The Peripatetic Knight

His influence came largely through the work of his students: Frank Knight, Holbrook Working, Edward Chamberlin, Seymour Harris and others. He held.
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The book is especially timely because Young's seminal article on increasing returns is now widely acknowledged to foreshadow much of the modern analysis of edogenous growth and related inquiry. Buchanan, George Mason University Allyn Young was one of the most prominent and influential economists in the interwar period. His influence came largely through the work of his students: He held professorships at Stanford, Cornell, and Harvard Universities among others.

His public service included chief economic advisor to the American delegation at the Paris Peace Conference in This book provides the first full study of Allyn Young's life and work.

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It presents detailed expositions of his papers on demographics, value theory, depreciation, taxation, index number theory, and increasing returns. It is a straightforward analysis of the life and work of one of the most fascinating economists of this century. Read more Read less. Save Extra with 1 offer. This mode of intellectual discourse seems to be something new in Abelard. It was not the classical mode; although Plato expressed his teaching in dialogue form, the dialogues are a bloodless affair; nobody ever disagrees with Socrates.

Nor was it the Benedictine mode; Boso came to Anselm to learn, not to argue. It was not the mode that Abelard's teachers were used to; William of Champeaux was most put out when Abelard answered back. It may be that this new mode of discourse, the academic disputation, owes something to Abelard's upbringing at the hands of his remarkable father. Anselm had probably studied under his namesake, Saint Anselm, at Bec. His brother, Ralph, had conducted the school at Laon, which is about 80 miles north east of Paris.

Books by Johnn Schroeder (Author of Cyborg Trooper)

Ralph had written the book Cur Deus Homo containing the traditional account of the Atonement which Boso found so unsatisfactory, thus giving occasion to Saint Anselm's book of the same title. Southern's book, 'Saint Anselm: A Portrait in a Landscape']. The Glossa Ordinaria was begun in the school of Anselm at Laon, and Anselm taught theology there with far greater distinction that Abelard would allow.

Abelard says of him, 'Anselm could win the admiration of an audience, but he was useless when put to the question. He had a remarkable command of words but their meaning was worthless and devoid of all sense. But this annoyed some of his leading pupils, who took it, correctly enough, as a sign of contempt for their master. One day the other students asked Abelard what he thought of the study of the scriptures, having hitherto studied only philosophy. He replied that concentration on such reading was most beneficial for the salvation of the soul, but that he found it most surprising that for educated men the writings or glosses of the Fathers themselves were not sufficient for interpreting their commentaries without further instruction.

They challenged him to produce a lecture of his own on the scriptures, and he immediately agreed to lecture the following day on a particularly obscure passage of Ezekiel. The lecture, Abelard assures us, was a great success, but not surprisingly provoked the jealousy of Anselm, who forbade him to continue to lecture on the subject. Peripateticus Palatinus 8 Abelard now returned to the post at Notre Dame from which he had been driven by the enmity of William. He taught both philosophy and the scriptures, continuing with the commentary on Ezekiel which he had begun in Laon.

He held this post for several years, and it was here that he encountered the astonishing Heloise. Abelard tells us that she was the niece of one Fulbert, a canon of Notre Dame, 'and so much loved by her that he had done everything in his power to advance her education in letters.

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Many fathers, uncles and guardians must have loved their daughters, nieces and wards, but we do not find many devoting their resources to their education in letters. Nothing in Abelard's admittedly highly biased account of Fulbert suggests that he was particularly enlightened or far-sighted in his attitude to the education of women.

Abelard's affair with Heloise is one of the best-known stories in the history of the Middle Ages, and we need do no more than recall the chief events: The name has never been explained. It is the name of a scientific instrument; but one would not now name one's child Electron Microscope or Hubble Telescope.

Medieval philosophy

My suggestion, for what it is worth, is that it is an anagram: Despite Heloise's reservations, they were in fact married in Paris, in the presence of Fulbert, who had agreed to keep the marriage a secret. Fulbert failed to keep his part of the bargain, spread the news of the marriage and heaped abuse on Heloise on several occasions.

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Abelard removed her to a convent in Argenteuil, where she had been brought up and received her early education. Fulbert, believing that Abelard was planning to get rid of Heloise by making her a nun, sent some ruffians and had him castrated. Go to next section. Get a free e-book from Book perk.

Books by Johnn Schroeder

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Specialty Booksellers Interest-specific online venues will often provide a book buying opportunity. International Customers If you are located outside the U. About Product Details Praise The stories in The Peripatetic Coffin and Other Stories , a collection from Ethan Rutherford, map the surprising ways in which the world we think we know can unexpectedly reveal its darker contours.