Revenge of the Mummies (Adventures series Book 9)

Find out more about “The Mummy's Revenge”, write a review or buy online. Series: S.C.R.E.A.M. “This dark Victorian adventure full of supernatural elements and shocking moments will keep you gripped to the end. Age: 9+; Key Stage: KS2/3; Lexile Measure: L; Accelerated Reader level: MY; Paperback: ISBN.
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Awesome, amazing and so much more. All those words describe one book s. The amazing action filled book is full of mystery and tension. M The Mummy's Revenge is a brilliant, adventurous, action-packed book that is full with absolutely everything I would want as a book. The suspense and the build up was brilliant. I can not wait to read S. M is a great book full of mysteries and it's packed with excitement.

I think anyone who likes mysteries should read this. Amazing book that you must read. City girl Rebecca, spending the summer in a remote East Anglian seaside village, encounters Ferelith, a Goth who lives in a commune. Read more about White Crow. Read more about The Grindle Witch.

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Great Books Guide Your review has been submitted successfully, thank you. There was an error submitting review. In the dark and winding streets of Edinburgh, a burglar is on the prowl. But this is no ordinary thief. Three thousand years old and risen from the grave, this rampaging robber is a rotting Egyptian Mummy - and he wants rubies and revenge!

Revenge of the Mummy

She brings scientific method to the investigations, as well as her charm and dry wit. Charley also happens to be in a wheelchair. Andrew wanted to show that it does not define her — Charley had Polio, and so now being in a chair is just another part of her life. He says of this experience: I wanted to use that experience in my writing. As a child adventure was everywhere for Andrew Beasley ; he went exploring Scunge Island and had an underground base made out of sunken coal bunker. Now that he's grown up, Andrew works as a primary school teacher in Cornwall and the author of The Battles of Ben Kingdom series.

The Claws of Evil was his first book for children. Tell a friend about this page on Lovereading. We respect your privacy. The names and e-mail addresses you enter are used only for sending this message. Please read our Privacy Policy. Andrew Beasley More books by Andrew Beasley.

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Revenge of the Mummy - Wikipedia

It is fantastic, you get to read lots of books and you always find something new and amazing in them. Something inside wanted to get out. The sarcophagus was opening in front of them. Inch by inch it was being pushed open… from the inside. One woman with an enormous bottom — and an even more enormous bowl of trifle in her hand — wobbled, and before anyone could catch her, she fainted to the floor.

The bowl shattered; trifle went everywhere. Sir Gordon took a step backwards as a foul stench poured into the hall. All around the hall the guests began to gag as their nostrils were filled with a stink more disgusting than rotting vegetables, putrid fruit, overripe cheese and decaying fish. Like the worst fart imaginable; silent but deadly. A gentleman removed his hat and, with as much dignity as he could muster, vomited into it. There was a gasp from the crowd as a bandaged hand appeared around the edge of the lid. The exposed tips of bone tapped against the stone as if the creature was impatient to be free.

That was when the screaming started. No one was very polite now. This was every man for himself; a desperate, messy rush for the doors. Chairs were flung aside and tables upturned as people fled for their lives, stumbling and falling over each other in the chaos. Only Sir Gordon and his butler stayed put; Mr Cowley no doubt out of a sense of duty, His Lordship possibly out of stupidity. Doogie could feel the hairs standing on end across the back of his neck. He was desperate to run away but his legs felt as if they had turned to lead.

The sarcophagus lid swung wide and the mummy almost fell into the room. The thing staggered on stiff straight legs.

  1. S.C.R.E.A.M.: The Mummy’s Revenge!
  2. The Mummy's Revenge.
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It was wrapped in bandages from head to foot. But if the bandages had ever been white they were filthy now, like rags. And as the creature flexed its withered muscles, here and there more strips of cloth started to come loose, revealing horrible glimpses of the body inside. It lurched forwards and its knee joints squeaked as they were forced to bend for the first time in five thousand years. Doogie was still frozen to the spot, unable to move, or hide, or do anything other than stare.

They were utterly alone: The mummy stumbled around like a drunk, but it seemed to Doogie that it was gaining strength with each passing second. The creature looked at one of the gold bracelets and paused, as if it was trying to remember something that had been very important many centuries ago. Then it began to roar. With outstretched arms, it lashed out at the displays of Egyptian treasure…all the precious things that had been stolen from his tomb.

Sir Gordon and Mr Cowley clung to each other in terror while the mummy smashed the head off a statue with a final snarling roar, and then lurched towards the doorway. It was halfway out when it paused and turned its neck with a creaking sound, until it was gazing directly at Doogie.

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  • Doogie might have been mistaken but it looked as if the mummy only had one eye. It was either that, or the monstrous thing had winked at him. You have 0 of these in your Basket. In the dark and winding streets of Edinburgh, a burglar is on the prowl. But this is no ordinary thief. Three thousand years old and risen from the grave, this rampaging robber is a rotting Egyptian mummy — and he wants rubies and revenge! There's only one crime-fighting force who can deal with a menace like this: