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Of course anyone who has seen or read a time travel story knows that it's never as simple as that. The story moves between the past and present, the former being described in great detail — such that it almost feels like you are there.

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The authors intelligence and talent as a writer really shows here however without his more absurd humour it does feel a little too serious. The protagonist Hugh Stanton is a grieving widow who takes some convincing to become a time-traveller but the grieving widow thing does feel a little overplayed and part way through the book I did feel like telling Hugh to get a grip of himself. He is though all action hero and the depiction of his legendary combat prowess and abilities are also a little over-the-top — one of the weak points of the book.

The other issue is one of balance. Yes we've got the wonderful ambience of the early 20th century but partly as a result and partly due to the plot being sidelined a few times the last 50 pages seem so much more weighted to moving the story forward and time travel related shenannigans. I have to say when it does pick up it works well and the last part of the novel is, clever, inventive and quite mesmerising. Is has to be said though that the history aspect is superb and the author must have carried out a great deal of research to get the level of detail he has. A large part of this exploration involves that spark that ignited the powderkeg that led to war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia, itself leading to World War One.

It is quite fascinating and the author presents a plausible argument for alternative events. Despite the pacing issues and too-good-to-be-true action hero, Time and Time Again is a good book. It's got it's fair share of the moral dilemmas that are faced by fellow time travellers, a detailed look at the historical events the book makes use of and a strong ending, rewarding ending. Just don't expect the authors trademark humour. Don't get that one. How does this one compare? He does other Ben Elton books and is always good. If you like Ben, it goes without saying - get this book!

But - don't expect the laughs of his older books, he's gone a bit more serious lately.

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If I had to give one negative point - I'd like it to have been a bit longer. You don't have to be in to sci-fi or time travel at all - that's quite incidental to the story. When I listened to the first hour or so of the book, I had really, really high hopes. Great descriptive writing and at first, really deep character development. Initially, I found that the primary characters had real foibles and color to their personality. Something to get your teeth into, as far as caring about their lives and relationships. But it seemed the author got tired of furthering that development and let them slip into less depth than the beginning promised.

I can't go int the most disappointing aspects of the character plot lines without spoiling several critical plot junctures, so I won't.

time and again

I'll just say, I didn't like the shallow twist s that occur several times with several characters. I like science fiction type plots and this had promised to take its readers into a time-travel proposal without too much scientific glossing… just enough to suspend disbelief and to get the story moving. Unfortunately, as it moved along, it just felt like the book needed a little more guts to the temporal relationships. The narrator is pretty good… although his cadence often remained static and could have used a little more interpretation of emotion at times.

Overall, a good listen but not one where you miss the characters at the end, as I was sure that I was going to at the beginning. This was a mostly enjoyable read but there were a number of problems around the usual paradox considerations and the ending felt more like something from a short story rather than a novel. It feels like there were one too many or one too few rounds in the editing process or that there was a rush to wrap it up.

The narration was mostly good but one character voice was so grating I would have stopped listening had she not eventually left the narrative. The history was pretty good and where it was not entirely accurate, the plot device provides a good excuse. Would you recommend this audiobook to a friend? If so, why? Great story, some good plot twists and great characters.

Who was your favorite character and why? Bernie - feisty Irish Women, great character. Good reading and story telling. Was this a book you wanted to listen to all in one sitting? The general concept is very inventive and certainly gets you pondering the very question of time. I would agree with other reviewers that a very strong start to the book does not quite manage to make it through to the end - which is somewhat weak and unsatisfactory by comparison.

However, again like another reviewer, I find it hard to see what else could have been done. It is read very well in general, but the 'voice' used for Hugh Stanton was so at odds with my imagined sound of him that this did prevent me from giving the full 5 stars.

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If you could sum up Time and Time Again in three words, what would they be? Clever, engaging idea,. What was one of the most memorable moments of Time and Time Again? Return to the cellar. His characterisation and tone for Hugh Stanton was spot on. Did you have an emotional reaction to this book? Did it make you laugh or cry? A couple of "oh no" moments because of sympathy for fate of Hugh.

Another brilliant Ben Elton book, thought provoking and clever but written with a light touch. Slightly fizzled out at the end but no idea how a better ending could have been achieved. Absolutely riveting I thoroughly recommend this fascinating tale. Let humans never try to change the course of history. I loved everything about this story, and it was read so very well by the narrator. What made the experience of listening to Time and Time Again the most enjoyable? First Ben Elton book, and was not disappointed. Fast paced and gripping. I also learned the basics of the WWI and what happened, which I have always struggled with.

Some great unseen twists too. Fast paced thriller about an attempt to reorder the course of history using a loophole identified by Issac Newton. As with most of Ben Elton's stories, the novel just doesn't go where you expect it to go - in a good way.

Time and Time Again - Counting Crows (With lyrics)

Jot Davies' excellent narration delivers the urgency required whilst keeping clear characterisation. Would you listen to Time and Time Again again? Yes - but not for a while, and as the plot depends on a few big twists towards the end I'd need to do my best to forget them. It's still an entertaining story, pretty well told. The big plot twist about an hour before the end. I didn't see it coming! No - but he's not bad. Some decent characterizations and he copes well with some of the author's occasionally clunky dialogue.

Was there a moment in the book that particularly moved you? Not really - a few moments are intended to the Serbian flower girl, for instance, and the two love stories - but it's too fast moving for these parts to have too much resonance. This is an odd one.

It's that time again

I found the main idea and overall story to be thrilling and beautifully told, despite a few cheesy moments. Stanton calling his mentor "Prof", for instance. The plotting is tight with some very fine twists and turns - one actually not that far into the book. The actual writing, however, struck me as a bit rushed and sloppy, as if the book were submitted without one final "polish". The ending is very hurried. I have no problem with what actually happens - it all just feels "reported" and tossed off in a few minutes whereas there is quite a lot of forensic detail earlier in the book.

The twist an hour before the end, though, I didn't see coming at all, so I found very satisfying.

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  6. So, both a very fine listen and a touch frustrating at the same time! This was a really intriguing story which kept me gripped throughout. Although the plot sounds implausible, it was very entertaining and I would recommend this as an excellent listen. Blackadder goes Forth remains, to this day, my favourite comedy show. So it goes without saying that I have always been a fan of his novels.

    This is no exception. But it's not because of the fact I am a fan that I like this book so much. I am a huge fan of a certain field within science fiction that is included in the story oh how not to give away anything too obvious. That Ben Elton has written a book that includes this in its theme is a dream combination.