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Your Honor, My Mom is a story about a woman who succeeded against all odds. It is a story that will move you no matter how old you are or what gender.
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Not only your soul, but the soul of your parents as well. Is your not talking to her helping the situation or making it worse?

How to Honor Your Mother by Jentezen Franklin

By talking to her, will you be hurt? There are factors here that need to be addressed before I can comment. You want to be able to be a good parent. The key is to stop the pattern, stop the poison. So thank you for the call. We go to Bob. Caller: Yes, this is about a compulsion to engage in sex with pay, prostitution. What do you suggest? My suggestion is to find a person, a partner or a person that you can marry in a healthy way and have a good, healthy relationship.

# – Honoring Your Parents (Proverbs )

For some reason I always gravitate toward talking about some of these abusive and negative topics, not because I take any pleasure in that, but because they happen to be real situations that I think need a forum, and need a platform to be able to communicate because so many of us have been silenced.

Those are additional albeit excellent reasons. They are part of the chain that brought you where you are, that gives you the resources and allows you to make your contribution in this world. And this honor is fundamental to our relationship with ourselves, with G-d. No one would have the question why we should honor them. Thank you for taking my call. They really do not want to have anything to do with me or my family….

Jacobson: Well, let me just ask you, Barbara. What is the reason, if you can capture it in a sentence, of what created this rift? Does it go back to your childhood or is it something more recent?

Honor Your Mom Today

My daughter had been ill and I called up because I needed to talk to them, and they never called me back to ask me if she was okay. Caller: Mostly my mother. My father has been swayed unfortunately over the years. Jacobson: Well, personally, if I were you, unless I hear another reason otherwise, I would pick myself up and go visit him.

Caller: The problem is that what they did to me last time was they called the police in their town and told the police that I was harassing them which was not true and they told the police to tell me never to contact them. I would insist. Even if you told me that you feel so sore that you just want to cut yourself off completely… But I hear in your voice, Barbara, that you have to pick yourself up, ask your brother to go with you, go visit your Dad. Jacobson: Because this may be the last opportunity to see him.

How Can You Honor Parents When You Feel They Don’t Deserve It?

And I would just tell your brother that you want him to go with you. And prepare the ground if necessary so you can preempt any situation with the police. Your brother, I guess, can intervene. The name of G-d, the Tetragrammaton, in the Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism, is made up of four Hebrew letters: the yud, the hei , the vav, and the hei , which really in a sense capture all of existence.

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It all begins with the yud. The yud is like a dot, a point: the point of conception, the point of departure, the beginning.


Then comes the hei , which spreads out and develops into a more developed idea. So in other words, any flow of energy, any type of transmission of communication from teacher to student, begins with a point of departure, expands, is transmitted, and then expands again in the recipient. So the yud, kei, vav, kei [for purposes too detailed to go into here, the hei is written and spoken as kei , when the letters are said in sequence] is really in microcosm, in a sense the blueprint, or you can call it the building blocks of all of existence including our psyches.

The Kabbalah explains that the yud, kei , the first two letters, are compared to father and mother, and the last two are compared to son and daughter, which of course includes all children. Honoring your parents on a mystical level it is also an internal, personal experience is essentially the fusion and the union between the parent within your psyche and the child within your psyche, in other words, between your intellect and your emotions: intellect being compared to father and mother and emotions being like the children of our thoughts so to speak.

Dishonoring your parents, or being unable to honor them, in a sense, does not allow that circle to be complete. Now I hope that was clear. No one likes to be commanded to do anything. Honoring the root, the source, of where the fruits and where our activities come from is not just the right thing to do, it also creates the connection, the connection to the past, the honoring of the life that was created.

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  • And it just shows us how a commandment, or the connection called honoring parents really is a very all-encompassing one that affects all of existence, both personal and interpersonal, and on many, many different levels. But the key is never to cut ourselves off to the point where we cease to honor the life itself.

    I feel that your advice subsequently during your show tonight is for the sons or the daughters who have been hurt by parents. And you addressed them with great kindness. But what about the children who are very rude and abusive to their parents and ungrateful, like the situation of the first caller tonight? Caller: Right. Even if that abuse from the child may be justified not the abuse but that the anger of the child may be justified—the abuse is not , it is definitely a good topic and I will address it. I appreciate the call and I give you my word that I will address this topic.

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    This particular show was underwritten and dedicated by Mark Siden and I want to extend my thank you to him for that. So we invite you to make your pledge and contribution to our non-for-profit organization, the Meaningful Life Center. Thank you. Did you enjoy this?

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    It's free! Click here to find out more. While you might feel love for someone — like your spouse or your child — that internal feeling of love does not always translate into an external expression of love. If you have love in your heart, let it out! My mother in her good moments is for lack of words, amazing..

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    Although she is almost 90 now and recently diagnosed with the disease, our relationship has not improved. I recently flew from Eretz Yisroel to be with her and she said horrible things. They let my younger bully me physically and emotionally , they mocked me. I kind of felt like a child that was adopted.

    I try to give them their honor but I always end up regretting it. Comfort zones. They sound so… comforting. Do you anyone that likes to leave their comfort zone? This command is certainly not a simple suggestion from God! It is a very serious exhortation to all of us. This is especially true in our world today. We are living in a time when God is being humanized, genders are being neutralized, marriage is being ostracized and children are being victimized. He knows what is best for us. He loves us.