Modern Methods for Business Research (Quantitative Methodology Series)

Modern Methods for Business Research (Quantitative Methodology Series) [ George A. Marcoulides] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
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Quantitative Methodology Series

Summary This volume introduces the latest popular methods for conducting business research. The goal of each chapter author--a leading authority in a particular subject area--is to provide an understanding of each method with a minimum of mathematical derivations. The chapters are organized within three general interrelated topics--Measurement, Decision Analysis, and Modeling. The chapters on measurement discuss generalizability theory, latent trait and latent class models, and multi-faceted Rasch modeling. The chapters on decision analysis feature applied location theory models, data envelopment analysis, and heuristic search procedures.

The chapters on modeling examine exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, dynamic factor analysis, partial least squares and structural equation modeling, multilevel data analysis, modeling of longitudinal data by latent growth curve methods and structures, and configural models of longitudinal categorical data. Table of Contents Contents: Marcoulides, Applied Generalizability Theory Models. Drezner, Applied Location Theory Models. The specific requirements or preferences of your reviewing publisher, classroom teacher, institution or organization should be applied. The E-mail Address es field is required.

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Forecasting Methods Overview

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Modern Methods for Business Research

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