going on in the Madonna at the Fountain.

Regardless of whether Van Eyck is painting for a human or divine audience, the religious and the painterly ends are one: Madonna at the Fountain is an expression of piety that is also a demonstration of skill. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. The more accomplished of the two shows the goldsmith Jan de Leeuw One almost expects de Leeuw to start breathing and blinking.

This village was occupied on the 30th of October , by the Israeli Military forces, which was a painful day as the Villagers suffered a massacre. During the massacre, 14 young men were killed in cold blood, and the people were forced to abandon their village.

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After 50 days away from their homeland, the people of Eilaboun were able to return to build a new life in what became the state of Israel. After a United Nations peace keeper observed and reported the event, Israel had to allow the people back. We went to commemorate the massacre with the families in the village and joined them at a church service, where Bishop Attallah Hanna held a service in their memory.

Van Eyck does the best he can in Vienna

Together the groups of Sabeel Jerusalem and Sabeel Nazareth made up people coming together in fellowship and prayer. After the service the women and the community of the church offered refreshments, and speeches were given by the priests. We also watched a minute movie that was produced by Palestinian artist and film maker Hisham Zreiq; then we shared our thoughts through tears and remembrance.

Next, we were ready for a little tour around Eilaboun. We saw the Ein the village fountain , and then we walked to the Orthodox Church, which is the oldest church in the village, and then we proceeded to the cemetery to pay our respects. Our program finished right after the tour, and we left Eilaboun in the late afternoon. The women gave great feedback and were looking forward to future educational trips.

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The Sabeel staff started welcoming the young women at pm in order to start the program for the evening. This was the first meeting for the young women of Sabeel, and the age range was from 28 to 55 years old. The program began with Sawsan Bitar of Sabeel introducing the event and giving a brief description about the work of Sabeel. Dina Khoury Nasser then began the session about health and family. Dina is a licensed Nurse.

She works at the Augusta Victoria Hospital and manages the infection control department.

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The information that she passed on to us included how to care for ourselves and our family members by eating right and getting involved in a healthy life style. She also talked about what to do in case of an emergency and how to deal with it.

Her talk inspired a lot of discussion and facilitated good communication among the women. The 22 women who attended this event seemed to really enjoy it; they asked questions, gave comments, and had discussions. After the presentation, a paper was passed around for the women to fill out with their contact information so that Sabeel can keep them up-to-date on our meetings.

We then discussed possible interesting topics for future sessions, and all of the women seemed motivated and excited. They are looking forward to the next session. In Artas, the retreat officially began with a prayer and a greeting by Bishop Atallah Hanna, who spoke of the importance of such a gathering of clergy from the different churches. In the evening, Orthodox priest, Saba Khair, led a prayer. The following day, Father George Daboub gave a morning prayer in the Catholic tradition. The group read the first letter to John and analyzed the text.

Suheil Bathish gave evening devotions after dinner, and there was continued discussion about the tough texts in scripture. East Orange, New Jersey , U. A close analysis of the works reveals an intuited and abstracted sense of vision on several levels, and not merely in terms of the drawn material applications, subtle speculative hatching contrasted with intense passages of graphite mark making, but rather they are not so much descriptive as an imbued consciousness of place. While this forms a visual paradox of sorts, the viewer has a feeling of substantial ephemerality, an intuited materialisation of landscape that reaches out towards and into the phenomenological ungraspable.

Artloft and Alexander Ochs Berlin. Studio Barbara Krimm.

Above The Everyday

Text by Nicola Kuhn [57] Moment und Dauer. Parterre Gallery, Berlin. Kupferstichkabinett Berlin. Text von Andreas Schalhorn. Fan Behavior and Art. Text by Christoph Tannert [8] [60] Paperworlds. Pankow Gallery, Berlin. Prinzhorn Collection, Heidelberg. Kunstverein Eislingen, Eislingen.

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  4. Text by Sabrina van der Ley [64] Outdoor Excursions. Burlington City Arts. Fahnemann Gallery, Berlin. Uferhallen, Berlin. Pankow Gallery. Text von Christoph Tannert [68] Laura Bruce. Kunsthaus Dresden [72].