Killed a Man in Reno - a one act play

Killed a Man in Reno: a one act play [Robin Hack] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Synopsis: Kurt and Julie Lawry travel to Reno, Nevada.
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Why are so many people unable to spell properly or write full sentences? I think he is making a social comment there. I think he is trying to suggest that it is criminal for some people to have so much and others have nothing. I think also, that he might be wondering, how they came to have so much. Maybe he thinks they have committed crimes every bit as bad as his, but got away with it.

Big difference, so know your facts before you attempt to state them. That song is vile, and ignorant, disgusting lyrics in any form of music. Johnny Cash is the mannnnn. You nuts belong in Folsom Prision! Give it a break don't we have a black President to top off your oppressed raciest world!! Of course he was a racist.. OOH is that Racist?? That's how it's spelt, I believe.

Anyway, what I think is that you guys shouldn't spend your time discussing that moron Wow, that's pretty dumb. Oh, and thank you to everyone who spelled racist correctly. We all die, however we all don't get to write a legendary song before we do. Be happy for the baby, who was a son with a mum. Woooo woooooo goes the whistle. As far as the song being racist goes I guess you have no idea what the meaning of this song is.

That's sad that people, who I am guessing are adults, come to conclusions without basing their decisions on facts. I feel bad for you. Jenkins sued and won a settlement, I suspect that's why Johnny was forced to insert "suey! It's still a great song but I prefer "Ring Of Fire". YOU so just leave it alone and he will stop.

I never read topics only put my notes. What does that mean? Am I a racist now? Or do I have residual feelings about prison? Not all prisons are bad though. Anybody ever see "Caged Heat"? Now, there wasn't a train or anything, but man, those prison chicks were pretty hot. I'd imagine it would be pretty cool to be a hot prison chick with all those other prison chicks, if that was your thing.

I mean, if I were a hot chick, I think I would give it some serious consideration. Yo, guy named whore loving somtin somtin like dat And this song is NOT at all racist, lol Anyway- I'm 22, and I just love this song. Only complaint about these lyrics: You need to add the part where he yells "Suey! I cant believe ppl keep posting to this. I bet he works for the site, posting just to get ppl riled up. Well have fun everyone and dont end up in Folsom Prison.. Most of you have repeated the same thing over and over again, rather than commenting on this beautiful song.

So, in reality the ones who only consider writing a comment to acknowledge the first few comments are worse than "Fuck Nuts Licker". He came from being poor, suffering family tragedies, like with one of his brothers when Johnny was a child. Without him, the Highwaymen would not have existed too. Johnny, burn in hell, you racist. Your pointless reprimands are futile. Way to go, you made all the retarded people look a lot smarter.

Everyone who replied to "fuck nuts licker" proved themselves stupider than he is. OK to clarify as I am appointing myself the authority on this matter. Folsom Proson was written while Johnny was in the airforce. His only visits to Folsom Prison were where he played shows there, he never spent a night in Folsom. This song has absolutely no racism theme. However, even though this song isn't racist, here's another that Johnny wrote that is White man's day is here. Gather all those equals up and herd them on the pier. Send those apes back to the trees.

Ship those niggers back. This is one of the funniest most ridiculous comment boards I have ever read.

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Nobel Prizes all around. And really who cares if the song is racist whick is obviously isnt.

Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues Lyrics

There is lots of racist artist out there, with lots of racist songs, I cant name any of hand because it's garbage, but this guy should go on their sites and vent his mental disfunctions there. Go to bed now!

Murder in the Knife Room (one-act version) by Jonathan Rand | Playscripts Inc.

So, do you guys call her mom or sis? This is a great song. Its not a racist song at all. It showed the world what a gifted songwriter The Man in Black was. So much pain an emotion in that song, it almost makes you feel like you are sitting in that cell listening to that train whistle.

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  • Folsom Prison Blues Lyrics by Johnny Cash;

Saw Tommy Cash this week in Bognor Regis. This song was probably the highlight of the hour long set. Not only can a people not spell, but the language? You also need to capitilize Johnny Cash's name, he is a proper noun. You all should really read "Painless Grammar" by Rebbeca Elliot, it could help you people learn how to actually make a real sentence with a subject and predicate. I really doubt even half of you know what a racist is, since you don't even know how to spell it. Get off your lazy butts and look it up in the dictionary.

For all we know, FNL is just some stupid kid like that perv at my school and decided that that comment would make this site popular. Can everyone just cut the crap and move on? Okay, starting next comment, no one is allowed to include any cuss words, or the word racist. I am in sixth grade and this has gone far enough. It's a song written by a guy that was famous, and still is.

Stop getting worked over some eight year old who just figured out the facts of life and decided to share them with everybody. And i agree with the one above me there is a difference between niggers and blacks niggers wear their pants to their freakin ankles and shit I hate all niggers. Johnny Cash isn't a racist.

I'm pretty sure we would all know if he was. It's not like he said he shot a black man in Reno because he hated black people. Cut the shit about hating niggers and all. If you hate them as much as you do, go find a neo-Nazi site or something. It's Johnny Cash for christ' sake. Give him the respect he deserves.

All you did was just make your self look like a complete dumbass and a hobo so congrats if thats what you really were trying to accomplish. I can pick out about 30 rap songs that downgrade whites WE are tired of the crying! Johnny Cash died in get with the picture and why use a metal dick when you could use a real one Someone with that name and goes to a song that's completely not racist seems to be totally f-ing around just because they are immature kids who have nothing better to do that f with people on the internet on song lyrics.

For example "Johnny cash rocks my world!! And that horse fucker 'fuck nuts licker' leaving ridiculous statements. Get a life all of you, no one gives a fuck what you have to say. I'm turnin 12 in 15 days, and you guys r just being stupid, fussin over this FNL. Shut Up about him! I saw the movie I walk the line and I think Vivian got a raw deal.

I think Johnny and June had a very strong love. I heard somewhere that Rosann Cash said the movie protrayed her mother in a bad lightI don't think so. She reacted the way any woman would when her man was straying. FYI, I am a girl, so I don't have a Second of all, I don't think people should be cussing on the internet, I don't care what any of the Ammendment s have to do with it or if it's a free country. It is a racist song. Just thought I'd throw my two cents in. The most hillarious thing I've ever heard!

No sense in argueing. Johnny was a beautiful man and i am glad to have met him. All this profanity and nonsense is disrespectful. I myself like the version from Everlast somewhat better ;o. Even that nigger song isn't that bad. But anyway, I love Cash! Not only this but music, at least in Johnny Cash's day, was intended for the enjoyment of all ages, and today the radio stations and music sites alike are littered in my opinion with the vulgar garbage called music.

I was told by a colleague of mine, about the vulgar language used here on this music blog and was quite frankly appalled that someone would disgrace this great musician's talent with such talk. I am in no position to judge this person who uses such a vulgar name but it appears quite obviously to me he has problems that go much deeper than racism.

Sir I would request that u find a better outlet for your anger than this site. His charitable deeds and effort on behalf of our soldiers were well documented and his encouragement to young and inexperienced musicians was well noted.

Folsom Prison Blues Lyrics

However, if one were to know me, they would be suprised to know that I am a punk rocker and an avid anarchist, so I do not give this comment lightly. Johnny Cash, aka "the Man in Black" was the true father of punk rock. It's an attitude, not a fad or style of music. What kind of word is that? Since when do people use such a language?

He wrote it while he was in the Air Force and stayed at folsom for a little while. If you'd ever watched " Walk The Line". Johnny Cash was a great American Musical icon. And it took forever to load so I looked at this.. So I am putting my 2 cents in.. You are all retards who have no lifes.. Get out and play a sport you are all nerds. Y'all can suck my dick.

Obviously the song isn't racist. Whoever this person may be, he's very creative and has acheived prolific results with his social experiment. I would suggest that we give the boy a chance to finish puberty and direct his creativity towards a more constructive goal. Incidentally, as a songwriter, I believe that Mr. Cash was telling a story about the experience of those who went to Folsom Prison, and not writing autobiographically.

It was what he did. Johnny cash was never at Folsom Prison. He watched a video about it while he was in the air force. He wrote this song before his career even began, and played at Folsom Prison very well into, if not after, his career. He did write Folsom while in the service, Live at Folsom Prison was recorded at said prison, so he must have been there! The movie may have ended with around Live at Folsom, but his career thrived for over 30 more years!

Ah man, I forgot to swear! But I know that, morons! I love the internet, only here can a mass of people be infuriated by such an obvious troll. A "troll" ladies and gentlemen is when someone posts an obscene comment in order to provoke certain reactions. In this case the reaction that was provoked was anger, hate, and utter disdain for the original poster.

FPB has stood the test of time. I just helped by buddies in a band called "Royal Bliss" do the arrangement for the remake on their new albumn. It was already a rocking K-A song! For the record I had the chance to meet him when i was very very young and he was a big reason I got into singing 30 years ago. PS Cash was never in Folsum except to play a gig and he went to jail but never prison in his life.

He still had an amazing gift for relating to life and his own demons fueled his gift to write amazing songs. The was his talent.. Why can't more people step out of culture and listen to everything? Love every kind of music and recognize it's beauty and how much its heartfelt. Music is the universal, motherfuckers. He wrote the song in preperation for the historic concert not way before, not after his career that ended when he started his dirt nap and not a day before All you young and dumbs need to refrain from thinking the internet and commenting on a man with the impact of the Man in Black is a right not a priviledge!

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This song rocks my socks! Thanks for jotting down the chords, its sooo much fun to play and sing!!!! She does pretty much anything justice. I agree with Tiff. I looked up nigger in Google Dict. Also, i agree that you people cant even spell. Why are you cluttering a perfectly good comment board with this trashy shit? And i wonder, dont they say they review this stuff? Who searches lyrics and then types in a bunch of crap?

Seriously, no one wants to come here and read your retarded posts. If you get aggravated they win. More to the topic howevr, anyone can point to any rockfolkcountry songs about jail time written from experience? FNL is just a plain douchebag. I am in shock! If you are interested in any of my page graphics, please add my Twitter: He suppiled a whole generation with his music, and, according to the posts I've read, it still lives on today.

Folsom Prison Blues is one of the best songs I have ever heard, and I hope that more artists will look at these lyrics and realize how amazing music can be. God bless you Johnny Cash. Oh, and for those of you who don't know, there is no possiblity that Johhny Cash was a racist because in the song "Get Rythum" Johnny Cash asked a little black shoe-shine boy how he kept from keeping the blues from working hard all day, and the little boy just grinned and said 'Get Rythum'.

So, if, indeed, Johnny Cash was a racist, why would he write about a little black boy and himself having a polite converation? He was obviously joking in order to stir all of your emotions The preformer is fantastic and the song is great I love Johney Chashes work. FNL is a douche, and calling him a nigger after he said this song is racist is the dumbest fucking thing ever.

I really think its funny how for over a year everyone has been talking about "fnl" and the song being racist. Come on people, cant you all get over it and actually just talk about the song not the douche guy from the beginning? Well, anyway, this is a great song and Johnny Cash was one of the greatest artists in my opinion. The song was written LONG before he was busted for the drugs. Watch "Walk The Line" Great movie. This is aawesome song. Maybe if you could be slightly grammatically correct you wouldn't look as foolish.

Go do something you have knowledge of, which clearly isn't analyzing Johnny Cash lyrics. This is what we call in internet language, a Troll. I don't usually bother to correct wrong people on the internet but I feel I should. Johnny Cash never went to jail. I recon if he did he wouldn't have such a romantic veiw of convicts. Doesn't get in the way of this being a choon though. Can't beat that voice. Also, I know its not racist, you know its not racist lets leave it at that. You can't correct every idiot on the web. Oh, and another thing, whatever teachers think its a good idea to set this as some sort of analytical work please stop.

You may think you're being trendy and involving the kids but they'll never appreciate the brilliance of Johnny Cash if they are introduced to it as homework. Can everyone please just look around, read what people wrote, and realize that FNL wins. I think hes an idiot, and made a horrible comment too, but everyone here who keeps yelling and him, and others, and getting soo upset, is letting him know hes won.

He got a rise out of all of you. And KyleeMarie and many others, you sound like the biggest fucking hillbilly using the N Word. Sometimes I wonder what kind of people live in this world. All of you are the reason this world is so shitty sometimes. Although, I would definetly say that the song describes a difference in class. Poor men in prison Rich men in their fancy dining cars. It vibrates with frustration and a loss of will.

But it does have a light at the end of the tunnel. The real problem that won't ever be solved until race issues can be placed aside is class. The rich vs poor read some literature karl marx This happens to be one of my all-time favorite songs. Johnny Cash is one of the greatest musicians to ever cut a record.

All of yall should be ashamed that you have posted such vulgar language. Folsom Prison Blues is in no way, shape, or form racist. Cash were here now ur would beat the fool who said it was blue. You didn't notice I skipped 5. You just went back and looked. You are now laughing to yourself. Now you are freaked out. You are laughing again. Cash were here now he would beat the fool who said it was blue.

Without him this board would not be nearly as entertaining. Some of you are extremely funny! And JC is really good musician. I will give it to my students also The godd ol' boys that started this genre of music probably shot better niggas than you, nut likker,for target practice when they got bored.

No the song is most definitely not racist,but you undoubtedly are,ontop of being afag what liks nutz,go play with the other ass clown inth e white now black house you ig norant zulu s. This is a good song and obviously is not racist. He, like many other people here,is just trying to get attention. If you are decent person,just try to ignore him.

Now shut up and go eat a pickle!!!!! And stop listening to this jank crap! He also was never in 'prison' he did several short stints in jail for misdeanors As far as the 'meaning' of the song, don't look too much into it. Great job, I know you just did it for the lulz. How does that feel? Do you feel accomplished?

I'm sorry the public school system has failed you so miserably.

Folsom Prison Blues

Don't worry, I'm sure Barrack Obama will help you out so you don't have to worry about getting an education. You must think of the symbolism here I see a song about a man who is depressed about his life the prison and the train is time. He sees everyone else having a blast with life while he is not. He wishes he could be one of those people on the train having a good time but knows he never will. The "shot a man in Reno" lyric is to tie the song back to reality and is actually very unimportant to the plot of the real story behind the lyrics.

Finally, Johnny Cash may or may not be the man in the story. Those things are usually the best kept secrets of the artist. This is a great song and far deeper than many of you realize. As a lyrical artist myself, I know the real story is always hidden in the symbolism. That is how I write lyrics too. Get a larger hard drive for "JC" comments database.

He's sarcastically using derogatory words for most races including white. It's done in a Chris Rock truth style. Not a racist style. I kinda thought that too for a while, but it's not the case. Look it up, the melody was actually taken from an earlier song he got sued later and he was inspired by a Fulsom Prison Movie to write the song in like '65 or something. It did pretty well. Then he got a chance to play at Fulsom Prison around ' They recorded a live albumn and the live version of the song did better than the original. If a person was that retarted to say what he said, then they would be too retarted to type a sentence on the keyboard.

He's just trying to fuck with everyone. And I think it's hilarious. Also, I think the fact that everyone else is taking him seriously and trying to insult him back is hilarious. Those of you not familiar, it means an artist such as Johnny Cash can exprese themselves freely through song lyrics at his free will. If you truley feel that in any way Mr. Cash is offensive please 1 Don't listen to his music 2 Don't buy the albumn 3 Stop bitching just cause you got nothing better to do Thank you fellow citizens. Hopefully this memo will show we can all just learn to live in peace and harmony with one another.

There's a great scene where the actor playing Mr. Cash is asked by a record producer if present to God Almighty he would sing a Gospel Song or something completly different. Enter Folsom Prison Blues. Cash choose from the heart as something completley different.

Don't know if it matters but it was also this song that won him the record deal. Completly different yes, rasist not in the slightest. He felt compassion for the men in prison. He wrote the song based on this need to entertain them and offer them an hour of enjoyment in their otherwise pathetic lives. Johnny Cash's importance in the world is minimal just as it is for the rest of us. It would be nice if you could spell racist correctly but I suppose in the big picture it doesn't matter much.

Teacher's are neglecting that aspect of the curriculum obviously! Did enough drugs to kill 3 men. Some of actually Love Johnny Cash' Music!!!! Think of the money you could make and the MTV airplay. And what part sounds racist? Cash was likely using dog-whistle suggestions to provoke a racial schism in the rock fan-base which he viewed as a threat to country superiority and profits.

Of course, after the pivotally seminal January 13, performance this particular song became the "unofficial anthem" of the Aryan Brotherhood throughout the U. Johnny Cash was not a racist and i think "fuck nuts licker" is gay and doesn't want no man to be shot in RENO!!!! He's simply doing thus for the lulz. I believe your 'work' is done here. Perhaps, a job is in order?

Or, write your own song. If it's decent and actually makes it, you won't have to sit around for two years making up ridiculous ideas about an incredible musician Cash. I would truly enjoy witnessing them attempting to "shove my metel hard dick up your nose and shoot a load into your mother" That would be considered legal self defense correct? Which would give me the right to shove the metal hard lead from my Glock into their worthless thoracic cavity.

FNL This just confirms Once a Nigger always a Nigger. Thanks for nothing, Nuts. Have you really wasted the last two years of your life on this? Now i play the shit out of it myself. Its exactly the same as Thats all right mama. This song has nothing to do with race any way. So many emotions, funny, disgusting, sad, interesting, I hope we can all agree Johnny Cash will live forever thru his music, I love it. I love this song And I'm not going back. Johnny Cash was talking about prison inmates who've made mistakes in life and yearn for freedom.

Anybody of any race or ethnicity would want to be free, so don't waste your time posting vulgar comments or responding to them. If you have that much of a problem with the song, how about you go to jail and comeback and tell me how it felt, otherwise listen to the song and shut the hell up! I can't believe that some kid on the internet just got all you bored losers to comment on a obviously stupid post directed to get a reaction.

HA egg on your faces!! Johnny Cash was reported to be a racist but who cares now he's dead and his music is awesome and that was how it was back then so get over it, Losers. I just hope and pray that you don't reproduce and taint the rest of humanity with your stupidity. Mr Cash was a musical genius and if you don't appreciate his music you shouldn't listen to it.

I'm shocked by the language used in this public forum. You should be ashamed of yourselves. The retaliatory cursing only bring you down to, or below, the level of TNL. It's shameful and I'd be embarrassed if I were to find that you're Americans. To all those who cursed: Johnny was one of the best of his times!! At that time it was normal that white people were hating blacks johnny didn't So shut the fuck up!!!! First off the song isn't racist, it's a song that he wrote for the inmates in Folsom Prison.

He WAS however locked up in jail quite a few times. But he never served time in Folsom Prison, the reason the song was wrote, was because of a friend he had been associated with for almost his entire life got locked up in Folsom, so he wanted to go play a show for all of them. So he wrote the song, to headline the show.

It's nothing to do with Racism, or Whites, or blacks, or greens, or blues Sorry for all the crap, world, but here's Johnny Cash and that's something. I think you can all stop defending this song against charges of racism since we have people of all color in prison and as far as I know every race can hear the sound of trains.

Now, having said that, im going to advocate for the troll and say this, blues was originally by black people, a lot of black people are in prison, and this song is about prison. I am a truely aweful person. As some one that spent a great amount of their life in prison and now rides freight trains to travel this country, it upsets me that he declares to have done either in this song. He wrote this song before he spent any time in jail, and he only rode one freight train, which was for an album cover.. Lyrically Horrible But the the entire package works Johnny Cash is one of my all time Favorites.

And why are people still discussing a troll's comments three years after they were posted? Incredibly successful troll was successful. Johnny Cash he was the bad boy of country.. Get the sickies off the net. He took the lyrics from another song and changed a few words, and made it his. I just saw it on TLC. Wow was I shocked. You could do this a long time ago with out getting in trouble, but I love the song. It was one of the first times a super famous musician ever played live at such a venue. Cash is not racist for skinheads liking this song. Aryan Brotherhood supposedly formed in Folsom and Cash gave a concert there, two unrelated events.

Johnny cash is so UNracist that he sing songs about a lowly bigger cleaning his shoes and shows pitty for the little kid and a song abou a native American war veteran who dies a drunk I'm 17 and hate all forms of rap because it's garbage but you guys will never understand because you guys are just imitating your parents because your scared if you don fit in you'll be left out so drop the blunt and the forty you fucking posers and pick up a guitar and a pack of cigarettes and play the greatest music ever.

In no way is this song racist. Its an Amazing song. One murder, ten suspects. Who killed Mysterious Host? Could it be Respected General? What about Wealthy Dowager? Or maybe it was Santa Claus. The mystery unfolds as Inexplicably Omniscient Inspector takes on the most thrilling and baffling murder case in the history of thrilling and baffling murder cases.

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Various knives line the walls. Can be suggested or realistic. Murder in the Knife Room one-act version by Jonathan Rand Play Details One murder, ten suspects. Published Reviews "Killer fun!