Manual Maximum Social Confidence: Unstoppable Interpersonal Success

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Some people manage to overcome the fear of rejection easily , getting rid of their negative feelings as one gets rid of the cold with a good hot bath. And then for others , it is more difficult. They replay in their head the moment when they felt rejected , they are discouraged with the idea that they can be rejected again and they end up losing their motivation and their enthusiasm.

The fear of the rejection blocks them and prevents from taking risks. Some give up the idea to become actor , and live a quite quiet life where they will not be exposed to rejection. And then there are those who work on themselves , who learn how to manage the rejection. To learn with how to overcome fear of rejection , it is important to transform the representation you have of r ejection. R ejection , today , is not as mortal as at the time where being rejected meant duty to ensure its survival and to go to hunt the mammoth all alone with a stone.

However , it is possible that you have this feeling , particularly if you lived a traumatizing rejection during your childhood. You learned to associate rejection with a danger for your survival and it is this training which it is necessary to bring up to date to go beyond the fear of the rejection. If you become aware that there is around you people who support you and who are interested in you , you will be able to r eassure you. The rejections which you underwent come from one or several people who have their own point of view on the things , their own waitings , their own concern.

And what they rejected , it is not you entirely , but part of work that you showed them. Then you can relativize the rejections which you lived , and change the way in which these memories are organized in your memory. If somebody constantly pointed out to you the situation in which you felt rejected , by showing you a film or an image of this moment for example , you would have good reasons for irritating you.

Actually , it is what you unconsciously do by having negative thoughts about this moment. You have this image in your memory , and display it to you into large.

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If you move it or if you change its colors or its size , you can notice that your feelings change compared to this moment. By doing this , you can make it inoffensive like an old forgotten stamp. Hypnosis is very good way to change your perceptions and behaviors. This hypnosis session will guide you through these stages to help you overcome fear of rejection :. Click Here.

I Am Made of Inspiring Success

Stage phobia or stage fright is a fear and anxiety that appears when you are required to perform. Actors, musicians, public speakers, politicians can experience this stage phobia. Stage fright or stage phobia is very common. Many famous people have stage phobia and have to find ways to deal with it in their daily professional life.

Some people will overcome stage phobia with drugs and alcohol, some will use relaxation and hypnosis. The last one is probably the most effective on the long term! The activity itself : This is what you do, and probably enjoy doing. The consequences of the activity on you and people around you : booking or suceeding in a scene, receiving positive or negative feedbacks, etc…. You might be surprised to learn that you can induce performance anxiety in a child by giving him compliments on something he enjoyed doing.

This is because you change the reward from internal, the pleasure and enjoyment, to external, the compliment. I have stage fright when i focus more on what others think of my performance rather than my performance itself. Now, in order to overcome stage phobia you have to change your perceptions from external to internal. You have to come back to your sensations instead of analysing what other people might be thinking about you. How do you do that?

By simply changing your focus and inner dialogue from external, e. This is a first step to overcome stage phobia : you connect to your sensations and you accept them. At the beginning, you will probably notice some unpleasant sensations like tensions in your stomach. But by giving it your attention and accepting it, you also allow this sensation to change. And you can move on to more pleasant sensations. Performance anxiety comes when you start to think about what others are thinking about what you do.

That makes you split your energy between two tasks, resulting in a lower performance. Forgetting the previous negative experiences is a powerful way to deal with performance anxiety. Each time you perform, you should do it as if for the first time. Even positive feedbacks can take you away from your activity.

Unstoppable Confidence.pdf - Motivational Magic

It happens that some actors are performing really well on their first film, and they receive compliments for their performance, and the next time, they seem to have lost all their instinctive ability to perform and be in the moment. They put pressure on themselves, trying to fulfill the expectations that others have put on them, whereas they were completely in the moment at the first time. Performance anxiety is basically a loss of focus.

So working on focus shall help. The Meisner technique and repetition exercice is a tremendous help as it trains you to stay in the moment and focused on your partner. Visualization can help reduce stage phobia and stage fright. By visualising your performance in a calm environnement, you give yourself a chance to relax and enjoy your performance. When you have stage phobia or performance anxiety, simply thinking about your performance can make you feel nervous.

7 Confidence-Killing Words and Phrases to Ban from Your Vocabulary

By relaxing deeply and putting yourself in a state of inner calm, you will be able to visualize your performance without anxiety. So you will dissociate the feeling of anxiety fromm your performance, and associate a positive feeling instead. Step 1 : Relax physically and mentally by visualizing yourself completely relaxed in a relaxing environnement. You can visualize yourself in a place you love and where you feel completely at ease.

Step 2 : Visualize your ideal performance. What would it be if everything goes well, what would your sensations be? Enjoy this visualization, make it brighter, add details to make it even more perfect. Step 3 : Visualize the nightmare.

Hypnosis for Social Anxiety: Hypnotherapy for Self Confidence (1 Hour) (FREE MP3 Download)

Visualize what would happen it goes wrong. But this time, keep the inner feeling of calm. Visualize yourself staying cool and calm when everything goes wrong. If you find yourself getting nervous, just come back to the first step, find your calm, and try again. Most of the time, people forget the step 3 and just visualize what they want. Step 3 will help you accept your circumstances and keep your calm. Check these hypnosis sessions to overcome stage fright and stage phobia : Overcome Stage Fright or Overcome Performance Anxiety.

I used to think that actors were confident people. But they work on it. Actors need to know how to be confident in life in order to thrive in his business. And confidence is sexy, and sexy is what sells. You have probably experienced times in your life when you were feeling really confident. Maybe because you had such a success that you were feeling unstoppable. Confidence is a fluctuent feeling.

It comes and goes with the experiences we have in life.