The Missing Family of Jesus: A Historical Account of Jesus Family, Their Heritage and Their Destiny

To what extent does her account echo the Gospels in both content and tone? Lord: Out of Egypt are inevitably influenced by their personal religious beliefs and heritage? Following Jesus and his family's journey from Egyptian exile to their As in her other books, Rice has extensively researched the historical context in .
Table of contents

If we can tap into His heart by hearing Him speak to us, all would be different. The Lord knows all things and will show us things to come…. Be prepared for the storms of life by learning how David prepared his heart in advance for adversity. The Lord gives us a promise in Psalm Therefore, humility is a key principle in preparing our hearts, and this teaching presents it in a most unusual way.

Other key principles include renewing our minds, choosing what to think about ourselves, and using our God-given memory system to think on the right things. Learn what the Bible says about setting our affections and how to do it. Be prepared for the storms of life by learning how David…. Most Christians do not know how to receive a miracle from God.

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Learn how to grab a hold of miracles and make them happen. We do not just naturally grow up believing God — it takes renewing our minds. By finding out what the Bible teaches, you can plant the Word of God and begin to experience your own miracles. It seems most people would rather talk about a problem than offer a solution, or complain rather than praise. And the media thrives on controversy and tragedy. So how do you stay positive in the midst of this negative world? In this new series, Andrew addresses the subject head-on. It seems most people would rather talk about a problem than offer a solution, or complain rather than….

Society today operates in a lot of selfishness and…. In what or in whom do you trust? Most believers would say their faith is in God. Yet, when faced with difficult financial times, fear grips their hearts, and they fall apart like a two-dollar suitcase. This two-part teaching will help you overcome those fears and keep your trust in the right place. Yet, when faced with difficult financial times, fear grips their hearts, and they fall apart like a two-dollar suitcase….

A sacred cow is protected from the butcher, even when people are starving. In this series, Andrew is taking them all to the slaughterhouse. The Apostle Paul, after decades of walking with the Lord, said that he longed to know Him more. What did he understand about knowing God? The Apostle Paul, after decades of walking with the Lord, said that he longed to know…. Just study the examples God gave us in His Word. Joseph is one of the greatest examples of godly character and integrity in the Bible. Christmas is a time of wonder for young and old alike. In this series, Andrew shares some of the most profound truths that the Lord has given him.

The teachings on how to conceive a miracle and the Gospel of peace are truths that everyone who wants to live a victorious Christian life must know. You can go into…. These three questions are the most important questions you will ever ask yourself. Most people have probably never written them down, but I guarantee you that every single person has pondered these in their heart and mind at some point in their life.

The answers to these questions will absolutely determine what your life will become. Most people have probably never written them down, but I guarantee you that every single person has pondered these…. Grace and faith are often seen as opposing forces. The truth is that grace and faith are both essential ingredients in our walk with the Lord. However, emphasize either to the exclusion of the other and the imbalance will make it difficult to receive from God.

This lack of understanding has led to much confusion, frustration, and disappointment in the Body of Christ. As 1 Corinthians Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20a] teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you. For many Christians, this is totally overlooked.

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…. This series is a verse-by-verse study of the book of Galatians. Paul pulled no punches in this letter to the Galatian Christians as he countered the legalism that was stealing their pure faith. This epistle presents the same great truths of grace that were so masterfully presented in the book of Romans, but Paul used an in-your-face approach with the Galatians. The time for being nice was over; these people were in danger of losing their faith! This study of the book of Galatians is both shocking and liberating.

Many Christians strive to achieve happiness. Few, however, have understood, much less followed, what the Bible says to get there. The anticipation, or the constant expectation, of good is how most people define hope.

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But the Bible says in Romans 8: The answer may surprise you. How can you see something…. What Jesus accomplished on the cross is far more than the avoidance of hell. This teaching will change the way you see the cross and will help you more fully understand what Jesus did on the cross. This teaching will change the way you see the cross and will help you more fully understand what Jesus did on the cross…. A successful prayer life is something many Christians struggle with. Learn the primary purpose of prayer. In this powerful series, Andrew counters many modern religious concepts about prayer and establishes a foundation upon which a rewarding and effective prayer life can be built upon.

Whichever category you fall into, the road map to a blessed life is the same: In this in-depth, verse-by-verse teaching, Andrew shares personal insights from the foundational principles, divine guidance, and sound counsel contained in the book of Proverbs. Your understanding will determine what you are able to receive from God, not just in eternity, but here and now. Your understanding will determine what you are able to receive from God, not just in eternity, but here and now…. One of our biggest problems in the body of Christ is a lack of understanding of our righteous position in Christ.

The effectiveness of our faith is directly proportional to our acknowledgment of the good things that are in us through Christ Jesus Philem. These teachings are a must for every believer. The effectiveness of our faith is directly proportional to our acknowledgment…. Enjoy this compilation and summary of the sixteen most requested and important revelations God has given Andrew.

Some have even called these the CliffsNotes versions of the his messages. This series addresses specific topics in abbreviated formats, making it easier to see how these truths are related and dependent upon one another. Put them into practice, and live the balanced Christian walk God intended for you.

Your finances, relationships, health, happiness, and prayer life will never be the same. Enjoy this compilation and summary of the sixteen most requested and important revelations God has given Andrew…. This teaching is a foundational truth that is essential for understanding how much God loves you and believing what He says about you in His Word.

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Each person is made up of three different parts: Learn how these three parts relate to God and to each other. At salvation your spirit is totally changed, but your soul and body is not yet redeemed. This series will teach you how to release the life that is already in your spirit, into your physical body and emotions.

Understanding spiritual authority is vital. Many of us are confused and defeated because of a lack of understanding in this area. We passively wait on God to do what He has already told us to do. Or unknowingly, we take upon ourselves the responsibility of doing things that belong to God alone. Watch your faith soar and your situations improve as you receive the truths of your spiritual authority in Christ. This series is a summary of the first four teachings Andrew gives in the U.

They were taken directly from his Gospel Truth television broadcasts. Every person deals with anger. There is no escaping it. There is a type of anger that is godly, but even the more common, ungodly anger is very misunderstood. An ungodly anger is the social norm today. There is a type of anger that is godly, but even the more common, ungodly…. On the night before His crucifixion, Jesus spoke to His disciples and told them that He would send them the Holy Spirit: The ministry of the Holy Spirit is a comforting ministry, not a ministry of condemnation.

Discern the difference between your conscience and the Holy Spirit. Another function of the Holy Spirit is to convince believers of their right standing in Jesus Christ and their authority over the devil. God created the world with faith filled words. He demonstrated that words have the power to create and that creation responds to words. If you can understand that, it will change your life. If you can understand that, it will change your life…. The Holy Spirit is more than an experience. He is the one who will come alongside every believer and help.

This in-depth teaching will help you answer the question: Just who is the Holy Spirit? This series will help you understand what—or Who—you have been missing. Andrew talks about the resurrection of Jesus and how that makes Christianity valid and different from all other religions. He goes on to talk about the resurrection of believers and our glorified bodies. For the believer death is actually better than this life because of the resurrection and the promise of heaven. He goes on to talk about the resurrection of believers and our glorified bodies….

Often, human perspective and the mechanics of Christianity eclipse the true nature of God — the God who wants nothing more than to share an intimate friendship with His children. There have been many wars throughout history, and more are yet to come. Which war could that be?

Listen as Andrew explains; it will change the way you relate to God forever. However, the most important one is over…. Through His spoken Word, God created the earth and everything in it, put the heaven into place, and formed man. Most importantly, His Word became flesh, and Jesus God in the flesh was born. His Word is the most powerful thing on earth and in heaven. It is the absolute and infallible truth. His Word never changes, and He never breaks His Word. In this five-part series, Andrew addresses the impact this has in our lives.

These messages, recorded live at a recent Gospel Truth Seminar, will change your life. The first two teachings lay the foundation for the third The Word became Flesh , which is the heart of the message. The last two teachings bring further understanding. What is the true meaning of righteousness? You will discover that this biblical term refers to your relationship with the Father. Learn how to apply it to your daily life. This series will also show you how to become righteous, how to receive righteousness, and how to walk in it daily. You will discover that righteousness is not an external thing; it is something you receive in your spirit at the new birth.

These truths will eliminate condemnation and cause you to revel in the precious gift of righteousness. This series will also…. It is like a seed that goes into our hearts and produces a harvest. This series is on a number of different topics where Andrew shares how to study the Bible, how to see effortless change in your life, how that the Word is the only sure foundation to base our lives upon, and more. This series is on a number of different….

The true key to the Christian life is to quit asking and start believing and commanding. This series will challenge your beliefs, and if accepted, it will change your life. They live their whole Christian lives seeking, trying to get the Lord to heal, deliver, bless, and…. As I Have Loved You. God's Love Never Fails. God Is Kind - To You.

God's Love Is Unconditional. How Can I Know? The Sovereignty Of God. The Book Of Job. We're In A Spiritual War. With Authority Comes Responsibility - Part 1. With Authority Comes Responsibility - Part 2. Better Way To Pray. Hypocrites Love To Pray. Jesus Is The Only Mediator. The Primary Purpose Of Prayer. Speak To The Mountain. Prayer Is A Process. Christian First-Aid Kit I.

Christian First-Aid Kit V. The Way We Think. The Bible Is God's Word. Jesus Is Savior And Lord. God Is A Good God. Don't Panic - Believe. Put Things In Perspective. Abiding In The Vine. The Power Of Love. The Power Of Joy. Fruit, Not Failure, Glorifies God. How To Handle Persecution. Sin, Righteousness, And Judgment. Prayer In Jesus' Name. The religious dimension of the school climate is expressed through the celebration of Christian values in Word and Sacrament, in individual behaviour, in friendly and harmonious interpersonal relationships, and in a ready availability.

Through this daily witness, the students will come to appreciate the uniqueness of the environment to which their youth has been entrusted. If it is not present, then there is little left which can make the school Catholic. It is only natural that they should come to think of the school as an extension of their own homes, and therefore a "school- home" ought to have some of the amenities which can create a pleasant and happy family atmosphere.

When this is missing from the home, the school can often do a great deal to make up for it. The possibilities for this vary from place to place; we have to be honest enough to admit that some school buildings are unsuitable and unpleasant. But students can be made to feel "at home" even when the surroundings are modest, if the climate is humanly and spiritually rich.

Because of rapid technological progress, a school today must have access to equipment that, at times, is complex and expensive. This is not a luxury; it is simply what a school needs to carry out its role as an educational institution. Catholic schools, therefore, have a right to expect the help from others that will make the purchase of modern educational materials possible. Concern for the environment is part of a formation in ecological awareness, the need for which is becoming increasingly apparent.

An awareness of Mary's presence can be a great help toward making the school into a "home". Mary, Mother and Teacher of the Church, accompanied her Son as he grew in wisdom and grace; from its earliest days, she has accompanied the Church in its mission of salvation. A church should not be seen as something extraneous, but as a familiar and intimate place where those young people who are believers can find the presence of the Lord: The ecclesial and educational climate of the school.

This community dimension is, perhaps, one result of the new awareness of the Church's nature as developed by the Council. In the Council texts, the community dimension is primarily a theological concept rather than a sociological category; this is the sense in which it is used in the second chapter of Lumen gentium , where the Church is described as the People of God.

As it reflects on the mission entrusted to it by the Lord, the Church gradually develops its pastoral instruments so that they may become ever more effective in proclaiming the Gospel and promoting total human formation. The Catholic school is one of these pastoral instruments; its specific pastoral service consists in mediating between faith and culture: Parents are central figures, since they are the natural and irreplaceable agents in the education of their children.

And the community also includes the students, since they must be active agents in their own education. The words of the present Holy Father make this abundantly clear: Its function is not merely to be an instrument with which to combat the education given in a State school" Through it, the local Church evangelizes, educates, and contributes to the formation of a healthy and morally sound life-style among its members.

The Holy Father affirms that "the need for the Catholic school becomes evidently clear when we consider what it contributes to the development of the mission of the People of God, to the dialogue between Church and the human community, to the safeguarding of freedom of conscience Above all, according to the Holy Father, the Catholic school helps in achieving a double objective: For those who believe in Christ, these are two facets of a single reality" These men and women have dedicated themselves to the service of the students without thought of personal gain, because they are convinced that it is really the Lord whom they are serving.

Through the prayer, work and love that make up their life in community, they express in a visible way the life of the Church. Each Congregation brings the richness of its own educational tradition to the school, found in its original charism; its members each bring the careful professional preparation that is required by the call to be an educator. The strength and gentleness of their total dedication to God enlightens their work, and students gradually come to appreciate the value of this witness. They come to love these educators who seem to have the gift of eternal spiritual youth, and it is an affection which endures long after students leave the school.

In fact, the Church hopes that many others will be called to this special vocation. When afflicted by doubts and uncertainty, when difficulties are multiplied, these Religious men and women should recall the nature of their consecration, which is a type of holocaust 24 - a holocaust which is offered "in the perfection of love, which is the scope of the consecrated life".

Ideally, this lay witness is a concrete example of the lay vocation that most of the students will be called to. The Congregation has devoted a specific document to lay teachers, 26 meant to remind lay people of their apostolic responsibility in the field of education and to summon them to participate in a common mission, whose point of convergence is found in the unity of the Church. For all are active members of one Church and cooperate in its one mission, even though the fields of labour and the states of life are different because of the personal call each one receives from God.

The recognition of the school as a Catholic school is, however, always reserved to the competent ecclesiastical authority 27 When lay people do establish schools, they should be especially concerned with the creation of a community climate permeated by the Gospel spirit of freedom and love, and they should witness to this in their own lives.

Achieving the educational aims of the school should be an equal priority for teachers, students and families alike, each one according to his or her own role, always in the Gospel spirit of freedom and love. Therefore channels of communication should be open among all those concerned with the school. Frequent meetings will help to make this possible, and a willingness to discuss common problems candidly will enrich this communication.

Individual Responsibility

The daily problems of school life are sometimes aggravated by misunderstandings and various tensions. A determination to collaborate in achieving common educational goals can help to overcome these difficulties and reconcile different points of view. A willingness to collaborate helps to facilitate decisions that need to be made about the ways to achieve these goals and, while preserving proper respect for school authorities, even makes it possible to conduct a critical evaluation of the school - a process in which teachers, students and families can all take part because of their common concern to work for the good of all.

Those responsible for these schools will, therefore, do everything they can to promote a common spirit of trust and spontaneity. In addition, they will take great care to promote close and constant collaboration with the parents of these pupils. An integration of school and home is an essential condition for the birth and development of all of the potential which these children manifest in one or the other of these two situations - including their openness to religion with all that this implies.

It also wishes to thank the Religious Congregations helping to sustain these primary schools, often at great sacrifice. Moreover, the Congregation offers enthusiastic encouragement to those dioceses and Religious Congregations who wish to establish new schools. Such things as film clubs and sports groups are not enough; not even classes in catechism instruction are sufficient.

What is needed is a school. This is a goal which, in some countries, was the starting point. There are countries in which the Church began with schools and only later was able to construct Churches and to establish a new Christian community Close cooperation with the family is especially important when treating sensitive issues such as religious, moral, or sexual education, orientation toward a profession, or a choice of one's vocation in life. It is not a question of convenience, but a partnership based on faith. Catholic tradition teaches that God has bestowed on the family its own specific and unique educational mission.

It often happens that a meeting called to talk about the children becomes an opportunity to raise the consciousness of the parents. In addition, the school should try to involve the family as much as possible in the educational aims of the school - both in helping to plan these goals and in helping to achieve them. Experience shows that parents who were once totally unaware of their role can be transformed into excellent partners. Church schools first appeared centuries ago, growing up alongside monasteries, cathedrals and parish churches.

The Church has always had a love for its schools, because this is where its children receive their formation. These schools have continued to flourish with the help of bishops, countless Religious Congregations, and laity; the Church has never ceased to support the schools in their difficulties and to defend them against governments seeking to close or confiscate them.

Just as the Church is present in the school, so the school is present in the Church; this is a logical consequence of their reciprocal commitment. The Church, through which the Redemption of Christ is revealed and made operative, is where the Catholic school receives its spirit. It recognizes the Holy Father as the centre and the measure of unity in the entire Christian community. Love for and fidelity to the Church is the organizing principle and the source of strength of a Catholic school. Teachers find the light and the courage for authentic Religious education in their unity among themselves and their generous and humble communion with the Holy Father.

Concretely, the educational goals of the school include a concern for the life and the problems of the Church, both local and universal. These goals are attentive to the Magisterium, and include cooperation with Church authorities. Catholic students are helped to become active members of the parish and diocesan communities. They have opportunities to join Church associations and Church youth groups, and they are taught to collaborate in local Church projects. Mutual esteem and reciprocal collaboration will be established between the Catholic school and the bishop and other Church authorities through direct contacts.

We are pleased to note that a concern for Catholic schools is becoming more of a priority of local Churches in many parts of the world. Therefore, traditional civic values such as freedom, justice, the nobility of work and the need to pursue social progress are all included among the school goals, and the life of the school gives witness to them. The national anniversaries and other important civic events are commemorated and celebrated in appropriate ways in the schools of each country. The school life should also reflect an awareness of international society.

Christian education sees all of humanity as one large family, divided perhaps by historical and political events, but always one in God who is Father of all. Therefore a Catholic school should be sensitive to and help to promulgate Church appeals for peace, justice, freedom, progress for all peoples and assistance for countries in need. Both government policy and public opinion should, therefore, recognize the work these schools do as a real service to society.

It is unjust to accept the service and ignore or fight against its source. Fortunately, a good number of countries seem to have a growing understanding of and sympathy for the Catholic school. Along with the lessons that a teacher gives, there is the active participat i on of the students individually or as a group: While the Catholic school is like any other school in this complex variety of events that make up the life of the school, there is one essential difference: The principle that no human act is morally indifferent to one's conscience or before God has clear applications to school life: Students who are sensitive to the religious dimension of life realize that the will of God is found in the work and the human relationships of each day.

They learn to follow the example of the Master, who spent his youth working and who did good to all. Although Christian life consists in loving God and doing his will, intellectual work is intimately involved. The light of Christian faith stimulates a desire to know the universe as God's creation.

It enkindles a love for the truth that will not be satisfied with superficiality in knowledge or judgment. It awakens a critical sense which examines statements rather than accepting them blindly. It impels the mind to learn with careful order and precise methods, and to work with a sense of responsibility. It provides the strength needed to accept the sacrifices and the perseverance required by intellectual labour. When fatigued, the Christian student remembers the command of Genesis 34 and the invitation of the Lord. How sad it would be if the young people in Catholic schools were to have no knowledge of this reality in the midst of all the difficult and tiring work they have to do!

The religious dimension of the school culture. As students move up from one class into the next it becomes increasingly imperative that a Catholic school help them become aware that a relationship exists between faith and human culture. But the lessons of the teacher and the reception of those students who are believers will not divorce faith from this culture; 37 this would be a major spiritual loss.

The world of human culture and the world of religion are not like two parallel lines that never meet; points of contact are established within the human person. For a believer is both human and a person of faith, the protagonist of culture and the subject of religion. Anyone who searches for the contact points will be able to find them. Everyone should work together, each one developing his or her own subject area with professional competence, but sensitive to those opportunities in which they can help students to see beyond the limited horizon of human reality.

April 2008 General Conference

In a Catholic school, and analogously in every school, God cannot be the Great Absent One or the unwelcome intruder. The Creator does not put obstacles in the path of someone trying to learn more about the universe he created, a universe which is given new significance when seen with the eyes of faith. Students will be helped to attain that synthesis of faith and culture which is necessary for faith to be mature. But a mature faith is also able to recognize and reject cultural counter-values which threaten human dignity and are therefore contrary to the Gospel.

The declaration Gravissimum educationis , 40 echoing Gaudium et spes , 41 indicates that one of the characteristics of a Catholic school is that it interpret and give order to human culture in the light of faith. On the other hand, it is necessary to point out that a proper autonomy of culture has to be distinguished from a vision of the human person or of the world as totally autonomous, implying that one can negate spiritual values or prescind from them.

We must always remember that, while faith is not to be identified with any one culture and is independent of all cultures, it must inspire every culture: Those teaching these subject areas must not ignore the religious dimension. They should help their students to understand that positive science, and the technology allied to it, is a part of the universe created by God. Understanding this can help encourage an interest in research: There can be no conflict between faith and true scientific knowledge; both find their source in God.

The student who is able to discover the harmony between faith and science will, in future professional life, be better able to put science and technology to the service of men and women, and to the service of God. It is a way of giving back to God what he has first given to us. Teachers dealing with areas such as anthropology, biology, psychology, sociology and philosophy all have the opportunity to present a complete picture of the human person, including the religious dimension.

Students should be helped to see the human person as a living creature having both a physical and a spiritual nature; each of us has an immortal soul, and we are in need of redemption. The older students can gradually come to a more mature understanding of all that is implied in the concept of "person": A human being has a dignity and a greatness exceeding that of all other crea tures: Many people find inspiration in these philosophical and religious concepts which have endured for millennia.

The systematic genius of classical Greek and European thought has, over the centuries, generated countless different doctrinal systems, but it has also given us a set of truths which we can recognize as a part of our permanent philosophical heritage. A Catholic school conforms to the generally accepted school programming of today, but implements these programmes within an overall religious perspective. This perspective includes criteria such as the following: Respect for those who seek the truth, who raise fundamental questions about human existence.

God created us "in his own image and likeness" and will not deprive us of the truth necessary to orient our lives. As a preliminary, they should be encouraged to develop a taste for historical truth, and therefore to realize the need to look critically at texts and curricula which, at times, are imposed by a government or distorted by the ideology of the author. The next step is to help students see history as something real: History is, then, a monumental struggle between these two fundamental realities, 53 and is subject to moral judgments.

But such judgments must always be made with understanding.

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Looking at the grand picture, they will see the development of civilizations, and learn about progress in such things as economic development, human freedom, and international cooperation. Realizing this can help to offset the disgust that comes from learning about the darker side of human history. But even this is not the whole story.

When they are ready to appreciate it, students can be invited to reflect on the fact that this human struggle takes place within the divine history universal salvation, At this moment, the religious dimension of history begins to shine forth in all its luminous grandeur. Since earliest times, each society has developed and handed on its artistic and literary heritage, and our human patrimony is nothing more than the sum total of this cultural wealth. Thus, while teachers are helping students to develop an aesthetic sense, they can bring them to a deeper awareness of all peoples as one great human family.

The simplest way to uncover the religious dimension of the artistic and literary world is to start with its concrete expressions: The artistic and literary patrimony of Christianity , is vast and gives visible testimony to a faith that has been handed down through centuries. They spring from the depths of the human heart, revealing its lights and its shadows, its hope and its despair. The Christian perspective goes beyond the merely human, and offers more penetrating criteria for understanding the human struggle and the mysteries of the human spirit. In the upper grades, a teacher can bring students to: Both the Fathers of the Church and the masters of Christian philosophy teach this in their writings on aesthetics - St.

Augustine invites us to go beyond the intention of the artists in order to find the eternal order of God in the work of art; St. Thomas sees the presence of the Divine Word in art. Government requirements for teacher preparation usually require historical and systematic courses in pedagogy, psychology and teaching methods. In more recent times, educational science has been subdivided into a number of areas of specialization and has been subjected to a variety of different philosophies and political ideologies; those preparing to become teachers may feel that the whole field is confused and fragmented.

Teachers of pedagogical science can help these students in their bewilderment, and guide them in the formulation of a carefully thought out synthesis, whose elaboration begins with the premise that every pedagogical current of thought contains things which are true and useful. But then one must begin to reflect, judge, and choose.

And this philosophy must be open to a religious dimension. Human beings are fundamentally free; they are not the property of the state or of any human organization. The entire process of education, therefore, is a service to the individual students, helping each one to achieve the most complete formation possible. The Christian model, based on the person of Christ, is then linked to this human concept of the person - that is, the model begins with an educational framework based on the person as human, and then enriches it with supernatural gifts, virtues, and values - and a supernatural call.

It is indeed possible to speak about Christian education; the Conciliar declaration provides us with a clear synthesis of it. Religious themes should be included; they arise naturally when dealing with topics such as the human person, the family, society, or history. Teachers should be adequately prepared to deal with such questions and be ready to give them the attention they deserve.

While their primary mission must be the systematic presentation of religion, they can also be invited - within the limitations of what is concretely possible - to assist in clarifying religious questions that come up in other classes. Conversely, they may wish to invite one of their colleagues to attend a religion class, in order to have the help of an expert when dealing with some specific issue. Whenever this happens, students will be favourably impressed by the cooperative spirit among the teachers: This refers especially to the Catholic school, of course: It is not true that such education is always given implicitly or indirectly.

The special character of the Catholic school and the underlying reason for its existence, the reason why Catholic parents should prefer it, is precisely the quality of the religious instruction integrated into the overall education of the students" On the one hand, a Catholic school is a "civic institution"; its aim, methods and characteristics are the same as those of every other school. On the other hand, it is a "Christian community", whose educational goals are rooted in Christ and his Gospel. It is not always easy to bring these two aspects into harmony; the task requires constant attention, so that the tension between a serious effort to transmit culture and a forceful witness to the Gospel does not turn into a conflict harmful to both.

The distinction comes from the fact that, unlike religious instruction, catechesis presupposes that the hearer is receiving the Christian message as a salvific reality. Moreover, catechesis takes place within a community living out its faith at a level of space and time not available to a school: The aim of the school however, is knowledge. While it uses the same elements of the Gospel message, it tries to convey a sense of the nature of Christianity, and of how Christians are trying to live their lives. It is evident, of course, that religious instruction cannot help but strengthen the faith of a believing student, just as catechesis cannot help but increase one's knowledge of the Christian message.

The distinction between religious instruction and catechesis does not change the fact that a school can and must play its specific role in the work of catechesis. Since its educational goals are rooted in Christian principles, the school as a whole is inserted into the evangelical function of the Church.

It assists in and promotes faith education. A school has as its purpose the students' integral formation. Religious instruction, therefore, should be integrated into the objectives and criteria which characterize a modern school". It should have a place in the weekly order alongside the other classes, for example; it should have its own syllabus, approved by those in authority; it should seek appropriate interdisciplinary links with other course material so that there is a coordination between human learning and religious awareness.

Like other course work, it should promote culture, and it should make use of the best educational methods available to schools today. In some countries, the results of examinations in religious knowledge are included within the overall measure of student progress. Finally, religious instruction in the school needs to be coordinated with the catechesis offered in parishes, in the family, and in youth associations.

Some basic presuppositions about religious instruction. Perhaps some have become indifferent or insensitive. Trouble is, JC's truth varied with the day of the week. JC has a quote for every occasion and every pronouncement has divine authority. Jesus Christ is truly a Superman for All Seasons. Jesus is boringly obtuse. Much of the time even JC's disciples couldn't fathom what he was talking about.

Medieval Churchmen spent a lifetime pondering and still couldn't agree. Why does JC speak in parables? If that doesn't baffle you try these: JC's parables are both trivial and incomprehensible. Jesus lacks any sense of humour. JC may condescend to wash your feet, especially at dinner kinky, eh?

This guy is Mr Serious. The problem began with the fraudsters who perceived humour as unworthy of the Majesty of God. For them humour was undignified, frivolous, and unbecoming of the divine. Seriousness, on the other hand, implied gravity and, of course, Truth. The suppression of yet another human impulse had a corresponding dire consequence for the psychosis of Christianity. Laughter, along with joyful music and sensuous dance, were denounced as the stratagem of the Devil, a feast of fools. The asylum of Christendom was a dark and somber tomb.

The rhetorician Lucian c. In a trice he made them all look like children, for he was prophet, cult-leader, head of the synagogue, and everything, all by himself. He interpreted and explained some of their books and even composed many, and they revered him as a god When imprisoned, the Christians, regarding the incident as a calamity, left nothing undone in the effort to rescue him Indeed, people came even from the cities in Asia, sent by the Christians at their common expense, to succour and defend and encourage the hero The poor wretches have convinced themselves, first and foremost, that they are going to be immortal and live for all time, in consequence of which they despise death and even willingly give themselves into custody They despise all things indiscriminately and consider them common property, receiving such doctrines traditionally without any definite evidence.

So if any charlatan and trickster, able to profit by occasions, comes among them, he quickly acquires sudden wealth by imposing upon simple folk. Jesus manages to combine misogyny with racism in a spiteful utterance to a Canaanite woman in the region of Tyre and Sidon:.

Welcome To Anne!

My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession He answered, ' I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs. Jesus displays behaviour associated with a spectrum of psychiatric conditions, paranoia, hallucination and delusions of grandeur foremost among them:.

How do we explain to our patients that their psychotic symptoms are not supernatural intimations when our civilization recognizes similar phenomena in revered religious figures? The Pharisees and scribes drew the attention of Jesus to the scandal of his followers eating bread without first washing their hands. It was a tradition but a sensible one. They don't wash their hands before they eat! Jesus called the crowd to him and said, 'Listen and understand. What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean.

The Jesus of History versus the Christ of Faith

JC rebukes his critics as "hypocrites" because they didn't honour all traditions. But the fact remains, Jesus had nothing to say about personal hygiene and Christianity — unique among religions — set itself against cleanliness a vanity and bathing an inducement to immorality. The damage to public health for a millennium was incalculable. Jesus ain't so smart after all. Jesus — or rather the self-deceived fools who fabricated his story — thought that their saviour would be back "in clouds of glory" before the death of the people living at that time.

Jesus offers another peculiar gem of wisdom when he warns that expelled unclean spirits increase sevenfold! Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself , and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation. This bizarre fecundity of unclean spirits may explain the claim of Luke 8. Jesus — who nowhere shows himself to be intellectually superior to the ignorant peasants around him — holds up children , of all people, as an example for men to follow.

Our hero admires their ignorance and helplessness:. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus does NOT love his own enemies. In the most famous utterances of all time, JC mouthed well-intentioned but disastrous bad advice: Who are we kidding? Try telling that one to George Born Again Bush. Hating enemies, punishing wrong-doers, bringing retribution to the wicked are as natural and as necessary as daylight.

Even Jesus does not heed his own advice, threatening those who don't believe in him with hell: In any event, Christians have always in practice preferred the principle of "See that other guy's land? Let's go grab it! Even the mythical Jesus Christ is no paragon of virtue! Some fifty articles are now available as a book.

For your copy order: Jesus Christ — The Neighbour from Hell. He who has ears Let him hear!

Jesus Christ — A Paragon of Virtue? Loved Up There goes the neighbourhood. Pagans Knew Better "Injustice is a sin. Pagans Knew Better Porphyry was the nemesis of the Christians. Plontinus was one of the last of the great pagan philosophers. Pagans Knew Better Celsus ? Their favorite expressions are "Do not ask questions, just believe! Pagans Knew Better The rhetorician Lucian c. A Surfeit of Jesuses! The "12 Apostles" — Fabricated followers of a fabricated Saviour. Still holding to the idea that some sort of holy man lies behind the legend?

Godman — Gestation of a Superhero. A closer look at the glib assertion that the Jesus story "got off the ground quickly and spread rapidly. Many currents fed the Jesus myth, like streams and tributaries joining to form a major river. Sourcing the legend — The Syncretic Heritage of Christianity. Much of the mythology of Christianity is a rehash of an older and even more transparent fabrication — Judaism. Jew Story — The Way of the Rabbi. Human ingenuity and cunning is matched by mankind's equally monumental credulity and wishful thinking.

Church organisation, authority and membership preceded rather than followed the justifying doctrine. Dogma — The Word in all its Savage Glory. From religious policeman to grandee of the church, from beast fighter in Ephesus to beheading in Rome, Paul's story has more holes than a swiss cheese. St Paul the Apostle — Dead in the water? Orchestrated by ambitious Christian clerics, a cancer of superstition, fear and brutality was imposed across Europe. The Christian Heaven may have been a vain folly but the Christian Hell has been real enough.

Raised to the status of State religion the Christian Church reigned over the destruction of civilization.