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9AM CT/10AM ET TempCheck Thurs 12N CT/1PM ET Millions of moms united by motherhood. Mom and Daughter Art Motherhood is a choice Art for Moms Mommy And Daughter Quotes, These poems make great gifts for people of all ages. Joy of Mom on Instagram: “You have my whole heart for my whole life.
Table of contents

Resist the urge to do it for them, rescue them or always give them the answer. Allow them to be stretched so that they can find courage and seek to use that courage in their life. Support them by being by their side, but allow them to use their voice for peaceful conflict resolution and to initiate change. Explained: Feeling and processing emotions fully is essential for our girls to develop emotional strength. As parents, it's important to know that emotions are neither right nor wrong, they just are.

Teach your girls that emotions are good and that identifying how they are feeling will help them take action to feel better. Communicating that emotions such as sadness, anger and hurt contribute to the wholeness of life is important to help our daughters embrace all emotions. Resist the urge to fix when guiding your girls and expect some level of messiness. Lean into the power of listening, which will guide your daughters to find their own solutions.

What is your favorite part of your body? What is your favorite part of your body and why do you love it? Instead, guide them to find one thing they do love and empower them to put that at the top of their mind. Tell me more. How did you feel, what happened? What did you do when the teacher said that? I'm here to listen to you…". Explained: Developing a strong ability to listen intently to our daughters empowers them to find and use their voice.

It also allows them to express themselves freely and fully instead of being interrupted or rescued. When our daughters know they have a parent who will listen without always trying to fix them, they will open up more, learn to trust their voice, express their feelings and communicate effectively both with us and in the world. How can you be a light in this situation and use your kindness to solve the problem?

Explained: Girl relationships can get sticky and messy. Take a break from using the term mean and instead fill your daughter with the truth about who she really is—kind, good, loving, funny, resourceful, creative, caring and smart. Guide her to seek creative ways to use those strengths to solve problems with her friends, classmates, siblings and YOU! Supplementing this phrase with a lesson on peaceful problem solving is always a great idea. What is wrong with you"? You need to practice expressing yourself with respect however, let's try that again.

Can you try asking your friends to play the game your way instead of telling them what to do? Explained: Sheryl Sandberg, CEO of Facebook, writes in her book Lean In , "I want every little girl who's told she's bossy to be told instead that she has leadership skills. Encourage your daughters to find ways to feel powerful in respectful ways and how to lead with integrity.

How can you respond to them in a way that you want them to follow suit?

40 Best Kids Quotes - Inspirational Words About Raising Children

Explained: Empowering our daughters on how to influence others with integrity fills them with the capability to create positive change in their peer groups, schools, community and even their own families. Teaching our girls how to continue acting with kindness, compassion, self-confidence, grit, determination and respect—even when others aren't—helps to develop strong character and high self-esteem.

I need you to take a pause button, then use words to peacefully resolve your problem with him. It also mentors our daughters to ask for what they want vs.

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You can find her at www. As the saying goes, "failing to prepare is preparing to fail," and that seriously applies to parenting. With no fewer than one dozen items to wrangle before walking out the door on an ordinary errand, mamas have plenty on their mind. That is why one of the very best gifts you can give the mamas in your life this year is to reduce her mental load with some gear she can depend on when she's out and about.

Although it may be impossible to guarantee completely smooth outings with kids in tow, here are the items we rely on for making getting out of the house less of a chore. This stroller is a dream come true for any mama on the go. Meaning: All of us!

Questions and Topics for Discussion

Lightweight, compact and easy to maneuver with just one hand, this is made for navigating busy sidewalks with ease—or just fitting in the trunk without a major wrestling match. It's designed for little passengers to love just as much, too, with a bassinet option for newborn riders that can be easily swapped with a comfy, reclining seat that can face forward or backward for bigger kids.

This wheel board will let big brother or sister easily hitch a ride on the stroller if their little legs aren't quite up for a full walk.

  1. My Thinking.
  2. Pure Heart Quotes (42 quotes).
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  4. We love the smart details that went into the design, including a slightly offset position so Mom or Dad can walk without bumping their legs. And because toddlers have strong opinions of their own, it's brilliant that the wheel board allows them to sit or stand. If you know a little one gearing up for the major leagues with a killer throwing arm, this is a must-have so parents aren't buying new sippy cups on a weekly basis.

    Perfect for tethering to high chairs, strollers, car seats and shopping carts, it allows Mama to feel confident she'll return home with everything she left with in the first place. For those mamas who live anywhere where the temps regularly dip below 40 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter, this ultra-soft, comfortable footmuff is a lifesaver. Made with water-repellant microfleece, it keeps little ones dry and cozy—whether there is melting snow, a good drizzle or simply a spilled sippy cup. Because we know mombrain is no joke, we are all for products that will help us stay organized—especially when out and about.

    With multiple zipper pockets, a sleek design and velcro straps that help it easily convert to a handbag when stepping away from the stroller, it helps keep essentials from spare diapers to the car keys within reach. It may be called a car seat, but we love that this one is specifically designed to securely click into a stroller frame, too. Meaning there is no need to wake up a sleeping baby for a car-to-stroller transfer!

    This hook-on baby chair will almost certainly earn a spot on your most-used list. Perfect for dining out or simply giving your baby a space to sit, it's portable and beyond easy to install. Plus, it's a great alternative to those questionably clean high chairs at many restaurants! Chasing after kids when out and about can work up a thirst, just like neighborhood strolls in the chillier months can get, well, chilly.

    So we love that this cup holder will help mama keep something for herself to drink close at hand. Designed to accommodate bottles of all sizes and easy to click onto any compatible stroller, it's a perfect stocking stuffer. Fair warning with this luxe stroller blanket: It's so cozy that you might want to buy another one for yourself!

    The 40 Best Kids Quotes, Because Raising Children Goes Faster Than You'd Think

    Made with Merino wool that helps it stand up to any elements parents might encounter during an outing, it will help baby stay warm during the winter and cool enough as the temps start to pick up. Made to roll and stow in a diaper bag, these silicone placemats will make dining out a relatively less messy experience. With raised edges that will help contain spills and a grippy bottom, they will stay in place on tables so that parents might be able to enjoy their own meals, too.

    Designed to keep baby warm when it's cool and cool when it's warm, this seat liner will minimize fusses during all seasons—which is one of the very best gifts you can give a mama. Because accidents of all types can happen on the go, we also love that this seat liner is reversible!

    With a number of colors, it's also a fun way to help a stroller to stand out at the playground.

    Mom Reunites with Daughter on Walmart Grocery Run

    If you ever catch yourself thinking it would be nice to have another hand, these stroller clips are the next-best solution for when you are out and about. Perfect for lugging a bag or anchoring a cup, you'll want a set for every stroller you own. This article was sponsored by Bugaboo. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Motherly and mamas. But a new report from the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine states that the information we currently have on safe sleep may be more nuanced than we realize.

    The authors call for further research and more individualized counseling of parents. According to the study authors, when babies are breastfed in the home setting, and in the absence of other risk factors, current research does not find that bed-sharing increases the risk of SIDS. The study was co-authored by James McKenna, Ph. Study authors write that it's possible bed-sharing may be beneficial for exclusively breastfed babies in the prevention of SIDS.

    Additionally, "compared with breastfeeding infants who sleep alone, breastsleeping infants spend less time in stages [three to four] deep sleep, and more time in stages [one to two] lighter sleep, facilitating rapid infant awakening and termination of apneas," they write, arguing this could result in a decreased risk of SIDS. The study authors report that "Existing evidence does not support the conclusion that bed-sharing among breastfeeding infants i.

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    They argue that the medical community needs to re-examine generalized recommendations on safe sleep because different factors—in this case, whether or not a baby is breastfed—can change the risk factor. SIDS is the sudden death of an infant under the age of one, with no immediate apparent cause—though sometimes accidental suffocation and strangulation are identified as the cause.

    However, McKenna's study and other breastsleeping advocates are arguing for two action items: More research and better education. We need to learn more about SIDS in the presence and absence of specific variables so that we can counsel parents based on the specifics of their unique circumstances. This means that regardless of intent, there is a good chance parents will fall asleep with their babies—that is why researchers continue to investigate the safest ways to do it.

    Sojourner Truth

    According to the Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory , guidelines for the safest possible bed-sharing are as follows:. Lastly, they state, "it may be important to consider or reflect on whether you would think that you suffocated your baby if, under the most unlikely scenario, your baby died from SIDS while in your bed. Do your research and speak with your child's pediatrician. Our lives are incredibly complex, and there are thousands of factors that contribute to the parenting decisions we make and the choices we have to begin with.

    I absolutely advise adhering to safe sleep practices—the really tricky part is that experts disagree on what that means entirely. So, schedule a conversation with your provider and other experts to discuss what's on your mind. It's been a busy week for royal watchers as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex made an unprecedented announcement: New parents Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are stepping back as senior royals and intend to raise baby Archie in both the UK and North America.

    The announcement came via Instagram and the new sussexroyal. We understand their desire to take a different approach, but these are complicated issues that will take time to work through. It must be hard to have your family matters play out on the world's stage. We empathize with Meghan and Harry and with every mama who has gone through something similar albeit probably a lot less publicly.