e-book Stepbrother Romance: Threesome Romance: A Sudden Decision. Bad Boys Delight (Bad Boy Biker Romance)

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community for readers. Confessions of a Bad Boy Episode 1: Never CommitI'm the Romances You Don't Want To Miss. books — 1, voters.
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But as she spends the next months with him, she starts to see what he's too stubborn to see for himself - they have something. Now she just needs him to admit it. Though when things go belly up as they're wont to do, Jessie and Nate need to come clean or get out. I love that each time I start a J. Hawkins book, I'm immediately drawn into the life and times of a sexy alpha who loves sex.

I mean I read a lot of books with asshole alphas who love sex, but J. They're honest and open but sexy as sin and good in the sack. Plus their transition from wanton sex tourist to devoted significant other is delightful. Nate is no different. He's everything I love in a book boyfriend: strong, sarcastic, confident, but not douchey about it. Jessie was the perfect foil for Nate.

She gave as good as she got. She didn't let Nate run all over her.

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She was strong and sassy and put herself first. As the story built I could feel my anxiety build knowing that a train wreck was approaching but I couldn't look away. I actually started reading faster. With a realistic timeline and character development, both Nate and Jessie felt real.

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I loved watching them and their story unfold. This addition to J. Hawkins catalog might be his best yet and I'm excited for whatever comes next. ARC provided for honest review. View all 10 comments. Mar 09, Karen rated it it was amazing. I have a confession. I loved everything about this book. Friends to lovers 2. Bad boy vlog reminded me a bit of Simon and Little Dude although Nate doesn't draw a face on his peen and Simon doesn't blog about his sex life - any way it made me think of Little Dude and I do love Little Dude and I do think I might love Nate.

I think my Facebook friend Sarah is in this book. I laughed at the reference to Sarah with red hair. Mid review - family emergency! Back soon. Smallest child I have a confession. Smallest child went to the park to play football and put his phone on the grass next to the goal. Hey presto - phone disappears.

I am totally claiming British chamber maid as me! I am even buying a maid outfit from eBay as we speak.

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Be in no doubt, that bird in the hotel is me. Kyle loves me - just saying. It's the way I make the bed and do room service. This book is so good. I totally loved Jessie, I do picture her as a cowgirl though Toy Story reference. She has ambition in her chosen career but is stuck in a rut. She is brave.

She rocks denim shorts. I just totally bonded with her. She is my new BFF. Cocktails and gossip, Friday me Jessie and Lorelei, it is a date! The bad boy Nate. I am going back through the book to pick out his nuggets of wisdom. His threesome, one night stand advice I will park, anal, he's got a point.

Anyway, he has sufficient good boy to outweigh the bad. Ssssssshhhhhh, he wants to be bad! Plot - without spoilers, childhood friends, spark, deny, spark, whoopsie, deny, whoopsie, deny, whoopsie, deny, lots and lots of whoopsie, deny. Supporting characters: the chamber maid is magnificent, I totally understand why Kyle tapped it. Big strong brother who sticks up for his little sister and has a bromance with his bestie.

Confessions of a Bad Boy

And he rocks a suit. When he stayed in my hotel he always left his bed tidy and never sprinkled on the seat!

Lorelei, sage, sensible, the voice of reason. Defo having a wine and scrabble night with her. Message me L! I did love Brando and I appreciated Jax and Dylan but the bad boy is my favourite so far. JD - well done, that corporate cubicle has vanished like my boy's iPhone. I wanted to like this. Man-ho video-sex-blogger fucks life long best friend's little sister Really, mf'er??? I absolutely must say he loses all credit for me right there. They have known each other since they were single digits, Ladies. If there is ever a time for a little fucking nepotism in Hollywood Please, she was a costumer FFS.

Not a starlet And he can't help her get a better gig than what she has? Where she works 16hrs 5days a week and still struggles to make ends meet. Both the H and the h's brother are making major bank in Hollywood He doesn't cheat on her. They have an ONS, freak out, and separate for a period of time I never understood It's a flashback and occurs prior to the novel.

He does however keep fucking women regularly until 4 days before they get back together. We're talking women a week I still liked him. But then I didn't. He was probably the best drawn recovering man-ho I've read because he doesn't just roll over, or fuck an OW, or eventually see the light To the point he lost his charm.

Mixed with his past and the vlog posts He WILL eventually revert to form. The h was great. She made him face his demons and told him to fuck off. She even faced his demons in her own headspace POV. To the point I thought she could never go back to him. Then he never groveled much to get back into her good graces. I don't know which thing he needed to grovel for most, but he just wasn't believable as redeemed so I felt he had more to prove.

Well, there was that too. The writing was very engaging and will keep me reading the author.

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It also bumped this to 3 stars. View all 4 comments. Apr 12, Leslie rated it it was amazing. I read Confessions of a Bad Boy without reading the blurb or the teasers.

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