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Oct 19, - Retired Admiral William McRaven devoted the bulk of a New York Times op-ed to appropriating for himself the moral and hence political.
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Ask Question. Asked 5 years, 7 months ago.

Who Do They Think They Are? | ShameShameShameShame

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What do you call people who think they're always right? Dheeraj Singh Dheeraj Singh 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges. President of the United States. If you wish to imply that they always think they are right, yet are not always right Judicious Allure While a genius, polymath etc. A characteristic of intelligent people is that they are always aware that they may be wrong. May 26 '14 at You can also use "Mr. I think Einstein is a little ambigious Assiduous Smart alec is a valid alternative form of smart aleck.

Completely confident in their own ability or knowledge but with no justification. Chenmunka Chenmunka 7, 7 7 gold badges 29 29 silver badges 43 43 bronze badges. Keep using cocksure. The know-it-all literally thinks they know it all. The cocky jerk is merely overconfident -- in this situation, or at this moment, or usually -- and has an attitude about it. In addition to answers above, "smart ass" and "wise ass" are more vulgar, but quite common. Mari-Lou A Blaine Blaine 1. Dogmatic Dictionary definition: Adjective, definition: inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true.

Glorfindel Jaylee Jaylee 1 1 1 bronze badge. Source: Oxford online dictionary. Ryan Zell17 Ryan Zell17 1. Welcome to English Language Learners! Please edit to include the sources used for these definitions. Plagiarism may be deleted.

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NathanT - Definitions appear to have been gleaned from Oxford. Hopefully, between your comment and my edit, the OP will have a better idea of what to do next time. Selfrighteous, sanctimonious, arrogant. Can you explain why someone might choose to use any of these specifically? Sanctimonious is false piety. Self-righteous is being smug about your righteousness,.

Arrogant is just considering yourself superior. While someone who believes they are always right may also be all of those things, none of them are a good answer for this question without more explanation. Don V. Bella Swan 2, 1 1 gold badge 2 2 silver badges 21 21 bronze badges. Michael Michael 9. I strongly disagree that a suitable term for "someone who thinks they're always right" is "normal person". That's far too general to actually use, and it's very dubiously accurate anyway.

Welcome to ELL! This is a somehow good and relevant answer, but it would become even a greater one if you add dictionary definitions, examples etc. Jul 5 '15 at I loved the comments! The last rang so true to me especially.

  1. Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research.
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  3. Rachel the Raccoons Wonderful Dream! (Interactive Childrens Series Book 2).
  4. Survival of the Smartest.
  5. The emotions of people who think they’re nice!
  6. So should I seek to share my info with others so they might be changed. Inner peace comes from certainty that you are on the right path and loving yourself, so find ways to love yourself by living in integrity, acting in the way you believe to be right, and always choosing love over pride. Solid topic and argumet in this article.

    Decently written. Need to provide more basis and support for your nine reasons. Also would be more beneficial to the reader if your quotes were short, precise, and came from profound figures in society that people could relate to. Dwight Eisenhower and Teddy Roosevelt give great advice on this subject. Good job overall! Well-written article just when I needed it most! So very true.

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    It is so amazing when you learn to live your life for you and not worry about anyone else. Great tips for making that happen. Thank you! I so needed this article…just moved to a new place and the women in the neighborhood are so judgemental that before they have even met me they have excluded or prohibited themselves from knowing me.

    I have waved, said hello to no avail, attended one get together thinking the ice could be broken…nothing! This has disturbed me greatly and my peace of mind. Earlier today, I decided to stop trying to see how they see me, but to hold true to what I know of myself.

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    I wanted them to embrace me, but realized I wanted them more than I wanted myself to be happy…. This article appears to be synchronicity at work; thank you for reminding us of our truth! So I get think out of the blue from a friend. He is a good man, but I unfulfilled. The idea here is to know your self worth and to trust yourself. Really nice. And I love how most of the nine items are linked to additional articles that go into more depth! I think that many of us, including myself, spend way too much time worrying about this. Where does one draw the line between being an approval seeker and a cooperative person?

    If we only care what we alone think of ourselves, then we are perhaps not listening to others and actually becoming blind and arrogant. It is natural for humans to want to be accepted by others. If we are living as an island and not caring at all about the opinions of others we will certainly be unfulfilled. I love the quote from Vernon Howard.

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    As is we should think of others as sheep and ourselves as a lion. I am not saying we should live our entire lives seeking approval, but if one is constantly butting up against others, ther might be a reason. You must be logged in to post a comment. Luminita D. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn. Tags: approval addiction approval seeking behavior how to stop seeking approval overcoming approval addiction seeking acceptance and approval.

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    Dyer How many of our inner conflicts start […] Luminita D. Back 24, August at pm. Awesome article. Marsha 11, October at am. Incredible story there. What happened after?

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    Stephanie 8, October at pm. Maria, I love this!!! Distance 27, September at am. Ted Scavino 12, September at pm. Caroline 24, August at pm. Hi Thanks for the insightful info. It always seems to when I need to be reminded.